A lot of filthy false christians come to this forum and start claiming that we True Christians™ are twisting Scripture and that God is in fact an omnibenevolent being who loves all humans. Not only is this notion in direct violation with the Bible:
Psalm 5:5
The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity
Romans 9:13
As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated
It also raises what is called the problem of evil. Because if God was in fact omnibenevolent, omniscient and omnipotent why would He allow natural disasters and accidents to happen? Why would He allow evil to exist? Whenever I bring this to the attention of a filthy false christian he starts mumbling something about a divine plan that we humans can't understand and that this plan is in fact going to ensure the happiness of humans in the long run.
I am sure that a lot of you false christians believe in this as well. You believe that those who are killed in car accidents, floods and during earthquakes are innocent people who serve as pawns in God's divine plan to ensure happiness for all. This idea is utterly stupid and I will now tell you why!
God is omnipotent. If He actually had a plan that aimed to ensure happiness of all people (including sinners) He could execute it without killing innocent people via natural disasters and accidents.
But since natural disasters and accidents do happen God can't be both omnipotent and omniscient on one side and omnibenevolent on the other. Severeal conclusions can arise from this.
1.) God doesn't exist
2.) God is not omniscient and therefore don't know how to stop evil before it happens
3.) God is not omnipotent and therefore can't stop evil
4.) God is neither omnipotent nor omniscient
5.) God is not omnibenevolent
The correct conclusion is of course number 5. This is supported by Numbers 16:30 which shows two things:
1.) God causes natural disasters
2.) The people who die in natural disasters aren't innocent and deserve to die as punishment for provoking God.
So if you are a false christian then it is time to pick a side. Do you give op the notion that God is omnibenevolent and become a True Christian™ or will you become a filthy atheist scumbag or a Godmocker who claims that God is a puny omnibenevolent being who isn't omnipotent or omniscient?
Remember that your decision dertermines whether you go to Heaven or Hell.
Edit: Additional proof that God isn't omnibenevolent!
Psalm 5:5
The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity
Romans 9:13
As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated
It also raises what is called the problem of evil. Because if God was in fact omnibenevolent, omniscient and omnipotent why would He allow natural disasters and accidents to happen? Why would He allow evil to exist? Whenever I bring this to the attention of a filthy false christian he starts mumbling something about a divine plan that we humans can't understand and that this plan is in fact going to ensure the happiness of humans in the long run.
I am sure that a lot of you false christians believe in this as well. You believe that those who are killed in car accidents, floods and during earthquakes are innocent people who serve as pawns in God's divine plan to ensure happiness for all. This idea is utterly stupid and I will now tell you why!
God is omnipotent. If He actually had a plan that aimed to ensure happiness of all people (including sinners) He could execute it without killing innocent people via natural disasters and accidents.
But since natural disasters and accidents do happen God can't be both omnipotent and omniscient on one side and omnibenevolent on the other. Severeal conclusions can arise from this.
1.) God doesn't exist
2.) God is not omniscient and therefore don't know how to stop evil before it happens
3.) God is not omnipotent and therefore can't stop evil
4.) God is neither omnipotent nor omniscient
5.) God is not omnibenevolent
The correct conclusion is of course number 5. This is supported by Numbers 16:30 which shows two things:
1.) God causes natural disasters
2.) The people who die in natural disasters aren't innocent and deserve to die as punishment for provoking God.
So if you are a false christian then it is time to pick a side. Do you give op the notion that God is omnibenevolent and become a True Christian™ or will you become a filthy atheist scumbag or a Godmocker who claims that God is a puny omnibenevolent being who isn't omnipotent or omniscient?
Remember that your decision dertermines whether you go to Heaven or Hell.
Edit: Additional proof that God isn't omnibenevolent!