I suppose we've all received these calls alerting us warranty coverage for repairs to our vehicles has expired and the caller wants to help. I receive these calls as well.
So many financial advisors advise not to buy extended from these callers. Who should we believe?
Let's face it. We all need extended warranties on our vehicles. But we should buy from a Christian firm. A Christian can shop for Christian extended warranties. Then buy several of them to make sure repairs do not put you in a financial bind.
Did You Know These 17 Companies Were Christian? We Bet Not! (godvine.com)
So many financial advisors advise not to buy extended from these callers. Who should we believe?
Let's face it. We all need extended warranties on our vehicles. But we should buy from a Christian firm. A Christian can shop for Christian extended warranties. Then buy several of them to make sure repairs do not put you in a financial bind.
Did You Know These 17 Companies Were Christian? We Bet Not! (godvine.com)