I've discovered Yesterday a website with the name Etsy. Apparently, it sells home deocrations via the sinternet. However, by using their search engine, you'll find plenty of Pagan idols and supplies that are on sales and come from basically EVERY Pagan culture of the Earth.
It is basically an haven for Pagans such as Wiccans, Onanists, Greeks, Slavs, Hamites and Yellow People.
I ask everyone who is aviable to join in prayer that God (or the server that hosts Etsy) shuts down the website for exploiting Capitalism in order to seduce people into sinning.
Grazie in anticipo.
It is basically an haven for Pagans such as Wiccans, Onanists, Greeks, Slavs, Hamites and Yellow People.
I ask everyone who is aviable to join in prayer that God (or the server that hosts Etsy) shuts down the website for exploiting Capitalism in order to seduce people into sinning.
Grazie in anticipo.