As you may have heard, the first all-candidates debate had to be cancelled to overcrowding, as during the rehearsal the security detail concluded that trampling was a serious threat. The Freehold Aerial Survey estimated the crowd number to be "somewhere between the medium to high multitudes, with a low chance of being the mob predicted by Revelation 7:9".
No members of the public were in danger, as the crowd consisted solely of candidates.
Thanks be to Mayor Hold for being such an inspirational figure that everybody wants to be a mayor just like him. And thanks be for the freak clerical error that gave him a ten-year term of office, because these election things sure are a nuisance.
Anyway, top considerations for the new debate venue are:
No members of the public were in danger, as the crowd consisted solely of candidates.
Thanks be to Mayor Hold for being such an inspirational figure that everybody wants to be a mayor just like him. And thanks be for the freak clerical error that gave him a ten-year term of office, because these election things sure are a nuisance.
Anyway, top considerations for the new debate venue are:
- Freehold Baptismal Beach and/or sewage treatment facility overflow area, with the incumbents podium at the former lifeguard's chair and the challengers in the shallow end/effluent runoff (depending on rainfall).
- Leviticus Lake Slaughterhouse: The podium for the Incumbent will be in the office, with the challengers in the freezer unit. There will be a special place for vegan candidates in the stick pit, which Freehold Foods promises will be drained.
- David's Gun Range. All 12 of the local gun clubs promise that the challengers podiums will have no live fire, assuming current wind conditions remain unchanged