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  • Jeb Stuart Thurmond
    Re: Dear True Christians: Your diversity statements are problematic

    Originally posted by MitzaLizalor View Post
    "People in more unequal countries trust each other less?"
    I'm not going to argue with the trend line - The last time I tried connect-the-dots the result I got was even sloppier.

    My argument would be that they are confusing cause and effect. People are willing to share and care with relatives and psudo-reletives (fictive kinship) if they have a reputation for returning the favor. Or if you're facing the threat of public execution by hungry lion.

    As for this example of gerrymandering:

    Simply recoloring it by average skin tone would be more illuminating. Especially the top, which would outright glow.

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  • Basilissa
    Re: Dear True Christians: Your diversity statements are problematic

    Originally posted by Social Construct View Post
    People complain that diversity statements are a waste of time, but it's only because they use time-wasting obsolete systems like freckle-counting.

    This is the correct way to determine your place on the racial hierarchy. Upper-Right is the oppressor races who do nothing but evil. Lower-left is The People. The future is the Lower-Left:
    Should I be triggered by the fact Poland is not on that drawing?

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: Dear True Christians: Your diversity statements are problematic

    Originally Posted by Social Construct
    (a chart)
    Originally Posted by Alvin Moss
    Originally Posted by Social Construct
    Sycophantic drivel removed so no one has to read it twice
    The important point to be realized here is that none of those people are going to go to Heaven and neither are you.
    Heaven never enters the thoughts of secular-rationalists who probably did that chart. Did anyone notice the way lines were drawn arbitrarily to not group countries obviously clustered together? South Korea, Russia and Moldova, for example? Chile, Malaysia, Turkey? Not even the categories are consistent. Malaysia for instance has sharia enclaves able to gazump the federal courts yet is grouped NOT as islamist but with Cyprus, Thailand and Poland in SOUTH.ASIA.

    From: The Law Library of Congress


    (summary: even if you want to go to the Fedral Court, the State based mullahs will not allow you to do so and the Court of Appeal must kowtow to Syariah authority.)

    But not "Islamic" ………r i i i i ght.

    Another chart was linked in with that nonsense, similar gobbledygook announcing what the conclusion was going to be before you'd even looked at it so the idea is that you don't and prate the header in conversation but it isn't conversation really is it.

    I looked at the chart. The graphics were atrocious so I cleaned it up a bit and added some yellow rings:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Unequal Trust hilite.png
Views:	1
Size:	96.5 KB
ID:	1923246

    Looks like they flicked some cake mix against the wall and drew a line through it – but say you didn't just want to parrot "People in more unequal countries trust each other less?" Maybe you'd notice at the 40% level (I've added the yellow rings) some widely divergent places, according to the chart, having almost identical levels of trust. Quite the opposite of what the chart was supposed to show.

    There was a very obvious absence, too. All those places in perpetual poverty where everyone's starving to death. OK, there might be a couple pocketing all the foreign aid but they're both in Monaco or Dubai swanning around in gold plated sports cars if they can get out of the bordello long enough to remember where they put the keys. The rest of them are murdering one another like it's going out of fashion. Equal? Yes. Trust? Not even long enough to grab the nearest machete. On the chart? No.

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  • Joanna Lytton-Vasey
    Re: Dear True Christians: Your diversity statements are problematic

    Originally posted by Social Construct View Post
    Upper-Right is the oppressor races who do nothing but evil. Lower-left is The People. The future is the Lower-Left:

    Enjoy Southern Rhodesia, or "Zimbabwe" as it is labeled on your (somewhat geographically and religiously inaccurate) map. I can't be the only person who is very much looking forward to your reports from there. Let me know if you need help with the air fare.

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  • Alvin Moss
    Re: Dear True Christians: Your diversity statements are problematic

    Originally posted by Social Construct View Post
    Sycophantic drivel removed so no one has to read it twice

    The important point to be realized here is that none of those people are going to go to Heaven and neither are you.

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  • Social Construct
    Re: Dear True Christians: Your diversity statements are problematic

    Originally posted by Anonymous View Post
    my department is made up of 27 Chinese guys, 2 Chinese women, an Eh'rab and me (186 freckles last count).
    People complain that diversity statements are a waste of time, but it's only because they use time-wasting obsolete systems like freckle-counting.

