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  • The Catholic Worker Group is Communist Anti Capitalism

    The Catholic Worker group was formed decades ago. It claims the Catholic denomination should be all about handouts for the poor. If there is anything we can be certain about, it is that Jesus hates handouts to the poor. When he returns to gather up his favorites they will not include those ner-do-wells who are on welfare.

    If the Catholic Workers want to pander to those who have no money, they are welcome to them. We members of Landover Baptist are wealthy white people who know Jesus wants us with him for the final ride up.

    The Catholic Worker Pushes the Limits by Laurie M. Johnson
    Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.

  • #2

    Right there in the first sentence!
    ​The Industrial Revolution changed Europe.
    ​The Industrial Revolution? Which occurred in PROTESTANT ENGLAND.

    Machines provide an advantage for everyone. Serfs can be replaced with tractors so they no longer need to toil interminably from dawn to dusk day after day week after week year after year. Except that it DID terminate: when tractors were invented and they were free. A real win/win.

    Now we need so few persons to grow the same amount of food, wool, timber and the like that life is better and per capita GDP has expanded massively. But is it so in catholic countries? Generally not. To some extent they import protestant inventions and benefit as a result but where are the waves of Christians risking life & limb to escape into any Romish hellhole? There aren't any.

    Individuals are free to assist with meals and so on, for example Zacchaeus Luke 19:2-6 was happy to provide Jesus with food and entertainment. Not everyone receives kingly gifts of GOLD, not everyone is as rich as Jesus, and Zacchaeus was free to assist whom he chose (which he did) benefiting as he did from Roman efficiencies (they had water wheels driving mills) with no pontiffs telling him what to do (after they had paid him) just as we are free.

    Does Rome understand nothing?


    • #3
      Originally posted by MitzaLizalor View Post

      Right there in the first sentence!
      ​The Industrial Revolution? Which occurred in PROTESTANT ENGLAND.

      Individuals are free to assist with meals and so on, for example Zacchaeus Luke 19:2-6 was happy to provide Jesus with food and entertainment. Not everyone receives kingly gifts of GOLD, not everyone is as rich as Jesus, and Zacchaeus was free to assist whom he chose (which he did) benefiting as he did from Roman efficiencies (they had water wheels driving mills) with no pontiffs telling him what to do (after they had paid him) just as we are free.
      Does Rome understand nothing?
      So correct, Sister Mitza. So few understand why Jesus was given free meals and housing but remains opposed to this for others. While here, he worked hard healing, preaching and bringing people back from the dead and was paid well for doing this. The same misunderstanding continues about Moses. Yes, God dropped free bread for him for forty years but this was in exchange for embarrassing the pagan Egyptians and training for the Battle of Jericoh. The Bible tells us Moses and his group wondered the desert. This was a strategy to stay out of sight because it was possible to walk across in about five days. Moses worked for his bread.
      Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


      • #4
        Can anyone even imagine what would have happened if the "golden calf" generation had turned up at Jericho? They would probably have formed a harlots union.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Johny Joe Hold View Post
          If the Catholic Workers want to pander to those who have no money, they are welcome to them. We member of Landover Baptist are wealthy white people who know Jesus wants us with him for the final ride up.
          Amen, Mr. Mayor! I don't care if Catholics want to waste their money by giving it to black people and other lazy bums, but I don't want them imposing their religious views on the rest of us, forcing the government to take our hard earned money and give it to the poor to buy drugs with. That's why we need President Trump to ban the Mary-worshipping, idolatrous, pedophilic, false Catholic religion before they bankrupt White America. It's a matter of religious freedom!

          The Christian Right: The Only Right Way to Be a Christian!


          • #6
            I didn't get too far into this article without reading about someone yammer about why capitalism is evil and why we should become communist. It this what those cathlics have been up to?

            Good thing we are protestant Baptists. Our vision for America and beyond is far more superior and prosperous. I agree with the above. President Trump has his work cut out for him.

