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  • Reckless Driving in England - The case of President Trump and Anne Sacoolas

    I always pray before taking the road to spread the Gospel and Jesus has always provided, as I have been spared ugly deaths within a pile of lousy European cars even when driving on the wrong side of the road in Godless England. Jesus has been kind and Merciful to take my wheel.

    Proverbs 21:31
    The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD.

    It may surprise the Godly people on this Forum that in the Heathen colonies of England one drives on the left side of the road, which is preposterous, dangerous and apparently a recent innovation by Satan. This causes the Englishmen to crash into Godly American drivers by wanton negligence of the U.S. legislation. An unfortunate incident of this kind occurred when a reckless man collided with a Godly representative of the Trump government in England, got killed and forced the diplomat, Anne Sacoolas, to return to the safe Haven of the Godly U.S. of A. With kindness so typical of Him, President Trump entertained the relatives of the leftist driver at the White House and offered them substantial amount of money but they refused. A sad story. But it teaches us some valuable lessons.

    1. Do not let women drive.
    Proverbs 9:13
    A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing.

    2. Driving on the left hand side of the road is Satanic.
    Matthew 25:33
    And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

    3. Driving on the left side means socialism, Sanders, Obama, Stalin and National Socialism which means Mussolini.
    2 Thessalonians 3:10
    For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

    These are also clear references for the Welshmen to cease their shagging antics with all kinds of ruminants. That said. it is time Creation Science tackled the issue of driving on the left side of the road. An abrupt overnight change unto the correct, right-hand driving mode might be too ambitious regarding the sorry state of the British psyche. After all, we're discussing a country has has consistently failed to produce any high-quality palywrights, novelists, poets, painters, composers of hymns (except Willcocks), scientists or military leaders capable of winning wars without U.S. or Russian intervention.Their intellect simply is not adequate to deal with sudden changes, as we can see from their inability to leave the Satanic European Union and join the U.S: as a vassal state along with Greenland.

    And as that is going to happen soon, we need to find a way to switch the driving habits of the English asap. Our team now has the solution: we'll do it in eleven stages.

    You won't survive this going in the leftist manner.

    The plan is as follows: Look at the registration plate of this default-type British vehicle.

    Now, look at the last digit before the letter "S" (means sulfur, don't no why it seems to be relevant). It is #6. With calculus we can count the months and see that it corresponds to the month of June.
    • Solution: Based on the last digit of the registration plate, the driver will start driving on the correct, right side of the road in the month corresponding to that number. Those with number 1 will start driving on the right in January, those with an 8 in August, etc. The ones with a zero ("0") will have October and November and December will be reserved for government vehicles to start learning. Everyone will also pray for safety and those who are Worthy will be spared. And the UK will be ready to join the U.S. as an overseas colony, a political system that the British have always loved and cherished. Q.E.D. Habeas corpus! Lorem ipsum!
    You can avoid THIS:

    And gain THIS:

    Just follow our instructions to drive and thrive!

    Yours in Christ,

    2 Kings 18:25 - Am I now come up without the LORD against this place to destroy it? The LORD said to me, Go up against this land, and destroy it.

    Check out our Research in Creation Science:

  • #2
    Re: Reckless Driving in England - The case of President Trump and Anne Sacoolas


    Professor I want to tell you that in my home country which is Jamaica we do not let the women drive our cars. Most of the people in Jamaica cannot have a car to drive because there are only a few roads suitable for driving a car on and also if there was a good road no one can afford to purchase an automobile. No one has sufficient cash for the purchase and when financing was tried it failed because no one paid the car payments and then all the repo men were shot with bullets for trying to steal cars. The important things that everyone in my home country knows are that if you want to keep your car in operating condition never buy gasoline from the Cubans because they put old stale rum they can't sell in it and do not give rides to people from Trinidad because they will spit on pedestrians who will chase you down and they always want to hit the driver and never let your wife or girlfriends drive your car.

    In Babylon the gasoline seems safe and there are few people from Trinidad here but all the women drive around in cars while chattering on their cell phones like monkeys and a man takes his life in his hands to walk down the street especially if it is a Black man and it is dark outside which it is early now that the white people have changed the time on the clocks. Why do they do that?

