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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: Do Crayons Have to be Shaped Like a Penis?

    Hell, from his feeble attempts at an introduction, seems like something he's mistaken about. A party for hallucinating maniacs where anything goes. Satan thought that too but is in for a surprise:
    Matthew 25:41, 46 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels..and these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

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  • BibleReader2231
    Re: Do Crayons Have to be Shaped Like a Penis?

    Oh my. Oh my oh my oh my. A woman's no no spot is strictly for making soldiers for Jesus! People actually do this? Why on God's earth would they? Surely this deranged individual needs help as right now it stands to say he's on the path to HELL.

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  • DolliMoans
    Re: Do Crayons Have to be Shaped Like a Penis?

    Oh yes a BBC - Big Black Crayon - seems to be what our Salmon fiend is after. Something to jab their gab and keep distracted from garbling out another harmonic stanza of "The Battle of Jericho".

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: Do Crayons Have to be Shaped Like a Penis?

    Originally posted by DolliMoans View Post
    I believe the fish meant "they'll do" in case they were desperate to stick crayons in their orifices.
    Oh. I was wondering what the mouth represented, thinking that something quite large would be needed to ruin the jawbone as depicted.
    Is this what you had in mind?

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  • DolliMoans
    Re: Do Crayons Have to be Shaped Like a Penis?

    I believe the fish meant "they'll do" in case they were desperate to stick crayons in their orifices.

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: Do Crayons Have to be Shaped Like a Penis?

    Originally posted by Salmon_GOD View Post
    they do
    What? The previous post was about crayon-shaped soap and seven hues of the rainbow. "They do" seems unrelated in any way.

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  • Jim C. Lombardo
    Re: Do Crayons Have to be Shaped Like a Penis?

    Originally posted by Salmon_GOD View Post
    they do

    My you trolls are awfully noisy.

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  • Salmon_GOD
    Re: Do Crayons Have to be Shaped Like a Penis?

    they do

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: Do Crayons Have to be Shaped Like a Penis?

    One important thing to look for is an inability to count. God made the meadows green, and the trees and the moss, because He knew our eyes would be most sensitive to green and He wanted us to appreciate beauty in the wonderful world He made for us to live in. That's why we see more shades of green than of blue or red. Green sits in the middle of the spectrum. On one side there's yellow, orange, red and on the other side there's blue, indigo and violet.

    I reject any claim that a degree in higher mathematics is needed to add those up and get a total of SEVEN.
    . ORANGE
    . . YELLOW
    . . . GREEN
    . . . . BLUE
    . . . . . INDIGO
    . . . . . . VIOLET

    But not according to the homosexual agenda. God sent the rainbow to remind us about wickedness. God defined wickedness in very specific and unambiguous language. The Bible explains just how much God loves the wonderful world He created.
    John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    The Bible is very clear that God cannot abide with sin. When the wickedness He has defined for us..because we're born brimming with sin and unable to determine what constitutes wickedness for ourselves..when wickedness manifests in the world, the rainbow reminds us what happened to evildoers who rejected God in the past. They were drowned down to the last baby. God promised He wouldn't do that again but that's no reason to start tossing out His guidance and disbelieving His message of Salvation. Although such libidinous wretches will not be drowned wholesale God has made sure we know that future perishment is to be by incineration.
    II Peter 3:5-7 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

    The Bible explains that people who reject God's requirements will not escape perdition. Homosexuality is condemned in The Bible. People who claim otherwise have either not read The Bible or have read it but are deceiving a captive audience for their own purposes. Is this why a new rainbow has been concocted, a new spectrum of light foisted upon us whether we want it or not? The homosexual flag [RIGHT] challenges God's message. Its alternative "spectrum" has no central hue created by God to suit our eyes. There is no balance. In this thread concern has been expressed about a number of products but when I saw the jolly soaps on offer in exactly this false rainbow selection, the intention to accustom our eyes to a different "rainbow" was plain. Because if God got the rainbow wrong and if its message is not look what happened last time so wake up and read The Bible to see where you're headed this time around! what else did He get wrong? All babies deserving of torment? Was that a mistake? That we caused Jesus to be whipped and tortured just because He loved us but that most people will reject His Perfect Love? Was that another mistake by God? The commandments concerning homosexuality? Just how dumb is this God supposed to be, in the minds of these dissipated heathens? No, I decided, crayon-shaped false-rainbow-hued jolly soap packs are not something I will be ordering and I'm happy to show how they're presented so that you can avoid them too.

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  • BibleReader2231
    Re: Do Crayons Have to be Shaped Like a Penis?

    One way my Sunday school teacher taught us to be against crayons is to remember the symbolism for homosexuality. Homosexuals love the rainbow and carry around rainbow colored flags. Crayon sets come in the exact same pattern as the rainbow. Crayola is also run by a man named Mike Perry who loves to wrestle in a ring with other guys.

    If a kid like me can figure out that crayons are a liberal attempt at homosexualizing children then politicians should catch on as well. Crayons are just wrong!

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  • James Hutchins
    Re: Do Crayons Have to be Shaped Like a Penis?

    I want to remind all parents to inspect their children's crayons for wear ridges. During daily Inspection for Purity® I found black crayon smudges in places it should be. I am not going to name names (I have no idea of what the little girls name is anyway) but suffice it to say she is going to be spending July in the Prayer Shack out by the settling swamp for a few weeks. If she prays hard, Jesus will see to her needs. I'll update you all on her renunciation of shame come August or September.

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  • Benjamin Niggamaya
    Re: Do Crayons Have to be Shaped Like a Penis?

    I found an arc of proper values in my abysmal sin hole of a city. This steak house, not only do they have square crayon but they serve only American food.

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  • its_faith
    Re: Do Crayons Have to be Shaped Like a Penis?

    Its all party of a liberal plot to destroy what is good and decent!

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  • Alvin Moss
    Re: Do Crayons Have to be Shaped Like a Penis?

    Originally posted by Allelujah May View Post
    Really, how can our children properly Praise The Lord with evil instruments?

    Welcome, May. It is possible that Russian hackers may have removed your introduction from the introduction forum. Would you kindly repost that introduction? Thank you.

    God Bless!

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  • Allelujah May
    Re: Do Crayons Have to be Shaped Like a Penis?

    Really, how can our children properly Praise The Lord with evil instruments?

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