The sims 2 is a game where one controls people, and commands them to do anything they like, from rape, steal, assault, murder, incest to engagement in full frontal homosexual sex.
This game immediately breaks God's first commandment THERE SHALL BE NO OTHER GODS BUT HIM! By playing this game, you pretend to these "sims" that YOU ARE GOD! The game's very concept spits at Jesus.
Now let's delve into the disgusting world of the "sims":

Religion in the sims 2 is some kind of witchcraft, Jesus is never mentioned unless to be spat on by proxy. Thus, the sims wants our children to be witches!

Here is a device named "the resurrection o nomcom" which is USED TO BRING PEOPLE BACK FROM THE DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This game REALLY starts to boil the blood now, DO THEY NOT KNOW ONLY JESUS CAN RISE FROM THE DEAD?
They truly HATE jesus, folks. So much so they copy his abilities and put witches behind the magic!

Homosexuality is heavily encouraged in the sims 2. Also, their concept of marriage, "joining" is fully available to the soddomites! Mind you, when sims join, it is merely a chance to commit adultery, as sims automatically fornicate with any other sim, male or female, that they can possibily do it with.

When sims aren't fornicating wildly, they like to fight, mindless assault is often on the menu, between anyone. Not just the occasional disciplinary action from the father of the household. (although "fathers" are usually just men who walk into the house from the street and rape the women of the house:
So all in all, the sims 2 is one of the most perverted and disgusting things I've ever seen!
Keep it away from your children at all costs!
This game immediately breaks God's first commandment THERE SHALL BE NO OTHER GODS BUT HIM! By playing this game, you pretend to these "sims" that YOU ARE GOD! The game's very concept spits at Jesus.
Now let's delve into the disgusting world of the "sims":

Religion in the sims 2 is some kind of witchcraft, Jesus is never mentioned unless to be spat on by proxy. Thus, the sims wants our children to be witches!

Here is a device named "the resurrection o nomcom" which is USED TO BRING PEOPLE BACK FROM THE DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This game REALLY starts to boil the blood now, DO THEY NOT KNOW ONLY JESUS CAN RISE FROM THE DEAD?
They truly HATE jesus, folks. So much so they copy his abilities and put witches behind the magic!

Homosexuality is heavily encouraged in the sims 2. Also, their concept of marriage, "joining" is fully available to the soddomites! Mind you, when sims join, it is merely a chance to commit adultery, as sims automatically fornicate with any other sim, male or female, that they can possibily do it with.

When sims aren't fornicating wildly, they like to fight, mindless assault is often on the menu, between anyone. Not just the occasional disciplinary action from the father of the household. (although "fathers" are usually just men who walk into the house from the street and rape the women of the house:

So all in all, the sims 2 is one of the most perverted and disgusting things I've ever seen!
Keep it away from your children at all costs!