When a nation turns its back on God, that nation cannot count on His divine protection any more, such as was demonstrated by the Holy cleansing of sin filled New Orleans.
One way that Americans have turned their backs to God is through sexual immorality. But despite what people think, we are winning the War on Sin and Immorality and have just turned the corner towards a more Godly existence.
Regardless of the setbacks caused by terrorist loving lieberals, we only need more a new surge of money to faith based programs (for a short time) in order to continue to teach the proven abstinence only based sex education programs. Then we can declare "Mission Accomplished" and victory over Satan.
Some might say that we are not winning, but I say that we are not losing either, we can chose to be on our way to Victory or we can chose to cut and run.
The main stream media (controlled by secularists, wiccers and demoncrats) only portray the bad news of the War Against Sin™. They don’t display the wins such as the Purity Balls that have become so common amongst True Christians™. Another such project that I am proud to announce that has recently been started by the Mullet Hollow Baptist church is project: Only Natural Abstinence Needed® (Project ONAN®). This new program is sure to meet with success.
True Christian Americans™ have rejected the free-sex, drug, rock & roll, and anything goes lifestyle of Bill Clinton and the hippies. As everyone knows, most Americans support waiting until marriage to have sex. A woman’s greatest gift to a man waiting until marriage and that magical wedding night when she gives herself to him. Girls should take the example of the many fine God-fearing women raised in True Christian™ homes, by not giving in to sin and abstaining from sex with men unless they are married.
Pastor Bob