Re: PC Police Mutilating Our Slave Owning Heritage
I think it's high time someone rewrote all of Mark Twain's satanistic grimoires to make them more suitable for Christian children! His writing is full of vicious attacks against our Lord, and it needs to be changed!
Calling Negrows "slaves" is just a way of showing them the simple respect of acknowledging that they have a rightful place in God's creation. It gives them a sense of belonging.
@ Brother Gabriel:
I think that by calling Negrows "slaves" instead of ni**ers we are actually coming a step closer toward giving them back their tried and true position in American society: pickin' cotton! Then they won't have to leech off of society with welfare and stealing pies off of windowsills.
I say the censors have returned dignity to the Negrow race!
Originally posted by Bobby-Joe
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Calling Negrows "slaves" is just a way of showing them the simple respect of acknowledging that they have a rightful place in God's creation. It gives them a sense of belonging.
@ Brother Gabriel:
I think that by calling Negrows "slaves" instead of ni**ers we are actually coming a step closer toward giving them back their tried and true position in American society: pickin' cotton! Then they won't have to leech off of society with welfare and stealing pies off of windowsills.
I say the censors have returned dignity to the Negrow race!