Re: Landover Truth and Light - Free!
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Re: Landover Truth and Light - Free!
Originally posted by Joanna Lytton-Vasey View PostTrue Christians™ who are resident outside Freehold receive their copy by mail or courier. Ours is usually delivered by Fedex. Residents of the city have it hand-delivered on the morning of publication.
It is not, as far as I am aware, available to that one day, I may read the entire publication!
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Re: Landover Truth and Light - Free!
What the liberals fail to grasp is the reality of communism. This trans-national ideology ruined any country where it got a toehold and in recognition of the threat two important outcomes were achieved.
One: By decisive action in East Asia the domino effect was halted once and for all. The commies were not challenged directly at home, if they want to be commies there's probably not much you can do, but at the frontier. They were frozen in their tracks and remain so frozen.
Two: Vigilance at home. "Are you or have you ever been a menber of the communist party?" was a valid and important question. Many commies would lie of course, we knew that and employed appropriate reinforcing measures for the interrogatory to more accurately reflect reality. Communists could not enter the country.
Three: And this is the thing liberals just don't get. Where were the cries of "Racism" or "Ideological freedom" then? There were none. Everyone knew how to spot a commie, our lives were fulfilling and we prospered. Now a similar (worse -ed.) ideology threatens us, not behind closed doors but openly. Now, however, it's all the "Racism" and the "Ideological freedom" we're expected to value, even as their threats of destruction are carried out before our very eyes.
How could any Christian ever be a liberal?
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Re: Landover Truth and Light - Free!
True Christians™ who are resident outside Freehold receive their copy by mail or courier. Ours is usually delivered by Fedex. Residents of the city have it hand-delivered on the morning of publication.
It is not, as far as I am aware, available to theunwashedunsaved.
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Re: Landover Truth and Light - Free!
How does one get to read the entire publication?
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Re: Landover Truth and Light - Free!
Brother Larry,
The Great Dictum of the Newspaper owner is “All the News that is fit to print.” In my position as editor, I uphold that fearless tradition, unswayed and unconcerned by the outrage and in the resolute belief that anything my readers should know, they can know. Such traditions create communities.
The kicker is “that is fit to print”. People interpret this in many ways. To me it means “I will see that it is printed unless it is going to cause a fatal accident.”
In 1992, I reported the sad and sudden death of Brother Tory Wagner whose lifeless remains were discovered below the Old Bridge – a tragic accident that was caused by his attempting to balance across the rail of the bridge with his hands tied behind his back.
In 1997, my unfortunate duty was to photograph the remains of the charred body of Danton Backes found 2 miles downstream from the Old Bridge. The death was deemed to have been “spontaneous combustion followed by drowning.”
In 2004, it was Nathan Pierce most of whose body was found below the bridge and in the surrounding bushes and trees. The inquiry found that he had been seen juggling weeping gelignite just 2 minutes before crossing the Old Bridge.
You can read further and similar reports in the archives for the years 2009, 2012 and 2014.
I mention the Old Bridge as this was the only common feature other than the pure coincidence that each was under a delusion that Pastor Zeke was in some way “After them”.
Demons take many forms and often strike in lonely spots away from prying eyes. These demons seem to know a lot about their wretched victims and have little difficulty finding them and leading them astray. For instance,they would know that you recently paid $102.54 for a meal for two in Crockett’s Restaurant, Minneapolis, you had three courses and drank Beaujolais Trés Arbres 2007, and that the clock on your wall stopped 2 hours and 17 minutes ago, etc.
I think a Birth Certificate is rather private and not something FTL would wish to publish - if you return the envelope unopened, you may be eligible for a refund.
E.Bathfire, Editor.
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Re: Landover Truth and Light - Free!
To the Editor:
Great news! The Freedom of Information Act covers certain details about public figures, and I was able to obtain a certified copy of Pastor Ezekiel's birth certificate. It is due to arrive by FedEx 2nd Day Air on Monday! Once it gets here I can fax it to you for publication.
Isn't this wonderful! The truth we've known all along will finally have PROOF. Oh, Glory.
PS: Oh, dear. I just received an update from FedEx that stated my parcel didn't make it to the plane today. They will inform me of a new delivery date, and I quote: "As soon as the company feels it is safe." Hmmm. Must have been an issue with the airplane, you think? But if it didn't make it to the airplane...well, no need to worry. Jesus is in charge!
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Re: Landover Truth and Light - Free!
I'm a little confused, did the sponsor get Miss Bollard's picture (317/8) mixed up in the slideshow somewhere?
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