Joe Biden, also known as "Gaffeman" for the weirdness that comes out of his mouth, is a stutterer. This means he is a cripple, and the Bible says cripples are impure and should not enter holy spaces like the White House: Leviticus 21:18-21 Cripples are the same as bastards: Deuteronomy 23:1-2
The American Institute for Stuttering:
Perhaps he has learned a bit from God's Tough Love, but the fact that he still makes gaffes proves that he's not cured yet, and therefore is too impure for the Presidency.
Some cripple presidents, and how they crippled America:
President: Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Punishment from God: Lame legs
Consequences: Pointless war with Germany, communist programs like Social Security
Punishment from God: Hearing impairment
Consequences: Western Civilization brought to its knees by Monicagate
Punishment from God: Epilepsy
Failed to conquer Canada
The American Institute for Stuttering:
Mr. Biden is a person who stutters, and regardless of political leanings, it’s hard to ignore what he has accomplished. He has been in public office for more than 40 years, and has been very open about his stuttering. As a presidential nominee, he inspires people who stutter to pursue their dreams and goals, and never, ever give up.
What a bunch of hypocrites the AIS are. If they really thought stuttering was so great, they would have written the paragraph like this:M-m-m-m-m-mr. Bb-b-b-b-iden is a p-p-p-p-person who st-st-st-st-stutters, and regardless of p-p-p-p-p-po-p-political leanings, it’s hard to i-i-i-ii--ignore what he has ac-c-c-c-c-c-c-complished.
Joe Biden here talks about how God punished him:Perhaps he has learned a bit from God's Tough Love, but the fact that he still makes gaffes proves that he's not cured yet, and therefore is too impure for the Presidency.
Some cripple presidents, and how they crippled America:
President: Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Punishment from God: Lame legs
Consequences: Pointless war with Germany, communist programs like Social Security
President: Abraham Lincoln
Punishment from God: Marfan Syndrome
Consequences: War of Yankee Aggression, theft of private property
President: Bill Clinton.Punishment from God: Marfan Syndrome
Consequences: War of Yankee Aggression, theft of private property
Punishment from God: Hearing impairment
Consequences: Western Civilization brought to its knees by Monicagate
President: Thomas Jefferson
Punishment from God: Stutter, just like Joe Biden
Consequences: Ended up with social phobia, giving him a hatred of cities, resulting in a senate that under-represents them.
President: James MadisonPunishment from God: Stutter, just like Joe Biden
Consequences: Ended up with social phobia, giving him a hatred of cities, resulting in a senate that under-represents them.
Punishment from God: Epilepsy
Failed to conquer Canada
President: Theodore Roosevelt
Punishment from God: Asthma (aka Ass-mar)
Consequences: Anti-trust laws and other hate crimes against corporations
Punishment from God: Asthma (aka Ass-mar)
Consequences: Anti-trust laws and other hate crimes against corporations