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  • #31
    Re: A question brothers?

    Originally posted by minister noddy View Post
    ... um ... actually I was answering Mr. Salvation Seeker ...

    ... but noddy says sorry, repents of sins
    I baptised Brother SS too. So that same thing applies.
    Who Will Jesus Damn?

    Here is a partial list from just a few scripture verses:

    Hypocrites (Matthew 24:51), The Unforgiving (Mark 11:26), Homosexuals (Romans 1:26, 27), Fornicators (Romans 1:29), The Wicked (Romans 1:29), The Covetous (Romans 1:29), The Malicious (Romans 1:29), The Envious (Romans 1:29), Murderers (Romans 1:29), The Deceitful (Romans 1:29), Backbiters (Romans 1:30), Haters of God (Romans 1:30), The Despiteful (Romans 1:30), The Proud (Romans 1:30), Boasters (Romans 1:30), Inventors of evil (Romans 1:30), Disobedient to parents (Romans 1:30), Covenant breakers (Romans 1:31), The Unmerciful (Romans 1:31), The Implacable (Romans 1:31), The Unrighteous (1Corinthians 6:9), Idolaters (1Corinthians 6:9), Adulterers (1Corinthians 6:9), The Effeminate (1Corinthians 6:9), Thieves (1Corinthians 6:10), Drunkards (1Corinthians 6:10), Reviler (1Corinthians 6:10), Extortioners (1Corinthians 6:10), The Fearful (Revelation 21:8), The Unbelieving (Revelation 21:8), The Abominable (Revelation 21:8), Whoremongers (Revelation 21:8), Sorcerers (Revelation 21:8), All Liars (Revelation 21:8)

    Need Pastoral Advice? Contact me privately at PastorEzekiel@landoverbaptist.net TODAY!!


    • #32
      Re: A question brothers?

      Originally posted by Pastor Ezekiel View Post

      I baptised Brother SS too. So that same thing applies.
      Yes Pastor Zeke, apologies from nods
      1st Timothy 2: 9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
      1st Timothy 2: 10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works ...

      1 Timothy 5: 16 If any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged; that it may relieve them that are widows indeed ...

      Proverbs 31: 26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness ...
      Proverbs 31: 27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness ...


      • #33
        Re: A question brothers?

        Originally posted by Brother Temperance View Post
        This coming from someone who KILLED CHRIST?
        I didn't kill Christ. I'm not Jewish, and even if I was, was I alive however many thousand years ago you say it was? No, so don't say idiotic things, it doesn't help your case.


        • #34
          Re: A question brothers?

          So, you guys dislike Jews, and black people? Can I have a bible lesson here, I wanna know why lol.


          • #35
            Re: A question brothers?

            Originally posted by minister noddy View Post
            No, the High Church rites are not BS. No, we don't walk contrary to scripture. No, babies will not go to hell if they die. Yes, the babies' parents are assured of heaven for their children should they die.
            What? Where on earth do you get that nonsense from? Certainly not God's word! People who don't accept Jesus go to Hell, simple as that. Also, what do you believe happens to unbaptised babies?
            Originally posted by Joo View Post
            I didn't kill Christ. I'm not Jewish, and even if I was, was I alive however many thousand years ago you say it was? No, so don't say idiotic things, it doesn't help your case.
            Originally posted by Homerta View Post
            So, you guys dislike Jews, and black people? Can I have a bible lesson here, I wanna know why lol.
            John 19:12-15 clearly shows how the Jews killed Jesus. The Jewish community have yet to issue a formal apology for killing Christ, so we can only assume that, given the chance to kill Christ again, they happily would, which means that your Joo friend bears moral responsibility for the death of Jesus (see also Matthew 5:27-28). And we do not dislike black people as long as they know their place, you insufferable twit!
            O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it--for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen.

            God being truth, justice, goodness, beauty, power, and life, man is falsehood, iniquity, evil, ugliness, impotence, and death. God being master, man is the slave. Incapable of finding justice, truth, and eternal life by his own effort, he can attain them only through a divine revelation... he who desires to worship God must harbor no childish illusions about the matter, but bravely renounce his liberty and humanity.


            • #36
              Re: A question brothers?

