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  • C. S. Darrow, Esq.
    Re: Lonesome me

    Originally posted by JenNettles
    That actually sounds pretty nice. Fyi, my profile pic is not a recent photo. I have lost a bit of weight and straightened my hair.

    I scarcely know where to begin.

    As I'd mentioned previously, I spent a goodly amount of my time in Des Moines last week and have been quite immersed in legal proceedings against a young witch who'd rented a property of mine near that liberal hellhole known as Drake University. I'm happy to report that I will soon occupy that now-vacant office space with a satellite office of my law firm and will now have a regular presence in that area. I expect to close on a modest home in the Ingersoll Park neighborhood for which I have made quite a generous offer and I expect to be a resident there before Christmas. The current owner apparently has no intention of selling the home, so I do foresee some minor delay. Once I have acquired furnishings and have vetted possible staff, I will have more time to devote to getting acquainted with the fine people of Landover Baptist Church and can then turn my attention to acquiring a property in Freehold, Iowa as well.

    I see in my unfortunate but unavoidable absence that I have attracted some attention with my appeal for a potential wife. That the attention was, in one case, that of someone who's inability to discern my gender was, well, comical and awkward, was a great source of amusement for me. No harm done, Mr. Toole. I'm certain you must be feeling a bit embarrassed for your error, but I assure you I harbor no ill will toward you.

    As for you, Miss Nettle, I feel I must make myself very clear that I have no interest whatsoever in any sort of overtures you might make in your ridiculous attempt to snare me in your web of deceit. I have no time in my life for the likes of you, other than perhaps to file the necessary paperwork with the court to compel you to keep your distance from me. What on Earth ever made you believe I would have interest in a corpulent witch such as yourself will be a mystery to me until my last breath. As if it's not enough that you belong to that Assburger cult, your sick attempt at portraying yourself in a photo as a painted trollop quickly earned you a place on my ten-foot-pole list. I do hope you'll seek the help you need for your obvious psychiatric disorder as well as for your apparent need for sinful caloric gluttony.

    All that said, I will be in touch shortly with the leadership of Landover, assuming their vetting process has by then yielded satisfactory results, that I might begin the process of attaining membership and beginning a tithing regimen that will benefit this blessed community forthwith.

    I believe I'd made my aims clear when I first intimated that I will be seeking the company of a young Christian lass with whom I might one day share my blessings. I see no need to put too fine a point on that and look forward to life in Iowa soon.

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  • Didymus Much
    Re: Lonesome me

    Originally posted by JenNettles
    ....I tend to have a lot to say...
    Blogs are free. Go make one.

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  • Didymus Much
    Re: Lonesome me

    Originally posted by JenNettles
    ... I think a bit of empathy on the remembering ever bit of the Bible part would be appreciated here.
    You can't remember it if you've never read it.

    If you've never read it, you're just giving an ignorant opinion, that someone (either a True Christian™ or myself) has to follow around and clean up so our OTHER visitors aren't confused by a bullshit wrong message appearing on their boards (that you are a guest on <--- remember that).

    So a bit of consideration not only for the True Christians™ who work very hard keeping this place from going completely off the rails, and the others who didn't click on "Jen's Uninformed Thoughts, Random Musings, and Generalized Muddling in Other People's Affairs.com", but on LandoverBaptist, would be appreciated here.

    More Bible ready, less opinion talky, kk?

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  • Didymus Much
    Re: Lonesome me

    Originally posted by JenNettles
    From the parts I have read -- ugh, give me time, I have to get caught up, okay? ?
    How about you stop expressing uninformed opinions until then?

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  • Didymus Much
    Re: Lonesome me

    Originally posted by JenNettles
    Okay, that verse I definitely agree with, and I know bottom line, the Bible is full of basic nuggets of wisdom.
    How do you know that? You've still not read the thing.

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  • Isabella White
    Re: Lonesome me

    Originally posted by JenNettles
    Well there's no point arguing over it, because I won't be going to Hell. Jesus loves me.
    Well, you're right there, Miss Nettles -- there is no point in arguing over this. You have been presented with the facts, as outlined within the blessed pages of the . You can ignore these facts, to your peril, but that will not change your eternal destination: .

    And, as you will find, you are only fooling yourself.

    Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction."

    Sincerely, Isabella W.

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  • Isabella White
    Re: Lonesome me

    Originally posted by JenNettles
    I know what you're saying, but what I'm saying is that the driver of that truck must be drunk, have bad eyesight or just plain dumb to not see me out in the middle of the street! Of course, it could be dumb, but I usually wear a fluorescent helmet at night.
    Regardless, you will not be concerned about the eyesight of a truck driver, or of the flimsy security you place in a helmet, when you hear telling you of your eternal home on Judgment Day.

    Revelation 20:15 "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire."

    You can make all of the excuses that you wish, Miss Nettles, but the day will come when you will regret all of them.

    Matthew 7:21 " Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."

    And, what will you say to the when He reminds of the many kind warnings that were given to you by lovely followers at ? When the re-plays the testimonies given to you at , what will your excuse be then? "Oh, but I was wearing a pretty helmet" will not keep you from the fires of !

