

Forum Description

Forums Topics Posts Last Post
Administrator Sermons
Pastor's Rules and Announcements
Please read this. You are our guest. We will treat you like a jewel on the cushion of our hospitality. Or maybe not.
Topics: 15 Posts: 91
15 91
Bible Study
Bible in a Year
KJV with Brother V
Topics: 366 Posts: 1,252
366 1,252
Favorite Bible Verses
Brother Harry's Bible Study and more!
Topics: 212 Posts: 3,572
212 3,572
Topics: 532 Posts: 10,998
532 10,998
Church Forums
The introduction forum
Attention Unsaved Trash: This the ONLY subforum you can start threads in. Here is where you introduce yourself. Tell us what church you go to and what your favorite Bible verse is and how you came to find Jesus.
Topics: 8,914 Posts: 215,623
8,914 215,623
General Church Fellowship
A place for True Christians to join in praise, faith and fellowship.
Topics: 5,522 Posts: 96,342
5,522 96,342
False Religions and Cults
Catholics, Wiccans, Lutherans, Satanists, Mormons, and more!
Topics: 2,576 Posts: 73,146
2,576 73,146
Catholic Superstition
The lies of the Catholic "church" exposed in light of the truth of Scripture
Topics: 559 Posts: 7,706
559 7,706
Please check regularly
Topics: 1,231 Posts: 23,306
1,231 23,306
Godly Politics
Republican, Libertarian, Constitution Party, Christian Restoration Party welcome. No liberals or Demonrats allowed.
Topics: 4,269 Posts: 50,392
4,269 50,392
Open for the CHRISTmas Season only.
Topics: 303 Posts: 4,561
303 4,561
WEDDING BELLS! - Christian Wedding Forum
A seasonal forum hosted by cyber Bridesmaids, Daisy Mae Johnson, Sister Mary Etheldreda and Sister Talitha . Groomly advice is also offered from Best Man, Pastor Zeke!
Topics: 84 Posts: 3,363
84 3,363
Christian history forum
This forum is dedicated to the history of Christianity, and its impact on the history of the world.
Topics: 559 Posts: 14,811
559 14,811
The Corona Virus
Among the seven last plagues.
Topics: 154 Posts: 1,747
154 1,747
Landover to the Rescue - Christian Help Forum
A Christian Help Forum led by Sister Daisy Mae Johnson. Warning! Sometimes the Lord's advice is a hard pill to swallow.
Topics: 1,100 Posts: 34,433
1,100 34,433
Creation Science
The origins of life and the earth from a creationist (Biblical) perspective.
Topics: 1,430 Posts: 56,649
1,430 56,649
Straight 4 Jesus! (Back Door Christians)
At LBC, we will cure your perversion of choice (even if we have to stone you).
Topics: 1,565 Posts: 32,520
1,565 32,520
Satan's Entertainment
Discussion for Movies/TV/Music/Video Games/Pop Culture. How HELLY-wood is destroying our society and parents can learn to protect their children from sinful influences like Disney, Pacman, and Tic-Tac-Toe.
Topics: 650 Posts: 36,826
650 36,826
Who knows? The love of your life might be here! All the single men are GODLY and all the single ladies are virgins...........for the most part.
Topics: 239 Posts: 11,511
239 11,511
Focus on Family - Christian Parenting
A place where parents can get good Godly advice on how to raise a family: how to properly administer corporal punishment, which movies to avoid, and more!
Topics: 1,424 Posts: 41,836
Last Post: Clowns with guns
1,424 41,836
Landover Baptist Lounge
Relax, Kick your shoes off. Praise Jesus!!! (Blacks and Homosexuals strictly prohibited!)
Topics: 1,279 Posts: 42,538
1,279 42,538
Isabella White
Promise Enforcers - Men Only!
We make Promise Keepers look like homers! No homosexuals or women allowed!
Topics: 799 Posts: 24,207
799 24,207
Landover Today!
Freehold Elections 2010-2020
Full coverage of our Mayor elections!
Topics: 93 Posts: 2,016
93 2,016
Guest's Avatar
by Guest
Pastor Zeke's News Wire
Keep up to date with an ever-changing world from an even more Godlier perspective than FOX News.
Topics: 2,746 Posts: 25,107
2,746 25,107
The Freehold Truth and Light Baptist newspaper
Featured editorials, letters to the GODLY Pastors of Landover, local news, advise columns.
Topics: 852 Posts: 9,070
852 9,070
Auntie Flo's Prayer Shack for Women
For the women of Landover to discuss recipes, shoes, makeup tips, or whatever it is you natter about. Ensure you have the proper permission from your husband or father before posting.
Topics: 447 Posts: 11,978
447 11,978
The Thrifty Christian
Business, Investing and Finance Tips for True Christiansâ„¢
Topics: 170 Posts: 2,243
170 2,243
Landover Baptist War on Sin!
LBC's War on Sin
Serving God with True Christianâ„¢ art. Gays, Mexicans and Clinton voters not welcome!
Topics: 84 Posts: 23,574
84 23,574

Landover Baptist Church


Unsaved Unwelcome