              And what is their place, you non-insufferable twit?! lol


              • #37
                Re: A question brothers?

                Originally posted by minister noddy View Post
                No, the High Church rites are not BS.
                Says you and them. But not scripture.
                Find me a SINGLE verse that supports baptizing babies.
                Or that even says babies are innocent.

                Jesus says that we are to be as CHILDREN, not as babies.
                He said this because the faith of a faithful child is pure and absolute:
                Usually more so than an adult.

                Babies however are selfish, sinful, and stupid. Shapen in iniquity and born in sin. (Psalm 51:5)

                No, we don't walk contrary to scripture. No, babies will not go to hell if they die.
                That is a complete oxymoron, fool.
                Those statements contradict each other to 100%!

                What is man, that he should be clean?
                And he which is born of a woman, that he should be righteous?
                Job 15:14

                How then can man be justified with God?
                Or how can he be clean that is born of a woman?
                Job 25:4

                The wicked are estranged from the womb:
                They go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.
                Psalm 58:3

                As you can see, babies are not innocent, simply because of their age.
                So if you don't walk contrary to scripture, just what are the above verses saying then?
                That babies are innocent?

                NOBODY is clean/righteous until washed clean by Jesus blood, NOT ONE!

                Yes, the babies' parents are assured of heaven for their children should they die.
                Only GOD could give such an assurance, it's not even yours to give!
                Just who do you think you are?

                No, I do not seek the praise of any man. No, I am not going to hell.
                Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;
                But he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
                Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?
                And in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
                And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
                Matthew 7:21-23

                You don't do the will of the Father since you break the commandents, thus you're not going to Heaven, but hell.
                And JESUS said this, not me, so if you have a problem with it you simple woman, then I suggest you try taking it up with Him!

                Have you ever set foot inside the doors of a real church? Have you been baptized with water and the Holy Spirit by a real ordained minister, priest, deacon or bishop? If not, then you are missing out on the good stuff.

                Yeah, I have.
                And I've been baptized by a Pastor who was made a Pastor by the grace of Jesus, and not the grace of men!
                And I had a true baptizm too: Complete immersion, as they did it in the Bible, and not some vain & foolish water sprinkling that isn't even a baptizm!

                Your church is not a real church either, it's of satan and the priesthood work for themselves instead of God.
                And you do all your "works" in front of men, so they can be clearly seen, so you may receive their praise.
                Just as you like to pray standing up publically in "church", so everyone can see how "righteous" you are.
                Last edited by SalvationSeeker; 07-31-2007, 01:29 PM.
                If thou be wise, thou shalt be wise for thyself: But if thou scornest, thou alone shalt bear it.
                A foolish woman is clamorous: She is simple, and knoweth nothing.
                Proverbs 9:12-13


                • #38
                  Re: A question brothers?

                  Originally posted by SalvationSeeker View Post

                  Says you and them. But not scripture.
                  Find me a SINGLE verse that supports baptizing babies.
                  Or that even says babies are innocent.

                  Jesus says that we are to be as CHILDREN, not as babies.
                  He said this because the faith of a faithful child is pure and absolute:
                  Usually more so than an adult.

                  Babies however are selfish, sinful, and stupid. Shapen in iniquity and born in sin. (Psalm 51:5)

                  That is a complete oxymoron, fool.
                  Those statements contradict each other to 100%!

                  What is man, that he should be clean?
                  And he which is born of a woman, that he should be righteous?
                  Job 15:14

                  How then can man be justified with God?
                  Or how can he be clean that is born of a woman?
                  Job 25:4

                  The wicked are estranged from the womb:
                  They go astray as soon as they be born, speaking lies.
                  Psalm 58:3

                  As you can see, babies are not innocent, simply because of their age.
                  So if you don't walk contrary to scripture, just what are the above verses saying then?
                  That babies are innocent?

                  NOBODY is clean/righteous until washed clean by Jesus blood, NOT ONE!

                  Only GOD could give such an assurance, it's not even yours to give!
                  Just who do you think you are?

                  Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven;
                  But he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
                  Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name?
                  And in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
                  And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
                  Matthew 7:21-23

                  You don't do the will of the Father since you break the commandents, thus you're not going to Heaven, but hell.
                  And JESUS said this, not me, so if you have a problem with it you simple woman, then I suggest you try taking it up with Him!

