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  • Is Ryan Holiday Gay for Stoicism? The Facts Say Yes.

    Ryan Holiday, author of the popular book, Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator, was a mere marketing director for such cheap and whoorish clothing chains like American Apparel until he read some ancient Greek philosophy and found himself turned on in a most Gay kind of Way. Was it for money or was it for fame... or was it for Gay Sex?

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    Here are the facts:

    In response to the extreme guilt the procured he dove deep (no pun intended) into the ancient philosophy of the Greeks, a mostly Gay people back in the days of Jesus. As a child growing up in a Catholic family, the experience of having been diddled by various priests awakened in his young mind the thoughts of being diddling by other men outside of church, though this would ultimately lead him to the Greek lifestyle, it first brought him into a "mentor" relationship with various second-rate authors, none of them very clever, insightful, successful, or fiercely heterosexual like author, entrepreneur, master golfer, and President, Donald J. Trump.

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    When Ryan Holiday's regular business and writing projects dried up from natural lack of interest, the latent homosexuality violently surfaced and he found himself first exploring and then glorifying the philosophy that is responsible probably for the greatest Persecution of Christianity in all of History - Stoicism. I submit this cannot have been successful without the direct and intimate contributions of Lucifer himself. After all, no man in his right mind would read ancient philosophy on purpose. QED.

    Ryan Holiday, therefore, has not only sold his soul to the Devil, but has vowed to spend the rest of his natural life glorifying the Greek Lifestyle through the Secret Codes of Ancient Philosophy, ie, Anal Penetration.

    What are the beliefs of Stoicism and how do they make you a Gay?

    Who is God?

    God is not a divine loving Father or Redeemer of mankind for the Stoic, but a great cosmic animal in which all the things that make up the universe are its innards. That's right, the sun, the moon, you, me, each puppy, flower, and mite are just bits and pieces of a Universe Sized Animal that couldn't care less about us and thinks nothing of scraping us off like an old scab when he gets the impulse to scratch an itch.

    Gays don't care about love and companionship, only penetrative anal sex. The Gays have always aggressively pursued anal sex, pedophilia, and bestiality, two of which are sins so vile even the LORD Himself calls the perpetrator an abomination (Leviticus 18:22-23). The Great Animal Cosmos Stoic God Thing is for them an invitation for constant anal sex anywhere and everywhere, from bedrooms to boardrooms to school rooms, with no more pride or shame than an alley cat pursuing a kitty in heat, and for the Stoic, all rectums are in heat.

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    Who are our brothers and sisters?

    Recall we are but innards to a cosmic animal in the Stoic worldview, so we don't have brothers and sisters, we have fellow body-parts. Stoicism is a fiercely individualistic philosophy in which one cares only about how well he can dissociate from the plight of others and gain the coveted skills of apathy. Attachment is a Stoic sin, and the goal is to live free of care, whether that refers to what's for dinner or if your neighbor's hair is on fire.

    Because the Stoics don't care about others, they are incapable of maintaining close personal relationships. They eve believe copulation sanctified by holy matrimony is nothing more than, and I kid you not, "the friction of a membrane and a spurt of mucus ejected." (Meditations, Book 6.13). In this cold and impersonal world, they care only about achieving that ejection of mucus, and the ripe, open anus of another Greek man or boy is the closest they can manage to understand brotherhood.

    What happens when we die?

    Our bodies decompose according to the Stoic, never to be reborn. Our souls either cease to exist, exist for a short time, or exist until the end of the world which is coincidentally also the beginning of the world as the entire universe undergoes reincarnation exactly the same and so we do this all over again.

    Within this worldview, there is no Heaven or Hell, no reward or punishment, only a global-scale Gay Hookup Culture that repeats itself for eternity.

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    What are emotions for?

    For the Stoic, emotions are evil glitches in the immature brain that are snuffed out until nothing bothers the man whatsoever. Fear is for fools, but so too is happiness and even curiosity. All emotions are meant to be squished like a cockroach under the mental sandal of the Stoic Sage, the wise man who takes your money to teach you how to live happily without money.

