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  • No Food Stamps? Hey, Shut Down the Whole Fed. Government. See if I care.

    It's time to stop whining and crying about cutting out food stamps and the Federal Government shut down. What harm can come from making people get jobs so they can eat?

    Same thing with Federal Government employees. We're suppose to get all teary eyed because they don't have their worthless jobs to go to? Get real.

    Jesus never said we needed a Federal Government. He said all we needed was to believe in Him.

    Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.

  • #2
    Re: No Food Stamps? Hey, Shut Down the Whole Fed. Government. See if I care.

    It is a pain in my Godly eyes to see signs that say "We Accept Food Stamps here," as it is then inevitable that I look at the same establishment and find some nugget-butted, gold-toothed negress standing in a line with her worthless, misbehaving brood getting free stuff, like I saw yesterday while stopping to get gas (the maid did not have the car gased up for me like she was told to, for which she was punished, but that's another story).

    It just burns me up inside to think of all those minorities eating and reproducing like rabbits just to get welfare benefits. Our government is so divided, thanks to the liberal left, so that our righteous Republican influences on board cannot be stretched across divisions of government to stop atrocious practices like these. Just makes me furious because if food stamps do get kicked like they should be, it wouldn't be fast enough.


    • #3
      Re: No Food Stamps? Hey, Shut Down the Whole Fed. Government. See if I care.

      It may come as a shock to some that food stamps are neither food or stamps. You can't eat them or use them to mail a letter. I honestly don't know what they are used for but "food stamps" must be the biggest liberal lie ever invented.
      Leviticus 13:40 And the man whose hair is fallen off his head, he is bald; yet is he clean.


      • #4
        Re: No Food Stamps? Hey, Shut Down the Whole Fed. Government. See if I care.


        Apparently, Barack HUSSEIN Obummer and his cohorts won't be happy until the entire nation is a soup kitchen.

        So sad what the LIEberal layabouts have done to this country....


        • #5
          Re: No Food Stamps? Hey, Shut Down the Whole Fed. Government. See if I care.

          Food stamps are the biggest scam ever invented. As Fox News exposed, the majority of people on food stamps are already dead http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013...re-recipients/ . In other words, the relatives of these dead people take their food stamp money in order to get more money for themselves.

          They then take the food and sell it in the black market http://nypost.com/2013/07/28/nyc-wel...e-black-market. There are no repercussions if you're caught other than a slap on the wrist and maybe giving some of the money back.

          Bob illustrates the hypocrisy at play here. Yet you don't see Obama or the liberal media drawing attention to it. I can't imagine where we'd be without Fox News exposing the evil and demonic liberal thieves.

          Close minded people are just right people who don't want to spend time arguing.


          • #6
            Re: No Food Stamps? Hey, Shut Down the Whole Fed. Government. See if I care.

            Good things about the bill cutting food stamps:

            1. Instills a since of pride and/or urgency in finding and keeping work. Too many people are sitting on their blessed assurances holding out for management positions while taking Obama's handouts each month. 2 Thessalonians 3:10. If you don't work when you can work, then you shouldn't be eating.

            2. Mandatory drug testing for those who receive benefits. If the mopes test positive for drugs then we shouldn't be giving them any money. I don't go asking Barrack to pay for my high and neither should they! Of course, tithing and generous donations aside, you can get high with the most high for free.

            3. Helps keep an eye on the messicans. Romans 13:1-7. Those verses tell us that as long as laws--especially Godly laws--are just, then we should be obeying them as the authority comes from God. This even includes Obongo's craziness as God allowed him to steal the election as if it were a razzleberry pie cooling on a window sill as punishment toward the reprobate people who make up the majority of the United States. At any rate if you make the wetbacks follow the rules to get the food stamps and additionally cut the amount of food stamps that they are eligible for--it may just shame them to crawl back to their own cesspool of a nation.

            A little too much bloviating here but a quick additional aside. As earlier posted "food stamps" are neither 'food' nor 'stamps'. In fact they look and work just like a credit/debit card now. This supposedly cuts down on the shame for those using them.If it were up to me, I would increase the shame. There would be one line for "Food Stamps Only", Lights and sirens would flash whenever someone used their food stamp card, the staff would come out, point and laugh at any customers using food stamps, kind of like they do for birthdays in a restaurant. In this way people wouldn't be comfortable using the food stamps and then they would go out and get a job like they should.


            • #7
              Re: No Food Stamps? Hey, Shut Down the Whole Fed. Government. See if I care.

              Liberals are always looking for free handouts like food stamps and the minimum wage. Thank the Lord we have hardworking Republicans in Congress pushing back against the socialist Red Tide...not to be confused with the "red tide" near my company's plastics factory in China.

              This 'red tide' symbolizes progress...

              ...but this 'Red Tide' is Godless communism!

              Know the difference!

              But moving on - I can safely say that food stamps are obsolete due to recent advances in technology. My company has got food production down to a science! In the past it was necessary for an average adult to eat something like 2000 to 3000 calories per day in order to maintain weight. However, this has all changed thanks to modern chemical additives like growth hormones, steroids and antibiotics, which we routinely feed to farm animals. These chemicals are designed to make cows, chickens and pigs gain weight fast, or in the case of dairy cows it increases milk production. Not surprisingly the residues in the meat and milk have the same "growth effect" on humans. Thus, a 1500-calorie Big Mac now packs the weight-gaining punch of 7000 old-fashioned traditional calories!

              One burger provides enough calories for a week!

              So really, it's only necessary to eat one meal every five to eight days. Surely even the most hard-up welfare queen with a Cadillac can afford that!

              To make it even better, we are now adding these growth-enhancing chemicals to pet food. This is good news for grandma who is probably living on cat food already thanks to cutbacks in Socialist Security.

              Good news for granny!

              ...and ditto for the dogfood you're feeding your kids!

              What's good enough for Fido
              is good enough for little Johnny!

              And to make it look more appetizing, we're now making dog and cat food in bright bite-sized colors, just like breakfast cereal (actually, it's the same thing as breakfast cereal with just a different label).

              Tastes as good as it looks!

              In short, nobody has to starve to death in America, even without food stamps...or any real food! The USA is surely the Land of Plenty!

              And all this was made possible by my company. Obviously, we have been chosen by God to serve you! The Uranus Corporation is a caring sharing multinational that you can trust to look after your best interests. We work very hard, and have surely earned our bailouts and bonuses, which are provided by The Lord. As His chosen representative, we make the clothes on your back, we count your votes and we even manufacture the food in your feeding dish. You can trust Uranus!
              Praise Jesus!
              Brother Fred
              CEO, The Uranus Corporation
              Put your faith in Uranus!


