We all know the only reason God will allow a divorce is if adultery is committed, there is NO other reason.
Matthew 5:32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.
Well one such Godly Republican has been reading his King James version of the Bible too!!
Look, a True Christian™ husband doesn't just smack his wife around for no reason, that would be wrong. The only reason we physically punish our wives is because they did something incredibly stupid (burned the pie, used too much starch, accidentally flashed an ankle, etc). As with any sub-intelligent species, they need a physical reminder in order for it to truly sink in (unlike a male who just needs to be told once). I do the same thing with my dog.
So ladies, next time you are enduring your husbands blows, remember the things you love about your husband (think positive) and the reasons you two fell in love.
God bless you Representative Don Pridemore!! A True Christian Republican™ standing up for traditional Christian marital values
We all know the only reason God will allow a divorce is if adultery is committed, there is NO other reason.
Matthew 5:32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.
Well one such Godly Republican has been reading his King James version of the Bible too!!
In Wisconsin -- yes, the same state where lawmakers have introduced a bill penalizing single mothers for being unmarried -- a Republican state representative has come out against divorce for any reason -- even domestic abuse.
Instead of leaving an abusive situation, women should try to remember the things they love about their husbands, Representative Don Pridemore said. "If they can re-find those reasons and get back to why they got married in the first place it might help," he told a local news station.
Instead of leaving an abusive situation, women should try to remember the things they love about their husbands, Representative Don Pridemore said. "If they can re-find those reasons and get back to why they got married in the first place it might help," he told a local news station.
Look, a True Christian™ husband doesn't just smack his wife around for no reason, that would be wrong. The only reason we physically punish our wives is because they did something incredibly stupid (burned the pie, used too much starch, accidentally flashed an ankle, etc). As with any sub-intelligent species, they need a physical reminder in order for it to truly sink in (unlike a male who just needs to be told once). I do the same thing with my dog.
So ladies, next time you are enduring your husbands blows, remember the things you love about your husband (think positive) and the reasons you two fell in love.
God bless you Representative Don Pridemore!! A True Christian Republican™ standing up for traditional Christian marital values