Re: Gift ideas! A Wonderful Book about Proper Sexual Division of Labor!
I am a man working as clergy in a DC diocese and I totally agree that women can't do men's jobs. They are unreliable and I've encountered many who can't even drive a car decently. They can't take on church duties. Some churches now have altar girls but I won't take them. I like boys better.
Re: Gift ideas! A Wonderful Book about Proper Sexual Division of Labor!
Nice Dude!. Thanks for that.
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Gift ideas! A Wonderful Book about Proper Sexual Division of Labor!
America has never been in such PERIL! Millions of Americans are at risk of Second Death (Revelation 20:14). Hundreds of thousands get the contagion each and every day. I am of course referring to Female Emancipation, transcendent sexuality, confusion of genitals, sodomy, anal sex of the rectum, etc. While the Bible is the ultimate Guide to all things bright and beautiful, many boys and girls of this last generation have become illiterate and need light reading to ease their way into God's Word. Fortunately, I was able to locate a wonderful book that some children and most of our women will be able to read on their own! This book was assessed against some pivotal Bible verses, as follows, and it passed the test A+++! Glory!
1 Corinthians 11:3
But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
Ephesians 5:23
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
This classical text is by Whitney Darrow, Jr. It's a great gift idea for Christmases or birthdays. It teaches our boys and girls how to be proper men™ or a female humans. Praise Jesus!
Verily, women cannot drive cars very well and trucks are beyond their capabilities altogether. We can only Pray that Jesus take the wheel if a female ever gets behind the wheel of a truck!
Verily, girls can sometimes lift up a baby for a diaper change or a grocery bag. Anything heavier is beyond their muscle mass. The lithe and well-defined body of an adolescent boy is a joy to watch while it is always decent that teen girls cover their adipose-infested torsos!
The image above is self-explanatory. You need to be able to fight and defend yourself with guns to be a policeman.
This one is about intellect. Female brain capacity is low but well-suited to care-related professions until a girl is old enough to marry.
Piloting an airplane requires concentration, intelligence, the ability of readin' and writin' and cipherin'. We all know what happened to Amelia Earhart when she tried to navigate a plane!
Think about, for example, President Trump! He fixed America! USA needed fixin' as it was run amok by emancipated women!
Verily, Donald Trump is a President, Melania Trump is a first lady. How ridiculous it would be to have women deciding on important things.
All girls should learn how to do laundry, how to fix dinners, entertain guests, bring slippers, etc.
There's never ever been any useful inventions by women. All the things they've invented are perilous. Before the windscreen wiper invented by Mary Anderson only a few motorists perished on America's roads - now a century after the windscreen wiper the deaths are in the tens of thousands. Radium invented my Mrs. Curie causes cancer! DNA invented by Rosalind Franklin causes mutations and leads to evolutionary heresies.
In short. Buy this book! If your women are illiterate, hire a maid or a houseboy to read it out loud to them! The benefits of this educational package are immense. MAGA everyone!
Yours in Christ,
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