Some students attending the speech left in tears. A graduate student had studied a painting of Jesus with a wound in his side. The blood in the painting flows to the groin area. The fellow decided the Jesus groin area had no penis and therefore was that of a female. He went on to conclude Jesus was not entirely a male.
If we had laws permitting the stoning of heretics, this would be the time. For goodness sakes, the artist did not include Jesus' penis because that would not be in good taste. Some people need to give it a rest.
Cambridge sermon claims Jesus’ wound is a vagina; Savior is trans | World News (
If we had laws permitting the stoning of heretics, this would be the time. For goodness sakes, the artist did not include Jesus' penis because that would not be in good taste. Some people need to give it a rest.
Cambridge sermon claims Jesus’ wound is a vagina; Savior is trans | World News (