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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: , , ,

    Originally posted by Helenemort View Post
    This is crazy. God Allah loves all his creations. Women are just as good as men in my religion of peace. It is your false teachings that treat women badly. I can show my face in my country and get educated. I am married and well off and can afford the rural women to take care of the cooking and my children. You angry old man are the one God Allah hates. The Hajj will rise and you will fall. I cancount very well and do calculus too.
    Perhaps in Egypt, a Christian nation admittedly with a Coptic pope but heretics can exist in any belief system, what you say applies.

    But what calculus are you using to get from "religion of peace" to "the hajj will rise and you will fall?" What would "fall" look like in that context? Perhaps you inadvertently used a statistical function.

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  • Johny Joe Hold
    Re: , , ,

    Originally posted by handmaiden View Post
    The "religion of peace" that you are currently practicing is a culturally specific version of Islam pieced together from parts of the Koran by people who decided to ignore other parts because it suited their needs.
    People do the same thing all the time with the Bible. Congratulations on being just as deluded as most of the world's self-described Christians.
    Well said, Sister Handy. It continues to amaze how many people discover our Godly site and think they need to tell us the truth. They need to hear the truth.

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  • handmaiden
    Re: , , ,

    Originally posted by Helenemort View Post
    This is crazy. God Allah loves all his creations. Women are just as good as men in my religion of peace. It is your false teachings that treat women badly. I can show my face in my country and get educated. I am married and well off and can afford the rural women to take care of the cooking and my children. You angry old man are the one God Allah hates. The Hajj will rise and you will fall. I cancount very well and do calculus too.
    The "religion of peace" that you are currently practicing is a culturally specific version of Islam pieced together from parts of the Koran by people who decided to ignore other parts because it suited their needs.

    People do the same thing all the time with the Bible. Congratulations on being just as deluded as most of the world's self-described Christians.

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  • Helenemort
    , , ,

    This is crazy. God Allah loves all his creations. Women are just as good as men in my religion of peace. It is your false teachings that treat women badly. I can show my face in my country and get educated. I am married and well off and can afford the rural women to take care of the cooking and my children. You angry old man are the one God Allah hates. The Hajj will rise and you will fall. I cancount very well and do calculus too.

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  • Des
    Re: 5 Reasons why GOD HATES WOMEN!

    Originally posted by AkiraK View Post
    i'm sorry, what?
    Do you have some learning disability? The reasons were all cited in the post.

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  • AkiraK
    Re: 5 Reasons why GOD HATES WOMEN!

    Originally posted by Cranky Old Man View Post
    5 Reasons why GOD HATES WOMEN!

    Every time I see a woman entering Church I puke in my mouth a little. Somehow they convinced themselves that there is a place for them in Heaven which is obviously not the case just as cats, dogs and vegans will never go to Heaven. Women have no souls. I keep pointing this out over and over again but unfortunately all women are too stupid to get the message.

    #1 God tells women to be silent! Yet they keep yapping and yapping like there is no tomorrow!
    1 Timothy 2:11-12 could not be more clear on the matter: "Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." How is it that no woman, ever, got that message?

    #2 A woman destroyed God's paradise!
    Remember that the next time you're enjoying apple pie! There was only one rule in paradise. Read that again, only ONE rule in paradise. Even something as stupid as a woman should be able to remember one rule. Just one rule! One! Yet Eve broke that rule the second God left (Genesis 3:6) and got a well deserved eternal punishment for all women ever for that: Genesis 3:16 "Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee."

    #3 Women insult God by having sex with other women, in Church!
    Don't believe me? Read Brother Ezekiel Bathfire's excellent post on the matter! What all these lesbian women clearly don't understand is that you can not get children from lesbian sex! Seems obvious enough, but unfortunately not obvious enough to reach the mind of women. The Bible mentions how wrong lesbians are a lot! Clearly God wanted that message to be clear.

    #4 Women keep whining about rape and keep refusing to marry their rapist even though God clearly commands it!
    All these #MeToo and #Woke women clearly never bothered to read Deuteronomy 22:28-29 where God commands women to marry their rapist. Instead they keep whining and complaining as if there is something wrong with rape. Brother Percy explains this matter better than I ever could: What can you do if your daughter refuses to marry her rapist?

    #5 Women are the reason Donald John Trump is no longer our president!
    Donald J. Trump was sent by God to make America great again! Many Christians have compared Trump with King David and Moses. 53% of all men voted for Donald Trump. The other 47% no doubt being black, gay or Disney fans. Yet 57% of women voted for that evil communist Biden! You can thank women for destroying God's America!

    #6 Women can not count!
    Ever noticed how women claim they have no shoes while you keep breaking your neck over all the shoes that are lying around? Ever noticed them complaining they have nothing to wear while they go out every weekend and return with insane amounts of clothes? Proverbs 15:27 "Whoever is greedy for unjust gain troubles his own household"
    i'm sorry, what?

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: 5 Reasons why GOD HATES WOMEN!

