Many people are asking me after every mass if Petrus Romanus, the Last Pope, is coming soon to Earth. Before answering that question, I'll explain to Baptists, who are ignorant of the Catholic doctrine, who Petrus Romanus is supposed to be.
First, let me introduce St. Malachy of Armagh:

This holy man was a Bishop of Armagh. It was thanks to him that we got rid of Celtic "Christianity" in Ireland and replaced it with actual Christianity. His close friend, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, record his visions about the future of the Vatican. These visions talk about a prophecy that tells: once the Church looks doomed, Petrus Romanus will come and restore it to its former glory. He is called like this because he will be the second Pope and last one who will take the name Peter.
Now many are asking me: is Pope Francis I the same as Petrus Romanus? Unfortunately not, as the Church is still standing and it is not in any danger. But he may come in a few years if something bad happens. Anyway, he will destroy Rome while making Vatican City survive the tribulation. He will be there in the same time of the Second Coming of Jesus, similar to Imam Al-Mahdi even thought they are not the same.
Now, what Petrus Romanus will look like? I think that he will mostly look like this:

Altough some will say he will look like this if he will take more years to come:

In both case, it will be a wonderful event his coming. And i pray that you will be there to accept him as your Father on Earth.
First, let me introduce St. Malachy of Armagh:

This holy man was a Bishop of Armagh. It was thanks to him that we got rid of Celtic "Christianity" in Ireland and replaced it with actual Christianity. His close friend, St. Bernard of Clairvaux, record his visions about the future of the Vatican. These visions talk about a prophecy that tells: once the Church looks doomed, Petrus Romanus will come and restore it to its former glory. He is called like this because he will be the second Pope and last one who will take the name Peter.
Now many are asking me: is Pope Francis I the same as Petrus Romanus? Unfortunately not, as the Church is still standing and it is not in any danger. But he may come in a few years if something bad happens. Anyway, he will destroy Rome while making Vatican City survive the tribulation. He will be there in the same time of the Second Coming of Jesus, similar to Imam Al-Mahdi even thought they are not the same.
Now, what Petrus Romanus will look like? I think that he will mostly look like this:

Altough some will say he will look like this if he will take more years to come:

In both case, it will be a wonderful event his coming. And i pray that you will be there to accept him as your Father on Earth.