    Jah Guide!
    Sing unto God, sing praises to his name: Extol him that rideth upon the heavens By his name JAH, and rejoice before him.-Psalms 68:4


    • #3
      Re: Reckless Driving in England - The case of President Trump and Anne Sacoolas

      Yes, our English roads are terrible. It is not like Germany where you can really let it rip. I digress, I frown deeply upon all these young men and their flashy cars today. This speeding is wrong, all wrong.
      No spoose should be more attractive than the other - that way, no one is satisfied, and the marriage can be happy.


      • #4
        Re: Reckless Driving in England - The case of President Trump and Anne Sacoolas

        I'm periodically reminded that Jesus finally got fed up with the British and took away their "Empire".

        I travelled to the UK many years ago and tried to rent a car. As it was explained to me, you can't "rent" a car in Britain - you can only "hire" a car. Thinking that it came with a driver, I was surprised to be handed the keys and sent on my way - only to discover that when I got to the car there was no driver.

        Impoverished through years of socialism, the English could not afford traffic lights (invented in the Godly USA). Instead, they used something called a "roundabout", and to this very day they are still promoting this path to destruction and death.

        A roundabout (traffic "circle") is a bit like that giant atom smasher (LHC) the Europeaons built - they accelerate particles faster and faster in a giant circle and then smash them and go looking for the "God" particle (they called God some kind of Boson - a name that should have been reserved for the "scientists") amongst all the pieces. In a "roundabout" you do stand a good chance of meeting God - for final judgement.

        In the UK, once you enter the dreaded "roundabout" you have to drive on the right because the traffic circulates in a counter-clockwise direction. You can go in this "circle" for hours trying to determine where you should get off - again always on the right. While driving in a moving vehicle you are distracted by looking at signs, checking your maps, and consulting your GPS trying to determine which exit to take - a sure prescription for death.

        Now you would think that for a country that drives on the left that traffic should circulate in a clockwise direction so that you would drive on the left in a roundabout. Indeed, British traffic engineers by now should have recognized the error of their ways and corrected their grevious mistake - but no.
        Hell's foundations quiver at the shout of praise;
        brothers, lift your voices, loud your anthems raise.
        ...and get off my lawn


        • #5
          Re: Reckless Driving in England - The case of President Trump and Anne Sacoolas

          Originally posted by Emily Brent View Post
          It is not like Germany where you can really let it rip. I digress, I frown deeply upon all these young men and their flashy cars today. This speeding is wrong
          Of course it's not speeding in Germany and other places have "open" speed limits such as Australia – but not on all roads. There was a cunning plan to hide police helicopters and pop up to surprise speeding motorists but the locals simply produced vehicles faster than the helicopters. Next (as I noticed a few years ago driving across the island) unsealed "service roads" were concealed by shrubbery and the police given even more powerful pursuit vehicles. The idea was that they'd drive along the dirt track behind the shrubbery then pop out with a radar gun. Not very well thought out it seemed to me because the pursuit vehicle (supposedly concealed but kicking up a volcano of dust) was driving along the dirt track and the pursued vehicle was on a high quality bitumen surface with no bends.

          "Is that really the way to get ahead?" I thought. And don't even mention southern Africa. They do have speed limits but no-one seems to have been told. A minor Dutch influence perhaps – and reflected in some of their colonies. As a passenger I thought the driver was reckless to a fault and asked what was going on? "Oh," he said, "The faster vehicle has right of way when passing on a single lane road." Not very reassuring when your flimsy box is hitting 90MPH and both drivers look like they're running on electric shocks not having slept all week! Fortunately I was always in the faster box and the drivers all knew each others top speed.

          The Federated Malay States were probably just as bad – but I've never been chauffeured in Kuala Lumpur and driving around Singapore was relatively disciplined. Apart from the incessant horn tooting. Maybe that's worn off? But all on the left. Except Belgium. Belgium is quite good – except during rush hour in Bruges

          I think I need to lie down.


          • #6
            Re: Reckless Driving in England - The case of President Trump and Anne Sacoolas

            Originally posted by MitzaLizalor View Post
            Belgium is quite good – except during rush hour in Bruges
            Belgium is so small you can pretty much walk everywhere, though.
            Vaccinated by the love of Jesus!!!