                  Yeah, I have (set foot in a real church)

                  And I've been baptized by a Pastor who was made a Pastor by the grace of Jesus, and not the grace of men!
                  And I had a true baptizm too: Complete immersion, as they did it in the Bible, and not some vain & foolish water sprinkling that isn't even a baptizm!

                  Your church is not a real church either, it's of satan and the priesthood work for themselves instead of God.
                  And you do all your "works" in front of men, so they can be clearly seen, so you may receive their praise.
                  Just as you like to pray standing up publically in "church", so everyone can see how "righteous" you are.
                  Well, Mr. Salvation, we just don't agree on any of it.

                  We believe humankind is 'born in sin' metaphorically because of the fall of Adam and Eve, who were also metaphorical persons.

                  We believe babies are innocent because they can't think or choose yet, so baptism to mark them as Jesus' own is sufficient until the age of reason.

                  We believe the scripture of the Bible is 'sacred story' or 'poetic metaphor' and was written by men, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and contains everything necessary for salvation.

                  I posted earlier that I do not take the Bible literally, but as a collection of stories written over generations by many different authors.

                  We don't believe in a literal hell, that too is metaphor; hell is really a metaphor to define that place in the hearts of those who have rejected God and are miserable and in need of personal faith and without hope.

                  In fact, we believe the sacred story of the Bible is true -- but in the human heart, and therefore true on the inside.

                  The physical world and universe are natural, and came into being by natural processes -- and there is nobody out there, God is not out there, that's the outside, God is on the inside.

                  Of course you won't agree with any of what I've said here, so again I'm expecting to get slammed

                  God bless you, whatever you believe
                  Last edited by Sister Noddy; 07-31-2007, 04:48 PM.
                  1st Timothy 2: 9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
                  1st Timothy 2: 10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works ...

                  1 Timothy 5: 16 If any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged; that it may relieve them that are widows indeed ...

                  Proverbs 31: 26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness ...
                  Proverbs 31: 27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness ...


                  • #39
                    Re: A question brothers?

                    Originally posted by minister noddy View Post
                    Well, Mr. Salvation, we just don't agree on any of it.

                    We believe humankind is 'born in sin' metaphorically because of the fall of Adam and Eve, who were also metaphorical persons.
                    A metaphor for what? Seriously, what does humankind being born in sin symbolise? And what makes you think Adam and Eve were metaphorical? I agree there's a lot of allegory in the Bible, but when it occurs it's always clearly marked out as being a parable. Show me chapter and verse to support your claim that "The entire book of Genesis is all a big metaphor lol."
                    We believe babies are innocent because they can't think or choose yet, so baptism to mark them as Jesus' own is sufficient until the age of reason.
                    If they're innocent, and they don't have any sins, then what's the point of baptising them? Wouldn't it make sense to wait until they've got some sins to wash away first?
                    We don't believe in a literal hell, that too is metaphor; hell is really a metaphor to define that place in the hearts of those who have rejected God and are miserable and in need of personal faith and without hope.
                    So what do you think happens to dead sinners? Do you believe that Heaven is a metaphor?
                    The physical world and universe are natural, and came into being by natural processes -- and there is nobody out there, God is not out there, that's the outside, God is on the inside.
                    God is not out there? What kind of an atheist blasphemer are you? According to you, God only exists as a voice in our heads.
                    God bless you, whatever you believe
                    And may God bless you with the wisdom to realise that your beliefs are nothing more than a blasphemous collection of mumbo-jumbo and piffle, and move you to repent of your Anglican't sins!
                    O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it--for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen.

                    God being truth, justice, goodness, beauty, power, and life, man is falsehood, iniquity, evil, ugliness, impotence, and death. God being master, man is the slave. Incapable of finding justice, truth, and eternal life by his own effort, he can attain them only through a divine revelation... he who desires to worship God must harbor no childish illusions about the matter, but bravely renounce his liberty and humanity.


                    • #40
                      Re: A question brothers?