    The reason for this is obvious - anyone with healthy emotions feels terrible guilt and shame for entertaining a gay thought for even a fraction of a second. To do away with emotions altogether means the Sage can think about and pursue Gay Activities while successfully suppressing his God-given guilt.

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    What is virtue?

    The Stoics stole the idea of virtue in order to confuse and confound people into thinking Stoicism is a safe harbor for the hungry soul. It is not. For the Stoic, a virtuous life is a lonely, isolated, emotionally suppressed life.

    Can it be a surprise to anyone? How can anyone who has been touched by the Gay Lifestyle expect to feel good about themselves ever again without Christ forgiving them?

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    So why would Ryan Holiday promote such sinfulness with his best selling books like The Obstacle Is the Way, Ego Is the Enemy, and Stillness Is the Key? The answer is that he is a fraud and a hypocrite who writes these books only to make the Greek culture of Gay Sex popular for young men. No longer a young man himself, he leads a generation of angry, aimless, confused young men with no more money or common sense than they have prospects for the future. But by gathering an army of young, gym-dependent men who believe starting the day with a cold shower and self-affirmations of courage and inner strength, Holiday is gathering an army for Satan. The strength of this army is a willingness to suppress emotions, denounce family and friends, and debase themselves constantly through anal penetration and memorizing Greek vocabulary like "arête," and "eudaimonia," to follow orders without thinking. These days are dangerous indeed, and as fewer and fewer young people identify as Christians, they are being led to identify as Philosophers - another word for Gay.

    All I can say is Ryan Holiday will want to find Jesus before Jesus finds him.

    There is a BIG serving of retribution coming soon! This Prayer Warrior can feel it in the air!


    Hello, my name is Mary. I hope to fellowship with you! That is, unless you don't listen to church authority (Deuteronomy 17:12); are a witch (Exodus 22:17); are a homosexual (Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:24-32); or fortuneteller (Leviticus 20:27) or a snotty kid who hits their dad (Exodus 21:15); or curses their parents (Proverbs 20:20; Leviticus 20:9); an adulterer (Leviticus 20:10); a non-Christian (Exodus 22:19; Deuteronomy 13:7-12; Deuteronomy 17:2-5;Romans 1:24-32); an atheist (2 Chronicles 15:12-13); or false prophet (Zechariah 13:3); from the town of one who worships another, false god (Deuteronomy 13:13-19); were a non-virgin bride (Deuteronomy 22:20-21); or blasphemer (Leviticus 24:10-16), as God calls for your execution and will no doubt send you to Hell, and I have no interest developing a friendship with the Spiritually Walking Dead.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Mary Etheldreda View Post

    What are the beliefs of Stoicism and how do they make you a Gay?

    Why would Ryan Holiday promote such sinfulness with his best selling books like The Obstacle Is the Way, Ego Is the Enemy, and Stillness Is the Key? The answer is that he is a fraud and a hypocrite who writes these books only to make the Greek culture of Gay Sex popular for young men. No longer a young man himself, he leads a generation of angry, aimless, confused young men with no more money or common sense than they have prospects for the future. But by gathering an army of young, gym-dependent men who believe starting the day with a cold shower and self-affirmations of courage and inner strength, Holiday is gathering an army for Satan. The strength of this army is a willingness to suppress emotions, denounce family and friends, and debase themselves constantly through anal penetration and memorizing Greek vocabulary like "arête," and "eudaimonia," to follow orders without thinking. These days are dangerous indeed, and as fewer and fewer young people identify as Christians, they are being led to identify as Philosophers - another word for Gay.

    All I can say is Ryan Holiday will want to find Jesus before Jesus finds him.

    There is a BIG serving of retribution coming soon! This Prayer Warrior can feel it in the air!
    That's deep, Sister Mary. All I know about the Greeks is that 20 of their gods were homers. How can any country be that immoral?

    20 Gay Greek Gods (advocate.com)
    Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.