    This is the correct way to determine your place on the racial hierarchy. Upper-Right is the oppressor races who do nothing but evil. Lower-left is The People. The future is the Lower-Left:

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  • Dr. Anthony J. Toole
    Re: Dear True Christians: Your diversity statements are problematic

    Originally posted by Johny Joe Hold View Post
    When it comes to diversity, count Freehold in.
    Ready? And a 1...2...3...

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  • Dennis Lukes
    Re: Dear True Christians: Your diversity statements are problematic

    Originally posted by Dolores de Barriga View Post
    I consider myself to be a decent person [...] but I'm from Spain, so [...] I'm a Latina
    If you ever decide to leave that horrid, hellbound, chink-infested, Bernie-worshipping, fag-enabling, politically correct sin-ville that is Iowa City, I'd be happy to hire you on as a maid. There are lots of other Mexican gals here at the Blood of Christ Motel, you'd fit in fine.

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  • Jeb Stuart Thurmond
    Re: Dear True Christians: Your diversity statements are problematic

    Herman Cain's thread has been moved here.

    Originally posted by Johny Joe Hold View Post
    In Freehold, we welcome diversity.
    To a fault. Looks like City Hall has been too welcoming in its hiring/contracting:

    Last edited by Jeb Stuart Thurmond; 12-20-2019, 06:46 PM.

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  • Johny Joe Hold
    Re: Dear True Christians: Your diversity statements are problematic

    My views only represent the Mayor's office and there may be those in Freehold who have other views. In fact, some of the rather argumentative women at the Senior Citizen Center remind me there are other views.

    In Freehold, we welcome diversity. But, we have standards. People of other colors or cultures need to improve themselves before the welcome mat is out. We allow people who speak languages other than English--but they need to speak perfect English before they are welcome.

    People of the darker skin tones who come from darker places in the world can have a good life in Freehold. They need to recognize the only jobs available to them are in grounds keeping.

    When it comes to diversity, count Freehold in.

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  • Sally Paulson
    Re: Dear True Christians: Your diversity statements are problematic

    I do my bit to fight the idea that men are entitled to sex.

    Every time I see a nerd I wiggle my [loins] and remind him that he's going to die a virgin. Except when it's my son, then I don't wiggle my [loins].
    Last edited by Jeb Stuart Thurmond; 12-06-2019, 11:08 PM. Reason: lewd

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  • Dolores de Barriga
    Re: Dear True Christians: Your diversity statements are problematic

    I consider myself to be a decent person, but I'm too busy with academic life to do anything that would really advance diversity - but I'm from Spain, so people believe I'm a Latina and leave me alone.

    However, when recently pressed with an obligation to write a diversity statement at my university, I used Jaded Aid a my, well, aid. Playing this game gives some truly epic diversity statement possibilities.

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  • Jeb Stuart Thurmond
    Re: Your diversity statements are problematic

    I care a lot. I care about the rights of women in Muslim-majority countries, I care about all black shooting victims (not just the tiny minority shot by police), I care about the poor in Venezuela, and the poor in Cuba and North Korea. I care about the majority of hate crime victims - Jews attacked by blacks. I care about the plight of animals in Korea, the Middle East, Eskimo "nations", India, China, well, everywhere they encounter non-White people. I support white privilege studies. I care about the oceans. I care about school shootings. I care a lot about the demographic that suffers more child abuse, workplace deaths, murder, homelessness, imprisonment, conscription, suicide, and untimely death in general - males.

    I care a lot.

    Originally posted by Social Construct View Post
    It was supposed to be androgynous
    Fixed it for you.
    Last edited by Jeb Stuart Thurmond; 12-06-2019, 06:52 PM.

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  • Dr. Anthony J. Toole
    Re: Dear True Christians: Your diversity statements are problematic

    Ahhhhh bassoon, or "tonguing the old brown tube" as my school master used to say. Everyone had to learn it in those days. Wonderful memories, thank you Sister.

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: Dear True Christians: Your diversity statements are problematic

    Originally posted by Social Construct View Post
    I play bassoon and captain intramural hockey and do charity work in Uganda every morning with the girl from the Gangnam Style video

    Perhaps at this thyme of year a seasonal reminder would be wholly appreciated by ethnics who may not celebrate Christmas themselves. The following medley includes highlights from Gangnam for dancing in the aisle.dubstep for Uganda and a lovely bassoon ensemble. A great start for any event.in.selfless support of those less firtunate.

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