                      I believe in evolution;

                      all the way from the natural beginnings of the universe; from simple to complex; that after the Big Bang the universe was small but rapidly inflating, that it was a quark fog;

                      that quarks arranged themselves into atomic nuclei, that atoms stuck together to make molecules; then the formation of the light elements; that ultimately the matter of the universe arranged itself into galaxies; then the supernovae of giant hot first-generation stars, and the formation of the heavy elements;

                      that our own solar system (in this galaxy) is made of supernovae residue and heavy elements, and is about four and one half billion years old;

                      and that organic matter, the DNA molecule, and the millions of species of lifeforms we have on this planet today, including humans, were the natural byproduct of all previous processes.

                      Yes, God may very well have started the entire universe and its processes. The fact is, no one knows.

                      We don't know if heaven or hell exist. We can believe the Bible literally or as metaphor, but the fact is, we don't know. Belief and fact are not the same thing.

                      Our sciences, philosophies and religions may never find all the answers.

                      Because intelligence happens to strive for inquiry (because we want to know things) we have free choice. The freedom to choose also includes the possibility of choices not good for us in the long term. This is where the ideas of good and evil -- and sin -- came from.

                      This is free will. It came from natural selection; which God himself may or may not have intended from the beginning.

                      We don't know. The holy scriptures are a sacred guide to help us along, inspired by the Holy Spirit, written by men, and containing all needed for salvation.

                      Some definitions.

                      Agnosticism: without sufficient knowledge or interest to chose whether or not to believe in God

                      Atheism: without belief in God

                      Anti-theism: against belief in God (religion may be harmful to society)

                      Humanism: belief in the human mind and heart, human choice, human reason and logic, and free inquiry

                      I'm a humanist who loves God and practices Christianity in the Anglican tradition because I think it is the most beautiful and reasonable of all the Christian denominations.

                      1st Timothy 2: 9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
                      1st Timothy 2: 10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works ...

                      1 Timothy 5: 16 If any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged; that it may relieve them that are widows indeed ...

                      Proverbs 31: 26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness ...
                      Proverbs 31: 27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness ...


                      • #41
                        Re: A question brothers?

                        And you are hellbound for being a false Christian. As all God-mocking Anglicants are.
                        Who Will Jesus Damn?

                        Here is a partial list from just a few scripture verses:

                        Hypocrites (Matthew 24:51), The Unforgiving (Mark 11:26), Homosexuals (Romans 1:26, 27), Fornicators (Romans 1:29), The Wicked (Romans 1:29), The Covetous (Romans 1:29), The Malicious (Romans 1:29), The Envious (Romans 1:29), Murderers (Romans 1:29), The Deceitful (Romans 1:29), Backbiters (Romans 1:30), Haters of God (Romans 1:30), The Despiteful (Romans 1:30), The Proud (Romans 1:30), Boasters (Romans 1:30), Inventors of evil (Romans 1:30), Disobedient to parents (Romans 1:30), Covenant breakers (Romans 1:31), The Unmerciful (Romans 1:31), The Implacable (Romans 1:31), The Unrighteous (1Corinthians 6:9), Idolaters (1Corinthians 6:9), Adulterers (1Corinthians 6:9), The Effeminate (1Corinthians 6:9), Thieves (1Corinthians 6:10), Drunkards (1Corinthians 6:10), Reviler (1Corinthians 6:10), Extortioners (1Corinthians 6:10), The Fearful (Revelation 21:8), The Unbelieving (Revelation 21:8), The Abominable (Revelation 21:8), Whoremongers (Revelation 21:8), Sorcerers (Revelation 21:8), All Liars (Revelation 21:8)

                        Need Pastoral Advice? Contact me privately at PastorEzekiel@landoverbaptist.net TODAY!!


                        • #42
                          Re: A question brothers?

