The 2006 is the critical election for the 21st Century, how it turns out will determine the fate of our nation, nay the entire civilized world! There is nothing more than FREEDOM® at stake here! If the Democrats win they will open the country to the terrorist, mandate abortions to all white women and allow gay human-animal hybrids to enter this country to get married and burn the flag!
For the past five years the Democrats have virtually given aid and comfort to the enemy by questions the Administration decisions and daring to high light policy failures. This is treason of rankest form because it draws the Islamo-Fascist attention to these weak points so they may exploit it. Despite being out of power the Democrats and their lackies in the liberal media have managed to force threw out of control Federal spending and family values have melted like snow on a sunny day. What do you think will happen if they really take control of even one house of Congress? Betrayed by the voters President Bush will be left helpless. Your taxes will be boosted to 300% of your income, your daughters will be forced to were burkas and your sons taught to bend over for the soap.
Is this the kind of America do you want to live in? Were you have too look constantly over your shoulder for some homer out to back end you in the name of Allah? Do you want to wake up one morning to see a mushroom cloud on the horizon because the Iranians set off an atomic bomb because the DEMONcrats in congress ordered the military to allow gays into the military? Do you want to live to see the US overrun in a wave of terrorist bombers because the national defense collapsed with the economy after a huge tax and spend hike. I think not.
You choice is clear; GOP or hell on earth. Do the right thing.
For the past five years the Democrats have virtually given aid and comfort to the enemy by questions the Administration decisions and daring to high light policy failures. This is treason of rankest form because it draws the Islamo-Fascist attention to these weak points so they may exploit it. Despite being out of power the Democrats and their lackies in the liberal media have managed to force threw out of control Federal spending and family values have melted like snow on a sunny day. What do you think will happen if they really take control of even one house of Congress? Betrayed by the voters President Bush will be left helpless. Your taxes will be boosted to 300% of your income, your daughters will be forced to were burkas and your sons taught to bend over for the soap.
Is this the kind of America do you want to live in? Were you have too look constantly over your shoulder for some homer out to back end you in the name of Allah? Do you want to wake up one morning to see a mushroom cloud on the horizon because the Iranians set off an atomic bomb because the DEMONcrats in congress ordered the military to allow gays into the military? Do you want to live to see the US overrun in a wave of terrorist bombers because the national defense collapsed with the economy after a huge tax and spend hike. I think not.
You choice is clear; GOP or hell on earth. Do the right thing.