The Pagan deities clearly read this thread and realized they had to up their fearsomeness. Thus we have:***************
Wokeism is a religion, a new coat of paint on the same identity politics that has caused every war since Cain made Abel "stay in his lane". Who is the deity behind it? Here It is called "Moloch":
Memes optimize for making people want to accept them and pass them on – so like capitalism and democracy, they’re optimizing for a proxy of making us happy, but that proxy can easily get uncoupled from the original goal.
Chain letters, urban legends, propaganda, and viral marketing are all examples of memes that don’t satisfy our explicit values (true and useful) but are sufficiently memetically virulent that they spread anyway.
I hope it’s not too controversial here to say the same thing is true of religion.
Estimates for the total amount of people killed by all wars in history go as high as 1,000,000,000. As for murders, I have no way to calculate how many were driven by envy, or for centuries-old grudges. I just don't know many death-whimpers have been drowned out by the shouting of "justice!"***************
Remember, this is a list of smitings CAUSED by deities, not situations where killers were merely given blessings by religion. Therefore Jesus gets no smiting points for this tidbit from the Hundred Years War:
On Sunday 15 November the English army razed four large French towns and devastated the surrounding area, while their leaders were inducted as lay brothers at the Dominican monastery at Prouille.
He probably should, but all these bodies are hard to count and I have to draw the line somewhere.***************
Famines intensified by Malthusian thinking are now counted as Christian smitings. Thomas Malthus was an Anglican Clergyman, and the British Empire was run by his fellow believing Anglicans:
Victorian Imperial Famines (1876-1900) Policy directly influenced by Anglican Clergyman Thomas Malthus.
31,700,000 - 61,300,000
Ireland, Famine (1845-48) Policy directly influenced by Anglican Clergyman Thomas Malthus.
******************31,700,000 - 61,300,000
Ireland, Famine (1845-48) Policy directly influenced by Anglican Clergyman Thomas Malthus.
The slave trade has been moved to the Christian and Islamic categories, because the Bible and Koran are pro-slavery but Adam Smith was an anti-slavery advocate.
"The invisible hand" category overlaps with "Karl Marx" on many smitings, but these numbers are so hard to calculate I settled for just adding some notes:
Smoking, 20th century
90,000,000 ( - many millions to Karl Marx, smoking dropped in the capitalist world but increased in the communist world, 2,500,000 Chinese smoke to death annually.)
90,000,000 ( - many millions to Karl Marx, smoking dropped in the capitalist world but increased in the communist world, 2,500,000 Chinese smoke to death annually.)
Shock Therapy, Russia 1992+
3,200,000 - 10,000,000 (sources for Low Estimate and High estimate. Shared with Karl Marx who set up the disaster.)
3,200,000 - 10,000,000 (sources for Low Estimate and High estimate. Shared with Karl Marx who set up the disaster.)
Climate Change, 1999-2019
6,000,000 (give 20% to Karl Marx **, + unknown number (100%?) to new age pagans /communist dupes for preventing the widespread adoption of nuclear power).
************6,000,000 (give 20% to Karl Marx **, + unknown number (100%?) to new age pagans /communist dupes for preventing the widespread adoption of nuclear power).
Allah has been steadily smiting via the Sunni vs Shia civil wars:
Syria's Shia(Alawite) vs Sunni civil war
Yemen: Sunni vs Shia civil war
I also moved a lot of responses to this thread.
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