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  • ATTN MUSLIMS: what is the PROPER way to dispose of a Koran?

    Dear Muslims:

    Hypothetical situation: you have an old Koran. It's falling apart, and the infidels are soon going to be saying to themselves "If Allah is so almighty, why can't He keep His own book from falling apart?" Obviously it has to be replaced.

    So, you Muslims who are always complaining that we don't know enough about your culture, here's a "teachable moment" for you....What the heck is *proper* way to dispose of a Koran?

    Is it supposed to be buried in a little Koran-Coffin?
    Do you mummify it?
    Are you supposed to wait for it to magically rise up to heaven?

    A little less rioting and a little more sharing of the cultural understanding and whatnot, please.
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  • #2
    Re: ATTN MUSLIMS: what is the PROPER way to dispose of a Koran?

    This is a good question!

    Muslims are crazy religious fanatics who won't let anything sit on top of the Koran, so they can't bury it and they won't throw it away.

    How ridiculous it is that they are so wrapped up in their little "holy book" that an everyday thing like throwing away garbage would become such a problem!
    The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.
    - Proverbs 15:3




    • #3
      Re: ATTN MUSLIMS: what is the PROPER way to dispose of a Koran?

      Originally posted by Bob4God View Post
      This is a good question!

      Muslims are crazy religious fanatics who won't let anything sit on top of the Koran, so they can't bury it and they won't throw it away.

      How ridiculous it is that they are so wrapped up in their little "holy book" that an everyday thing like throwing away garbage would become such a problem!
      I could draw a comparison to a bunch of fudge packers killing good Christians for burning a copy of "100% Beef".
      Exodus 21:20-21

      20And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished. 21Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money.


      • #4
        Re: ATTN MUSLIMS: what is the PROPER way to dispose of a Koran?

        Originally posted by Jeb Thurmond View Post
        Is it supposed to be buried in a little Koran-Coffin?
        If you do, make sure the grave is not visible above ground. That seems to be the excuse used by these Libyan muslims, who are desecrating British WW2 graves:

        That's an odd way of showing gratitude to the British, who just liberated them from Quadaffi: desecrating the graves of those who liberated them from Mussulini and gave Libya indipendence.

        Moral of the story: never do ANYTHING nice for a muslim, because they will never forgive you.
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        • #5
          Re: ATTN MUSLIMS: what is the PROPER way to dispose of a Koran?

          Originally posted by Jeb Thurmond View Post
          Moral of the story: never do ANYTHING nice for a muslim, because they will never forgive you.
          With OPEC oil revenues blasting through the Trillion dollar ceiling these days it is worth asking, in the light of real earnings @ $100tr over the last century, "What have these garbages ever done for us?"

          That includes a few insane catholic regimes in South America not noted for prosperity, unlike most emirates which are rolling in the stuff. We made them rich and all they want to do is kill us!

          OPEC comprises:
          Algeria revolting mahommaden
          Angola insane animist + insane mahommaden
          Ecuador insane catholic [probably bankrupt]
          Iran insane mahommaden
          Iraq insane + revolting mahommaden
          Kuwait mahommaden
          Libya insane mahommaden
          Nigeria insane mahommaden [bankrupt]
          Qatar mahommaden
          Saudi Arabia debased mahommaden
          UAE debauched mahommaden
          Venezuela insane catholic [probably bankrupt]


          • #6
            Re: ATTN MUSLIMS: what is the PROPER way to dispose of a Koran?

            Originally posted by Jeb Thurmond View Post
            Moral of the story: never do ANYTHING nice for a muslim, because they will never forgive you.
            (Click the image for full-size.)

            United Kingdom $1500 million USD
            United States $896 million USD
            France $450 million USD
            Turkey $300 million USD
            Denmark $120 million USD
            Belgium $58 million USD
            Spain $50 million USD
            Sweden $50 million USD
            Canada $26 million USD

            I need someone who knows the Arabic for "YOU'RE BLOODY WELCOME!"
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            • #7
              Re: ATTN MUSLIMS: what is the PROPER way to dispose of a Koran?

              Urine-drop media (AKA Al Jazerra) of all places, points out that it was Afghan taliban prisoners who desecrated the Korans by writing notes on them, and it was Afgan workers who decided to dispose of them. The terrorist notebooks (they were no longer Korans) were in boxes when they were burned (charred, actually). They were then smuggled out by Afgan workers, probably the exact same Afghans who chose to destroy them in the first place. Just look at how Muslims jump to conclusions, while Christians always wait for the full story to come out. FULL STORY.

              Here's a republican take on the proper way to deal with the protests:

              He would say to the Afgan workers "give me the burned Qurans and forget this ever happened, or we'll kill you and your whole family,".

              After all, it's not like we have any trouble finding Afghans willing to work for us. And who isn't willing to use their children as a damage deposit? Once I had a maid who secretly ate a snausage or two and thought I wouldn't notice. If she knew that doing so would have resulted in me strangling her little Dora and Pedro, our working relationship would have been much better.

              "Hey, it's a war -- bad things happen"

              As true today as it was during the Nurenburg Trails. Have you ever heard republicans complaining about Taliban tactics? Of course we don't. We understand that it's a war, and bad things happen. Acid gets thrown on schoolgirl faces, suicide vests attach themselves to kids, buildings get in the way of airliners - in war, bad things happen. Wasn't that our slogan for the invasion of Iraq? "Let's go make bad things happen"?

              "crowds, no matter how fervent, are notoriously bad at stopping 7.62 and even 5.56."

              Exactly: take a look at the anti-Gaddaffi and anti-Baathist protests in Libya and Syria: a few volleys of bullets, and the protests stopped right away.

              Ever heard of this sort of thing happening when the Soviet Union was in Afghanistan? Of course not.

              Always give the troops the benefit of the doubt:

              "I personally suspect that GEN Allen, deep down inside, has not drank the COIN Kool-Aid and does not really care about the noble people of Afghanistan. Contrary to the tone of this message, he is not wrought with remorse and contrition and would, if he could, empirically prove the above thesis about how bad crowds are at stopping 7.62 and 5.56. At the very least, given free rein, he would follow the classic PR algorithm when confronted with embarrassing facts -- lie, deny and make counteraccusations."

              "Hello, my name is Joe America, and here's a bullet in your face":

              "had we firmly established right off the bat that as long as there's a war on, any demonstrations in the vicinity of U.S. bases will get brutally crushed, none of this would have happened"

              I agree. During those first demonstrations when they threw flowers at us, we should have thrown napalm back. Freedom isn't free, savages.

              The problem of unreliable Afghan troops is inherent in the relationship between ANSF and ISAF, where the latter "advise" the former instead of being integrated into a mixed colonialist structure

              Exactly: look how well the European empires fared. Look at the reputation they enjoy throughout the world today. Have you ever heard of a mutiny among, say, Indian Sepoys? Take up the White Man's Burden!
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