Some say this is the most difficult time ever for Christian men. I believe it. Think of the burdens carried by Christian men that were not present in the past. Let's list them.

Homerism. As Satan increases the number of Homers we manly men face evermore temptations.

The Return of Eve. Women, the decedents of Eve who committed the Originalo Sin, seem these days to be drifting back to her sinful life. Provocative dress offering the sin offered to Adam are the order of the day.

End of the Guy's bar In the past men went from work to the local bar before heading home. Man talk was available. These bars and the male fellowship have slipped away and men need their place more each year.

Gender Equality. Women are demanding equal pay for work equal to men. This hurts men badly.

Women Preachers. Jesus had no women among his 12 executives. He Peter to build a church upon this rock. He said no such thing to Patricia.

All of these things make men the victims of our times. Let's work to restore men to their rightful place of power.

Challenges Facing Christian Men Today | Challenges Facing Christian Men Today (