    The first woman did not have a father. Now we know that ribs are a zingy source for stem-cells (if that's how you think this worked out) but as for the rest of your unusual claims, more evidence will be required.

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: 50 Reasons why GOD HATES WOMEN!

    This is what happens. Now special regulations are needed to allow buzz cuts in the military?

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  • smithdrakeJR
    Get Professional Essay Writing Assistance from Experts

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  • Jaredcaf
    Praise His Magnificence. I am worthless scum and want to be hated!

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: 50 Reasons why GOD HATES WOMEN!

    Originally posted by Isabella White View Post
    Genesis 1
    ...male and female created he them."
    In the absence of any information about pronouns (hi my name is Jer, I'm a communications influencer, my pronouns are zib and zob etc.) it should be pointed out that Adam's pronoun was not they/them and he wasn't gendernonspecific. Or both genders at the same time.

    How do we know this? How do we know God didn't just meld into existence a small village of males and females? How do we know about the pronoun He used?

    The answer is very simple. Just turn over the page where Creation Day Six is fleshed out a little.

    Genesis 2
    4a These are the generations of the heavens
    4a and of the earth
    4c when they were created
    4d in the day that the LORD God made the earth
    4e and the heavens
    5a and every plant of the field
    5b before it was in the earth
    5c and every herb of the field
    5d before it grew
    5e for the LORD God had not caused it to rain
    5g upon the earth
    5h and there was not a man
    5i to till the ground.

    First God created a man, Adam. Plants existed from Creation Day Three before they grew and animals (from Creation Day Five) were similarly held in abeyance ready for their introduction to, and naming by, Adam once he'd been created. Eve was supplied to him later but we know that was on the sixth day too because God rested on the seventh day, having finished all His work. Hence we are certain that Adam's pronouns were not they/them and that God did not create him male and female. The plural pronoun is used because two humans were created, each in their own way, but both on Creation Day Six.

    God always makes sure enough information is provided to avoid error and in turn to prevent heresy.

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  • Cranky Old Man
    Re: 50 Reasons why GOD HATES WOMEN!

    Originally posted by Madge Twenny
    Can I be saved as a shemale?
    As women cannot go to Heaven, I understand trying to convert to a superior man instead. But as God knows all and sees all He will not be fooled by your deceit. (Psalm 139:2-6; Isaiah 40:13-14)

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  • Isabella White
    Re: 50 Reasons why GOD HATES WOMEN!

    Originally posted by Madge Twenny
    Can I be saved as a shemale?
    Good heavens, Miss Madge: what kind of a question is that?! Kindly study this very carefully, and see if you can notice something that is very specific:

    Genesis 1:27 "So created man in his own image, in the image of created he him; male and female created he them."

    Now, then, I can't help but notice that, somehow or another, you have bypassed our cordial Introduction Forum. That is where we like our newcomers to post an informative, introductory message, just to say a cheerful "hello" to the servants of the .

    I am more than happy to include the link to that forum, for your benefit, Dear:

    Attention Unsaved Trash: This the ONLY subforum you can start threads in. Here is where you introduce yourself. Tell us what church you go to and what your favorite Bible verse is and how you came to find Jesus.

    Whilst there, kindly pay very close attention to our simple requests at the top of the page, which I shall include here:

    The introduction forum Attention Unsaved Trash: This the ONLY subforum you can start threads in. Here is where you introduce yourself. Tell us what church you go to and what your favorite Bible verse is and how you came to find Jesus.

    We do look forward to welcoming you to , Dear, and may bless you, as you seek , here at .

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  • James Hutchins
    Re: 50 Reasons why GOD HATES WOMEN!

    Originally posted by Johny Joe Hold View Post
    I never supported women serving in the military. Now, they are running the military. Biden is Commander in Chief and should be giving orders to women. Instead, they are giving the orders.

    Today, there was an announcement women in the military can wear their hair anyway they want to. They can wear jewelry, nail polish, makeup and deck themselves out like harlots. All this while dressed for combat. Are these beauty queens who we want defending our country from Russia? I think our country is in danger more than it has ever been.

    New Army hair and grooming standards allow for ponytails, buzz cuts and earrings | TheHill
    Right on target as usual Mayor!

    I can just imagine some bosomy slut, running half naked across a battlefield, M60 chain gun spitting fire and her not missing a step in her 12" open toe do-m-like-a-dog pumps.

    At least the cost would drop due to having to pay them less.

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  • Johny Joe Hold
    Re: 50 Reasons why GOD HATES WOMEN!

    I never supported women serving in the military. Now, they are running the military. Biden is Commander in Chief and should be giving orders to women. Instead, they are giving the orders.

    Today, there was an announcement women in the military can wear their hair anyway they want to. They can wear jewelry, nail polish, makeup and deck themselves out like harlots. All this while dressed for combat. Are these beauty queens who we want defending our country from Russia? I think our country is in danger more than it has ever been.

    New Army hair and grooming standards allow for ponytails, buzz cuts and earrings | TheHill

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