When you go to bed every night and wake up every morning without thanking God, the Devil is after you.
When you go a whole day (or a week or months!) without reading your Holy Bible, dear the Devil is interested in doing business with you.
When you make or answer calls, texts, chats, or messages, or take selfies inside church during the service instead of praising God, the Devil is after your soul!
When you don't ever make time to quietly study the Word of God, the Devil is cheering for you!
When you are reading and studying your Holy Bible, when you are in prayer with God and the phone rings or you get a text alert and you abandon the Word of God to attend to your phone,the Devil is organizing a Party for you.
When your phone is right there during Bible Study or Prayer Time so you can check on your social media post, reply to texts and chats, my dear the Devil is beating the drums and dancing and you don't even know it!
When the first thing you do in the morning is Twitter and the last thing you do before going to sleep is Instagram, the Devil is setting up camp right next to you.
When you believe that Grace is license to Sin because Jesus paid the price already, dear, the Devil wants to follow you to your church!
When you start seeing everything wrong with the church, the pastors, the Christians, oh my dear the Devil has finally captured you!
When you read this list and you don't share it with others to help liberate others and help snatch them out of the Devil's Clutches, you are simply telling the Devil, "Keep it up! You have my permission!"
Friends, let's grow in the Spiritual Grace of God! The year is coming to an end and as a new one begins, let us make GROWTH IN GOD our motto!
When you go a whole day (or a week or months!) without reading your Holy Bible, dear the Devil is interested in doing business with you.
When you make or answer calls, texts, chats, or messages, or take selfies inside church during the service instead of praising God, the Devil is after your soul!
When you don't ever make time to quietly study the Word of God, the Devil is cheering for you!
When you are reading and studying your Holy Bible, when you are in prayer with God and the phone rings or you get a text alert and you abandon the Word of God to attend to your phone,the Devil is organizing a Party for you.
When your phone is right there during Bible Study or Prayer Time so you can check on your social media post, reply to texts and chats, my dear the Devil is beating the drums and dancing and you don't even know it!
When the first thing you do in the morning is Twitter and the last thing you do before going to sleep is Instagram, the Devil is setting up camp right next to you.
When you believe that Grace is license to Sin because Jesus paid the price already, dear, the Devil wants to follow you to your church!
When you start seeing everything wrong with the church, the pastors, the Christians, oh my dear the Devil has finally captured you!
When you read this list and you don't share it with others to help liberate others and help snatch them out of the Devil's Clutches, you are simply telling the Devil, "Keep it up! You have my permission!"
Friends, let's grow in the Spiritual Grace of God! The year is coming to an end and as a new one begins, let us make GROWTH IN GOD our motto!