Some of us have been assigned to:
A. Secure a copy of it tonight, so it can't fall into the hands of a child. Nothing will show these game makers better than thwarting their murder and mayhem simulator where it can affect children. Would somebody please think of the children?
B. A couple of us have been assigned to play the game to document its evil and debauchery. It is a dirty job, but we do it for our flock. All paid for by your donations, btw. Thank you for that.
This is the place to freak out and post our snap True Christian judgments on this filth, GTA VII!
I will be heading to the store in about an hour.
I have my sandwich boards and Chick Tracts all ready to go as I go get a copy to save a child from it!
To kick it off, how evil is this?
A. Secure a copy of it tonight, so it can't fall into the hands of a child. Nothing will show these game makers better than thwarting their murder and mayhem simulator where it can affect children. Would somebody please think of the children?
B. A couple of us have been assigned to play the game to document its evil and debauchery. It is a dirty job, but we do it for our flock. All paid for by your donations, btw. Thank you for that.

This is the place to freak out and post our snap True Christian judgments on this filth, GTA VII!
I will be heading to the store in about an hour.

I have my sandwich boards and Chick Tracts all ready to go as I go get a copy to save a child from it!
To kick it off, how evil is this?
