Daily News with Cranky Old Man
Wednesday March 23th 2011
The REAL news, NOT the fluffy stuff of the liberal media.
The headlines are by the liberal media. My comments explain what is REALLY going on.
Wednesday March 23th 2011
The REAL news, NOT the fluffy stuff of the liberal media.
The headlines are by the liberal media. My comments explain what is REALLY going on.
Thousands of Gulf Oil Spill clean-up crew are dying! Video of the dying!
The usual lies of the liberal media. Blame corporate America for the failures of Obama's health care plan. ALL these clean-up crew members are covered by Obama-care. ALL of them are dying. Coincidence? Of course not!
Syrian Police Just Opened Fire On "Hundreds Of Youths"
THIS is what we should be doing in America. Instead of pampering our youth with handouts and free drugs until they all turn gay we should shoot all the lazy ones and let the rest of them build up America again. That's the only way we can become nation number one again. We can learn a thing or two from Gaddafi here. Proverbs 23:13-14
Egyptian women protesters forced to take ‘virginity tests’
We all know women lie. Most of them all the time. Instead of taking their word for it, Egypt is doing the right thing here. Just force them to take a test. Not a virgin? Burn them! Genesis 38:24
Americans Target Bank of America to Stop Corporate Tax Dodging
THIS is how Obama is destroying America. Instead of being proud of our banks, who are attracting money to America from all over the world, Obama is making sure our entire financial system will burn to the ground.
With Income Gap at 80-Year High, Solutions Remain Elusive
Some lazy democrat hippie complaining about the government not giving him enough money for free. Will they never learn that the only way to make money is to WORK!? Proverbs 12:24