I'm not going to go so far as to say you're all disgusting harlots who burn with lust and will destroy civilization with your pulsating loins, but I do notice morality is on a downward trend.
For example, take a look at the changing standards for when sex is acceptable and when it is a monstrous, God-mocking sin.
Here's how it was in medieval times. I've bolded the parts that have changed. We truly are slouching towards Gomorrah:
This is Biblically-correct: read 1 Corinthians 7:25-31, and 1 Corinthians 7:36-40 in which Paul opposes hetrosexual marriage, but decides to allow it based on pure, grudging pragmatism: "if his passions are strong, and so it has to be, let him marry as he wishes" -1 Corinthians 7:36 (No, this logic does NOT apply to gay marriage, that's totally different!)
Without even noticing, we have been infiltrated by a modern liberal attitude that sex is okay on any night of the week - even on the 4th of July, George W Bush's birthday, or even the anniversary of 9/11!
See this flowchart for an example of the staunch morality of previous generations:

Now, of course of lot of those special days are Catholic nonsense that we should ignore. However, the basic concept is sound - we just need to choose different days to abstain.
No sex on the Sabbath/Sunday makes sense, because sex is supposed to be work, an ordeal we endure for the sake of creating babies. If it's not work you're doing it wrong!
Expect updates on other no-sex days soon. I'm about to meet with the Church elders and I'll be suggesting that Saturdays also be a no sex-day (I've got a headache, okay?)
I'm not going to go so far as to say you're all disgusting harlots who burn with lust and will destroy civilization with your pulsating loins, but I do notice morality is on a downward trend.
For example, take a look at the changing standards for when sex is acceptable and when it is a monstrous, God-mocking sin.
Here's how it was in medieval times. I've bolded the parts that have changed. We truly are slouching towards Gomorrah:
Penitentials were handbooks listing many sins a confessor could be expected to encounter….it’s the fornication that took up the lion’s share of these handbooks, and every conceivable act was detailed along with the (heavy) price it exacted in penance….The penitential writers saw marital sex as a concession, not as a right or even a gift from God.
This is Biblically-correct: read 1 Corinthians 7:25-31, and 1 Corinthians 7:36-40 in which Paul opposes hetrosexual marriage, but decides to allow it based on pure, grudging pragmatism: "if his passions are strong, and so it has to be, let him marry as he wishes" -1 Corinthians 7:36 (No, this logic does NOT apply to gay marriage, that's totally different!)
The pleasure it brought was inherently sinful, a gateway to lust, so sex within marriage should be carefully contained and scheduled to ensure the most possible procreation and the least possible pleasure. Married couples had to abstain regularly or the very state of their marriage would degenerate into an illegitimate and sinful union. Even the children born of sex during a period where the couple should have abstained — mainly based on the Church’s liturgical calendar and on the wife’s reproductive cycle — were to be considered bastards.
Without even noticing, we have been infiltrated by a modern liberal attitude that sex is okay on any night of the week - even on the 4th of July, George W Bush's birthday, or even the anniversary of 9/11!
See this flowchart for an example of the staunch morality of previous generations:

Now, of course of lot of those special days are Catholic nonsense that we should ignore. However, the basic concept is sound - we just need to choose different days to abstain.
No sex on the Sabbath/Sunday makes sense, because sex is supposed to be work, an ordeal we endure for the sake of creating babies. If it's not work you're doing it wrong!
Expect updates on other no-sex days soon. I'm about to meet with the Church elders and I'll be suggesting that Saturdays also be a no sex-day (I've got a headache, okay?)