            • #7
              Re: Reckless Driving in England - The case of President Trump and Anne Sacoolas

              If Great Britain would be so great as to reverse the rotation of the planet flat circular surface, then perhaps we could all join them in driving on the left. But until then... we can make do with the warm glow of Brexit from across La Manche.
              If I have seen further, it is by standing on the heads of others.


              • #8
                Re: Reckless Driving in England - The case of President Trump and Anne Sacoolas

                Originally posted by Dr. Anthony J. Toole View Post
                If Great Britain would be so great as to reverse the rotation of the planet flat circular surface, then perhaps we could all join them in driving on the left. But until then... we can make do with the warm glow of Brexit from across La Manche.
                Dr Toole, the good news in that the British are finally seeing sense! (By "British", I obviously mean English.) When faced by long "queues" (their quaint local word for tailbacks), they have taken to driving the wrong right way up the motorway freeway.

                Drivers have been warned not to break the law by going the wrong way on the M5 to avoid long queues.

                Highways England said it had seen "traffic driving the wrong way into Avonmouth" following an accident northbound between J18 and J17 earlier.
                And do you know what? The accident occurred when people were driving on the left, but nobody crashed while they were driving on the wrong right side of the road! QED!
                Vaccinated by the love of Jesus!!!


                • #9
                  Re: Reckless Driving in England - The case of President Trump and Anne Sacoolas

                  Originally posted by Joanna Lytton-Vasey View Post
                  Dr Toole, the good news in that the British are finally seeing sense! (By "British", I obviously mean English.) When faced by long "queues" (their quaint local word for tailbacks), they have taken to driving the wrong right way up the motorway freeway.
                  Interesting find, thank you Mrs. Lytton-Vasey. It is so helpful to have boots-on-the-ground over there to tell us what's really happening, although I realize it is quite an imposition on your family. I hope the Pastors can dedicate a medal for your husband's service.

                  The kind of innovation where drivers take it upon themselves to drive on the other side of the road is normally only seen in places like India. (Although Bristol is not really England is it? I mean really?). It could be a good sign that the creative industries will flourish after Brexit when "queues" are projected to significantly increase.
                  If I have seen further, it is by standing on the heads of others.


                  • #10
                    Re: Reckless Driving in England - The case of President Trump and Anne Sacoolas

                    Originally posted by Dr. Anthony J. Toole View Post
                    Interesting find, thank you Mrs. Lytton-Vasey. It is so helpful to have boots-on-the-ground over there to tell us what's really happening, although I realize it is quite an imposition on your family. I hope the Pastors can dedicate a medal for your husband's service.
                    We do it for Jesus, Brother - and for Pastor Zeke of course. We ask for no special treatment, recognition or reward, other than the small financial benefits earned by my husband's toil in the interests of Landover Baptist Church and our beloved President. Romans 12:11 - Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord.

                    As to the exact location of Bristol, your guess is as good as mine. It's probably better. I suppose it's on a map, if anyone cared enough to look it up?
                    Vaccinated by the love of Jesus!!!


                    • #11
                      Re: Reckless Driving in England - The case of President Trump and Anne Sacoolas

                      Can you believe 3+ years later they're still whining about some dead native who perished in a road accident? If you recall correctly, a young indigenous boy drove his scooter into the car of an American lady - presumably to scam insurance money - but instead it appears he suffered a coronary just before impact and died of natural causes.

                      Harry Dunn’s family ‘horrified’ US driver told not to go to sentencing

                      Sacoolas was driving on the wrong side of the road when she crashed her Volvo and killed Dunn, who was riding a motorcycle, outside the US military base RAF Croughton in Northamptonshire on 27 August 2019.
                      She left the UK after Dunn’s death and had diplomatic immunity asserted on her behalf by the US administration
                      The damage to the car was substantial and, I believe out of respect to the local culture, the lady and her husband immediately evacuated without demanding the traditional blood sacrifice usually offered by the parents. Your welcome, savages.

                      Anyway, today apparently these people are "horrified" that the poor lady has moved on with her life and longer calls to listen to their extended wailing and gnashing of teeth.
                      “[O]n the face of it, it appears that this is nothing short of a cowardly act on the part of an oppressor”
                      Yes well, “The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.”--Molière. I would suggest Mrs. Sacoolas pass along this collection of inspirational quotes and start a go fund me to buy the family some goats.
                      If I have seen further, it is by standing on the heads of others.

