I find it more frightening that the speaker knows that much details......how come he knows that much? Is he a homer himself?
As pastors, we must often go into the darkest, seediest places of society in order to save those who need to be saved the most. We enter into dens of iniquity, armed with KJV Bibles, ready to bring even the most hardened sinner the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. As well, we must also "know the enemy".
I commend this pastor for forcing himself to browse disgusting gay sex porn sites for hours on end, so he can bring the truth to his congregation. It's very similar what we do in our local anti-pornography ministry G.A.P.E. (Gentlemen Against Pornographic Exhibition). Several of us men will get together in a living room, and painfully screen the latest pornographic movies being released. It allows us to know what we can ban in Freehold and what to keep legal. All confiscated porn tapes in the town are transferred to our safekeeping. That way, we know little children won't be able to get their hands on that smut.
So, my hat's off to this pastor. Undoubtedly he is repulsed by gay sex, which is why he has made it his life's mission to study it in excruciating detail.
Watch the #1 Televangelist Gospel Hour in the World! "Turn or Burn: Accept Christ or Go to Hell with Rev. Jim Osborne."Check your local cable listings.
Re: Help support Uganda's fight against homosexuality
We aren't seeing the whole presentation. I wonder if he discusses the other abominations that homers perform, like forcing small animals, cats and small dogs, into the rectum. The homers let the animal struggle for his life inside the anus and then, when it is dead, the homers retrieve it and ceremonially have sex with the animal's corpse before eating its brains and genitalia. If you ever see a one-eyed homer it is because he has had it removed in order to allow more penises into his body at one time. A homer with no eyes is usually revered and cared for by the other homers for his sacrifice in the cause of gay sex. That is why tribal Africans and other indigenous negras make such large holes in their bodies.
Re: Help support Uganda's fight against homosexuality
Its good to see that Africa are heading to right side. Gay should be illegal. Death or prison for life should be the punishment.
Now, do you think jesus like Africa? In America, they allow gay marriage, but still, you say Jesus like America. So i am just asking, do Jesus now like Africa for that movement?
Leviticus 18:23 Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.
Its good to see that Africa are heading to right side. Gay should be illegal. Death or prison for life should be the punishment.
Now, do you think jesus like Africa? In America, they allow gay marriage, but still, you say Jesus like America. So i am just asking, do Jesus now like Africa for that movement?