    Sincerely, Isabella W.

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  • Isabella White
    Re: Lonesome me

    Originally posted by JenNettles
    To be perfectly honest with you James, I'd be more worried for the Good Humor truck if it was me in front of it.
    Young lady, you won't be quite so glib when you're standing in front of the Almighty during your appointed time in the Halls of Judgment. Do you not know that everything you've said in this lifetime, and everything you've done, will be replayed for you at that time?

    Matthew 12:36 "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment."

    What will you say to the when He extends hands and shows you the scars where the nails pierced skin, spilling Holy, Precious -- and all to save you from your wretched, disgusting sins?

    But, then, it will be too late for you, Miss Nettles. Your excuses will not matter. When you realize that you are, in fact, going to go to to burn for all of eternity, it won't matter if you cry and beg for forgiveness. Your show of concern, at that point, will be too little, too late.

    Matthew 25:41 "Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels".

    If I were you, Miss, I would very carefully re-read the words that have been provided so kindly to you by our dear Brother Hutchins.

    Hebrews 9:27 "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment".

    Kindly take this to heart. We mean this for your benefit. Wouldn't you rather spend eternity in Heaven with and beloved followers from ? Think carefully, Dear. You never know when that Good Humor truck will come toward you!

    Sincerely, Isabella W.

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  • James Hutchins
    Re: Lonesome me

    Originally posted by JenNettles
    Okay, you caught me. But I am trying to get that "look", so I will look pretty close to that when we potentially meet someday.
    You do not deceive. You are only fooling fools. God sees right through your flimsy fraud and it makes baby Jesus weep.
    You lie and you murder and think it is good.

    Consider this:
    You're riding your bike, all proud because your dad took off the seat, leaving the post intact. A Good Humor truck comes and runs over your gut, causing your body to burst and spray entrails all over the street.

    You're dead
    Whether due to your own disgusting sinning or the Lords divine will, you are dead. Instantly your soul begins falling towards the black abyss above Hell. The falling seems eternal as you gather speed and the heat begins to grow. Then you notice a red dot below you growing larger by the second, this is the Lake in the center of Hell. It is the brightest point in Hell therefore it is visible for a great distance. Keep in mind that the farther you fall, the further from Christ you are.
    As you gain speed and the flames become apparent you may wonder how you can stop this from happening. The answer is simple. It's too late and you can't, you're doomed. Your soul is damned and it WILL happen. The temperature is now approaching the unbearable limit as your flesh begins to smoulder and ignite and you continue to build speed as you plummet toward the now visible boiling Lake of Fire. You can almost make out individual souls thrashing in the magma with your flaming eyesockets. Soon you will join them, your terror mounts as your screams become gargled with the stench of Hells evil smell. The heat becomes excruciating as you notice your skin peeling away and your bones becoming visible and black. Flaming and screaming in anguish, you splashdown into the acidic brimstone of Satans Lake at around 250 MPH. You are instantly vaporized and reformed as a tormented soul writhing in absolute terror in the deafening depths of the Lake that Burns Eternal. The pain is beyond comprehension as you gnash your teeth so hard they shatter in your mouth. Satan periodically plucks you from the flames to savagely rape repeatedly and casually tosses you to his infernal minions to rip apart and rape at will, only to be reformed and have this scenario repeated...over and over and over, forever.
    Is it still funny mocking our mission to Save© your soul? We want you to enjoy Heaven and eternal praise and worship at the feet of our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Unless you are Saved™ by Jesus Christ and His Holy website and favorite church, Landover Baptist, there is no other way to avoid this.

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  • Johny Joe Hold
    Re: Lonesome me

    When Mr. Darrow moves to Freehold he will need to conduct his courtship within the community standards. Meeting his future wife needs to be done within the church.

    Enthusiastic participation in Landover Baptist Church is not just one of the choices for social life in Freehold. It is the only social life option available.

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  • Basilissa
    Re: Lonesome me

    Originally posted by JenNettles
    Monsieur Darrow
    Watch your language. Mr. Darrow is not some kind of frog-munching Frenchie.

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  • James Hutchins
    Re: Lonesome me

    Not Godly to steal other peoples identities.

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  • Isabella White
    Re: Lonesome me

    Originally posted by BibleReader2231 View Post
    Sister Isabella, I am confused. Aren’t Darrow and Mister Toole both men? How can they be married?
    My, you are quite observant, dear Sister Maxine. I know it will be only a matter of time before Mr. Darrow catches the joke, too.

    Now, then, how are you getting on with your needlepoint?

    A blessed day to you, Dear,
    Sincerely, Isabella W.

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  • Dr. Anthony J. Toole
    Re: Lonesome me

    Originally posted by BibleReader2231 View Post
    Sister Isabella, I am confused. Aren’t Darrow and Mister Toole both men? How can they be married?
    OH! WAIT! Mrs. Darrow is a man? Then who has been replying to my love messages on PM... And who's been drinking all my scotch lately?

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  • BibleReader2231
    Re: Lonesome me

    Sister Isabella, I am confused. Aren’t Darrow and Mister Toole both men? How can they be married?

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