                          Originally posted by minister noddy View Post
                          I believe in evolution;

                          all the way from the natural beginnings of the universe; from simple to complex; that after the Big Bang the universe was small but rapidly inflating, that it was a quark fog;

                          that quarks arranged themselves into atomic nuclei, that atoms stuck together to make molecules; then the formation of the light elements; that ultimately the matter of the universe arranged itself into galaxies; then the supernovae of giant hot first-generation stars, and the formation of the heavy elements;

                          that our own solar system (in this galaxy) is made of supernovae residue and heavy elements, and is about four and one half billion years old;

                          and that organic matter, the DNA molecule, and the millions of species of lifeforms we have on this planet today, including humans, were the natural byproduct of all previous processes.
                          Is that the official Anglican't catechism nowadays?
                          Humanism: belief in the human mind and heart, human choice, human reason and logic, and free inquiry
                          God hates humanism. Look where human choice, reason and logic got us in the Garden of Eden.
                          I'm a humanist who loves God and practices Christianity in the Anglican tradition because I think it is the most beautiful and reasonable of all the Christian denominations.
                          What about the oat-loving Quakers and the Universal Eunuchtarians? They're even more perverted than you are. And if you're a humanist, why do you hate sodomites?
                          O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it--for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen.

                          God being truth, justice, goodness, beauty, power, and life, man is falsehood, iniquity, evil, ugliness, impotence, and death. God being master, man is the slave. Incapable of finding justice, truth, and eternal life by his own effort, he can attain them only through a divine revelation... he who desires to worship God must harbor no childish illusions about the matter, but bravely renounce his liberty and humanity.


                          • #43
                            Re: A question brothers?

                            I believe in evolution;

                            all the way from the natural beginnings of the universe; from simple to complex; that after the Big Bang the universe was small but rapidly inflating, that it was a quark fog (and blah blah)
                            Is that the official Anglican't catechism nowadays?
                            No. These are my own conclusions from studying science. But many in my church agree with this privately.

                            Humanism: belief in the human mind and heart, human choice, human reason and logic, and free inquiry
                            God hates humanism. Look where human choice, reason and logic got us in the Garden of Eden.
                            God doesn't hate anybody. There was (in my scientifically informed opinion) no Garden of Eden, it was a mythical place in a metaphorical story.

                            I'm a humanist who loves God and practices Christianity in the Anglican tradition because I think it is the most beautiful and reasonable of all the Christian denominations.
                            What about the oat-loving Quakers and the Universal Eunuchtarians? They're even more perverted than you are. And if you're a humanist, why do you hate sodomites?
                            Oh I wouldn't be interested in the Quakers, they're about 200 years behind the times and they're fundies. The Unitarians are just a mishmash of beliefs; Humanism makes more sense anyway. Humanists can believe what they want, but on the issue of gays I personally happen to be against the same-sex lifestyle.

                            Aren't we having fun?
                            1st Timothy 2: 9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
                            1st Timothy 2: 10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works ...

                            1 Timothy 5: 16 If any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged; that it may relieve them that are widows indeed ...

                            Proverbs 31: 26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness ...
                            Proverbs 31: 27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness ...


                            • #44
                              Re: A question brothers?

                              Originally posted by minister noddy View Post
                              God doesn't hate anybody. There was (in my scientifically informed opinion) no Garden of Eden, it was a mythical place in a metaphorical story.
                              Metaphorical or not friend you do accept the basic lesson of the story of the Garden of Eden; woman conspired with Satan to trick man into damning himself out of paradise. Correct? The need for mankind to redeem itself from sin is the basic concept of Christianity, even the false, evil Christianity you practice accepts that.

                              Time to reclaim our FREEDOM from the “Mullah in Chief” and his growing activist voter hoards of socialists, communists, anti-Semites, anti-Christians, atheists, radical gays and lesbians, feminists, illegal immigrants, Muslims, anti-Anglo whites and others.

                              Hot Must ReadThreads!

                              Time to come clean on Benghazi Mr Obama!


                              • #45
                                Re: A question brothers?

                                Originally posted by Bobby-Joe View Post

                                Metaphorical or not friend you do accept the basic lesson of the story of the Garden of Eden; woman conspired with Satan to trick man into damning himself out of paradise. Correct? The need for mankind to redeem itself from sin is the basic concept of Christianity, even the false, evil Christianity you practice accepts that.
                                Yes Bobby-Joe, I do accept the basic lesson of the story of the Garden of Eden.

                                1st Timothy 2: 9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
                                1st Timothy 2: 10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works ...

                                1 Timothy 5: 16 If any man or woman that believeth have widows, let them relieve them, and let not the church be charged; that it may relieve them that are widows indeed ...

                                Proverbs 31: 26 She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness ...
                                Proverbs 31: 27 She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness ...

