We sent out the following question to members of our email list: "Who or what is to blame for the Washington Navy Yard shooting?"

Your answers:

Aaron Alexis: 0
Mental illness: 0
Gun laws that allow military equipment sales to insane people with a history of gun violence: 0
Syria: 34
President Algebragrad of Iran: 21
President Obama: 40
Japan: 28
Thailand: 5
Unclear: 66

Your comments:

Twitter said it's Syria. Twitter is Truth. -KitchenChildrenChurchGirl


Why did he speak fluent Thai? Most brothas can speak barely comprehensible English how in the hell is guy fluent in Thai? Better nuke bangc*ck to be sure. -peacethrufirepower


Obviousky Assad sympathisers or similar. Note the fact that it's a Navy base (considering the U.S naval presence off the Syrian coast), along with the fact that more than one shooter indicates an organised (and thus terrorist) attack.

I have no doubt whatsoever that the perps are Syrian or at least linked to Assad.


I'm watching Fox News non-top. A witness was just interviewed. She was a blackie and she identified herself as a Logistics Management Specialist.
She could not properly pronounce "logistics".

If the only fatalities are affirmative action types then no big loss.


No question it's the syrians. We need to bomb every square inch of syria, from Beyroot to Grozy. -ChristianLuv


Of course the Japs did it, to help the anti-gunnuts. The Japs win from gun control, because they will make a fortune when everyone has to buy swords. They've already started advertising their swords in movies like Kill Bill and GI Joe: Retaliation. It's so obvious, they must really think we're stupid. -Joe45


Holy watermelons and fried chitlins another Black man gone off the reservation and shooting in DC.

100% certain this is a Black Muslim who was on a personal jihad...Muslims shave off their body hair when they to to jihad.


The Jews. The Jewish-led psychology industry will be at the forefront with pronouncements of white racial bias, white cultural insensitivity and anything else they can dream up to excuse such behavior by negroes. -Alabamaboy


I call for a ban of negroes, alcohol and video games. Drugs too. -DissapointedAmerican


No PTSD there, only TNB.

Let's see, an affirmative action logistics chimp who collects an undeserved paycheck with full benefits has what, exactly, to be stressed out about?

The 7-11 run out of 40's? He forgot to use a condom when boinking his mother? The motor on his car froze because it hadn't had an oil change in 60,000 miles........what, just what, would stress that chimp out?

Only a matter of time before they start glorifying him in the MSM.


I'm 110 per cent positive this is the New Black Panther party. It is customary for members of the New Black Panther Party to dress in black garb. And they have always had a strong presence in big cities on the East Coast. - Santorum2016


Foreigners are foreigners. Nukem em all and let God sort em out. -USAUSAUSA


The news are saying one of the "on the run" shooters is white, like the Boston bombers were white I suppose - HA!

But I'd bet they are Muzz for certain!

gee the dead shooter kinda looks like he could be Obama's brother to me.... -WWJD


Forget gun control, we need Negro Control.

We should register all Negroes. Ban Negroes from areas where White people might congregate and begin repatriating Negroes to the Third World.


Haven't heard of mass shootings in Japan recently. Things there are quiet. TOO QUIET. -gop4ever


Reports say Aaron Alexis heard voices, which means God was talking to him. Why would He wants a killing spree? It is not for us to know. The LORD works in mysterious ways. -Genesis316


I'm completely certain it's that Muslim country. You know, the one we haven't invaded yet. - OnwardChristianSoldiers


I always knew the Thaiandians would attack someday. They're all "Me so bomb-y". I told everyone, but they refused to listen!!!! Woos laufing now???????? - RedStateHero


Remember the talking points: gun free zone! Gun free zone! Anyway, AAron didn't buy machine gun, he picked it up off a guard he shot in the GUN FREE ZONE! -RaptureBuddy


"I'm reminded of that Beach Boys song: "Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran!" -John McCain. A true wise man. Who cares if we decide to bomb the wrong people, we end up killing the bad guys with the collateral damage. -Christian1980