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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: The "make it worse" game

    Originally posted by Roland View Post
    Crap. You broke the thread Mitza. I feel sorry for the girl on the right. She looks so unhappy.
    How have I broken the thread if the girl on the right looks worse?

    Originally posted by MitzaLizalor View Post
    ..or AOC

    NEXT WORSE: the Spanish King wotzizname Felipe VI who is very tall 6’ 5” claims [the rest of] America
    Is that better?

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  • Roland
    Re: The "make it worse" game

    Crap. You broke the thread Mitza. I feel sorry for the girl on the right. She looks so unhappy.

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: The "make it worse" game

    Originally posted by Didymus Much View Post
    Chuck Schumer, iirc.

    Nothing of note happens for the next two years: everyone fell asleep during his State of the Union and didn't bother to wake up.
    ..or AOC

    NEXT: the Spanish King wotzizname Felipe VI who is very tall 6’ 5” claims [the rest of] America and everyone changes their language, starts waving their arms around when they talk, rubs themselves down with garlic oil every morning

    for your sons [LEFT] [RIGHT]for your daughters.. . . ..

    If I wanted to live in a police state I would have moved there already!

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  • Didymus Much
    Re: The "make it worse" game

    Originally posted by Dr. Anthony J. Toole View Post
    Worse: Nancy, Hillary and Bill are caught in an uncompromising position in a threesome on AirForce One.

    Next: Nobody knows who the President is.
    Chuck Schumer, iirc.

    Nothing of note happens for the next two years: everyone fell asleep during his State of the Union and didn't bother to wake up.

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  • Dr. Anthony J. Toole
    Re: The "make it worse" game

    Originally posted by Dennis Lukes View Post
    Worse: Biden and Harris die from blood poisoning. That's not the bad part, LOL. That would be the ascension of Nancy Pelosi to the Oval Office .

    Next: President Pelosi appoints Hillary Clinton as her vice president.
    Worse: Nancy, Hillary and Bill are caught in an uncompromising position in a threesome on AirForce One.

    Next: Nobody knows who the President is.

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  • Dennis Lukes
    Re: The "make it worse" game

    Originally posted by Witch Hammer View Post
    Next: In a satanic ritual gone wrong, Biden and Harris become fused together at a molecular level, ass to mouth, henceforth needing to be fed and evacuated through nose tubes and tandem colostomy bags, and only being able to communicate by tapping out morse code...
    Worse: Biden and Harris die from blood poisoning. That's not the bad part, LOL. That would be the ascension of Nancy Pelosi to the Oval Office .

    Next: President Pelosi appoints Hillary Clinton as her vice president.

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  • Witch Hammer
    Re: The "make it worse" game

    Next: Disney puts out a new Marvel movie with an openly gay superhero in an attempt to recruit our children to the homosexual lifestyle
    Gollum tosses this "hero's" bane, a Kryptonite Cock Ring / Butt Plug combo gift set, into the fiery maw of Doom, allowing the caped sodomite to commit heinous acts of faggotry unchecked until Jesus finally returns and steps on him.

    Next: In a satanic ritual gone wrong, Biden and Harris become fused together at a molecular level, ass to mouth, henceforth needing to be fed and evacuated through nose tubes and tandem colostomy bags, and only being able to communicate by tapping out morse code...

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  • Dennis Lukes
    Re: The "make it worse" game

    Originally posted by JenNettles
    Sarah Palin coverts becomes our first Muslim president
    Listen up fool: Obama was already the first Muslim president, in addition to being the first Negro president and the first president born outside of the United States.

    Now, back to the game.

    Originally posted by Dr. Anthony J. Toole View Post
    Next: Jared Kushner converts too.

    He is immediately executed with a scimitar by his imam because those sand people can sniff out Jews no matter what and then they kill them on the spot. As a result, Donald is forced to miss a day on the driving range in order to attend the heathen funeral.

    Next: Disney puts out a new Marvel movie with an openly gay superhero in an attempt to recruit our children to the homosexual lifestyle.

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  • Dr. Anthony J. Toole
    Re: The "make it worse" game

    Originally posted by JenNettles
    Sarah Palin coverts becomes our first Muslim president (beating out Elizabeth Warren) and forces female genital mutilation into law.
    You had it good while it lasted. Move on.

    Next: Jared Kushner converts too.

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  • Dennis Lukes
    Re: The "make it worse" game

    Originally posted by C. S. Darrow, Esq. View Post
    Next: Lori Lightfoot declares her candidacy for the presidency in 2020.
    She loses to Trump, of course, but he suffers a fatal heart attack and ascends to Heaven, leaving the country bereft of his noble stewardship.

    Next: Mike Pence takes over and reveals that he has converted to Buddhism.

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  • C. S. Darrow, Esq.
    Re: The "make it worse" game

    Originally posted by JenNettles
    Worse: Donald Trump kills her and installs the US under permanent dicktatorship.

    Next: The food crisis worsens and strikes the US.
    Worse, food is rationed and some people have to get used to what most people consider normal consumption of food, thus reducing morbid obesity among those who've made a lifestyle out of sinful gluttony.

    Next: Lori Lightfoot declares her candidacy for the presidency in 2020.

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  • Dana723
    Re: The "make it worse" game

    Originally posted by JenNettles
    She finds out her husband had been cheating on her with a dude from Indiana from images in his camera roll. She ghosts him.

    Next: A potential date suddenly says their feelings have changed and they decide things won't be compatible after you send them your pic.
    The picture is the one in Jen Nettles' profile.

    Next: Hilary Clinton decides to run for president again in 2020.

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: The "make it worse" game

    Originally posted by Dr. Anthony J. Toole View Post
    He doesn't drink..
    Not wishing to embarrass myself and in my haste to close up the absinthe cabinet I trip over the robotic device some idiot left running head first with a bottle still in my hand

    Worse: Mrs Mike was only delayed and turns up with her owner's camera
    Attached Files

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  • Dr. Anthony J. Toole
    Re: The "make it worse" game

    Originally posted by MitzaLizalor View Post
    Next: Mike Pence arrives...

    ...without his wife. No dinner for anyone.

    Worse: He doesn't drink either.

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: The "make it worse" game

    Originally posted by Basilissa View Post
    Polar Vortex stays over the Midwest for the next two months, bringing even more unbearable cold.
    Worse: the electric oven you've had installed is suppled with a live rodent that when powered up shorts itself out across the wires causing a surprise explosion - but you can always cook on a fire I suppose, a delicious mutton and black pudding hotpot with cumin and white port (the port in a glass) but you can hardly see anything with no lights and when you get hot candle-wax on your leg the port goes over everything.

    Next: Mike Pence arrives

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