A Mighty Victory Is Won!
Ever since I first came to Babylon to be educated and to provide diversity at universities here I and other progressive students have been demanding reparations to be paid for the enslaving of the Black man by the white people. The enlightened white people who are in charge of my school which is Georgetown University finally agreed to pay limited reparations to the descendants of their own slaves and I have been enjoying those benefits which include tuition, books, living quarters and a small stipend for suitable foods and ganja. So far I am the only student enjoying these repayments because records are sparse and they do not know who to give these reparations to. It is only through good luck that I remembered once being told as a small child that the Jesuits in Babylon had once owned one of my relatives who escaped to Jamaica to be owned by English people there.
Now I am informed by our student newspaper that the University of Notre Dame has decided to pay reparations to the Black man and I am very excited and anxious to find out how much they will pay to ease their burden of white guilt. I am at the same time saddened to find that the white people at Notre Dame are going to waste some of the money justly owed to the Black man on reparations paid to Indians for the poor treatment they received. That is an error because the Indians already have a lot of casinos where they relieve the white people of more money than they would ever receive in reparations. White people should pay for their crimes but they should not pay for crimes against the Indians with monies that should go to the Black man.
I will shortly apply for some of these reparations as soon as I can find out who will be in charge of disbursing the funds. I am also thinking of transferring my studies to that university as well depending on the offer I receive. I have found that universities in Babylon are very anxious to enroll Black students like I because there are too few members of a basketball team to provide enough diversity.
Jah Guide!
Ever since I first came to Babylon to be educated and to provide diversity at universities here I and other progressive students have been demanding reparations to be paid for the enslaving of the Black man by the white people. The enlightened white people who are in charge of my school which is Georgetown University finally agreed to pay limited reparations to the descendants of their own slaves and I have been enjoying those benefits which include tuition, books, living quarters and a small stipend for suitable foods and ganja. So far I am the only student enjoying these repayments because records are sparse and they do not know who to give these reparations to. It is only through good luck that I remembered once being told as a small child that the Jesuits in Babylon had once owned one of my relatives who escaped to Jamaica to be owned by English people there.
Now I am informed by our student newspaper that the University of Notre Dame has decided to pay reparations to the Black man and I am very excited and anxious to find out how much they will pay to ease their burden of white guilt. I am at the same time saddened to find that the white people at Notre Dame are going to waste some of the money justly owed to the Black man on reparations paid to Indians for the poor treatment they received. That is an error because the Indians already have a lot of casinos where they relieve the white people of more money than they would ever receive in reparations. White people should pay for their crimes but they should not pay for crimes against the Indians with monies that should go to the Black man.
I will shortly apply for some of these reparations as soon as I can find out who will be in charge of disbursing the funds. I am also thinking of transferring my studies to that university as well depending on the offer I receive. I have found that universities in Babylon are very anxious to enroll Black students like I because there are too few members of a basketball team to provide enough diversity.
Jah Guide!