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  • What does "rape culture" mean?

    I've been hearing the term "rape culture" so much it's clearly no accident. So, what is the feminist strategy here? How does their latest word-weapon work?

    Some thoughts to get thing started:

    "Rape culture" tends to refer to people using the word "rape" casually, or making jokes on the subject.

    Sort of like the effort to make people stop using "nazi" as a regular insult, or making Hitler jokes.

    How's that working out? It's only made Hitler even more hilarious (see the new TV show Danger 5).

    And what's wrong with that? See, every time someone uses "nazi" as an insult, they are saying "I accuse you of being the worst thing in the universe. I'm accusing you of being a nazi. Nazis are the worst things in the universe".

    Isn't that what you wanted people to believe anyway? And why is it completely different when I'm accusing someone of being a commie, or like Stalin? Is it because Stalin only killed Slavs, and they aren't God's Chosen People so they don't count?

    You see, there's no "murder culture" rule, saying you can't joke about murder. And if there was, do you think murder rates would go down? No, that would be silly. So "rape culture" is not about stopping rape, it's about something else.

    And what's wrong with people saying "That video-game boss raped me" which is basically saying "When I lost that video game, it was the worst possible suffering a human being can possibly imagine, which is being raped. Rape is the worst thing ever".

    You know, in ye olden times, rape was called "unmentionable acts". By making rape unmentionable you're basically saying the subject was handled better in the 19th century.

    I'm going to be generous and assume that women are capable of strategic thought and long-term planning beyond what their oven-timers do for them. So what's the plan?

    1. Rapists are hard to catch. The victim doesn't want to testify, there's no evidence, and rape kits are expensive, due to the greed of the rape-kit industry.

    In the South, we solved this problem: when a woman was raped, we grabbed the first darkie we could find, and hung him from the closest tree. Of course, it probably wasn't the rapist, but you can't prove it wasn't effective at keeping the rape rate down. Moral of the story: if you can't find the bad guy, use collective punishment.

    So that's the plan: if you can't catch the man who raped you, collectively punish all males - or better yet, every single non-feminist, by claiming that the victim was not raped by an individual, but by the entire culture. Wham! Now everybody who fails to become a dues-paying feminist is guilty of being an accessory to rape.

    2. Everything feminists do is counterproductive because their nagging sounds just like our moms nagging us, which reminds us of how much fun it was to be naughty little boys and girls. And because women love "bad boys" so much, every boy learns that a certain level of badness will get him empty threats, an entertaining hissy fit, and then hugs. Being "politically incorrect" is just this level of badness, so it's no surprise that even liberals love to do this (there was even a liberal TV show whose title was "Politically Incorrect").

    The only time politically correct nagging worked was in the Chinese cultural revolution, and it only worked then because the Chinese are such conformists that they'll commit suicide if enough people insult them or if someone puts a dunce cap on them.

    3. Oh, I get it! Who gets to define "seriousness" anyway? The feminists! So, the plan is that feminists can talk about rape, because they are serious, but if anyone tries to get a word in edgewise, that's "rape culture" because as non-feminists they're obviously not taking it seriously. Well-played.
    Last edited by Jeb Stuart Thurmond; 01-21-2014, 08:56 PM.
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  • #2
    Re: What does "rape culture" mean?

    Originally posted by Jeb Stuart Thurmond View Post
    "Rape culture" tends to refer to people using the word "rape" casually, or making jokes on the subject.
    THAT'S what it means?

    And right after I bought all those opera tickets. What a waste.
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    • #3
      Re: What does "rape culture" mean?

      Speaking as a woman, Mr. Thurmond, I can say from experience that the women who talk about "rape culture" and such are generally the women who are bitter because men don't find them attractive and pay attention to them. But these are the very women who don't take the time to look nicely in public. A little mascara and lip gloss can go a long way if used correctly. Taking the time to dress in a feminine style is always appreciated, and people treat women like ladies when they act like ladies. As no one treats a lady cruelly, I don't know why more women don't leave the flannel at home, put down the ice cream, and smile a little when a man holds open a door for them.

      Hello, my name is Mary. I hope to fellowship with you! That is, unless you don't listen to church authority (Deuteronomy 17:12); are a witch (Exodus 22:17); are a homosexual (Leviticus 20:13; Romans 1:24-32); or fortuneteller (Leviticus 20:27) or a snotty kid who hits their dad (Exodus 21:15); or curses their parents (Proverbs 20:20; Leviticus 20:9); an adulterer (Leviticus 20:10); a non-Christian (Exodus 22:19; Deuteronomy 13:7-12; Deuteronomy 17:2-5;Romans 1:24-32); an atheist (2 Chronicles 15:12-13); or false prophet (Zechariah 13:3); from the town of one who worships another, false god (Deuteronomy 13:13-19); were a non-virgin bride (Deuteronomy 22:20-21); or blasphemer (Leviticus 24:10-16), as God calls for your execution and will no doubt send you to Hell, and I have no interest developing a friendship with the Spiritually Walking Dead.


      • #4
        Re: What does "rape culture" mean?

        Judging by the lack of replies, I'm going to assume that liberals have gotten bored of "rape culture" and have moved on to the next shiny object.

        Am I right? Because regardles of liberal attempts to silence and dumb down the discussion, conservatives are still writing about rape, as brilliantly as ever:

        ...I find Lena Dunham to be a disgustingly entitled pig monster...wish that she would accidentally overdose on painkillers and wake up to find herself stewing in a cannibal’s pot somewhere in Swaziland where there is no iPhone coverage...

        ...the sort of white girls who hate being white yet loooooove being girls—twist their labia in knots over the sorts of trifling “microaggressions” and “shaming” behaviors...For modern feminists, claiming to have been raped, whether it actually happened or not, is the equivalent of achieving the rank of Eagle Scout....
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        • #5
          Re: What does "rape culture" mean?

          I say that as a woman, this is still a prominent "issue" that the harpies are talking about. I agree with Mrs. Etheldreda. One poor dear at my church wasn't married till she was 33 (gasp) because she did not ever bother to dress up nicely, even when her father commanded her. She eventually repented, cleaned herself up, began acting like a lady, and even at her extended age, was married. My dear Naomi, there is plenty of hope for you, if an formerly-unsaved ex-slob got married at 33, so can you!

          Yours in Christ,
          "Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands." Proverbs 14:1


          • #6
            Re: What does "rape culture" mean?

            Originally posted by Jeb Stuart Thurmond View Post
            Judging by the lack of replies, I'm going to assume that liberals have gotten bored of "rape culture" and have moved on to the next shiny object.

            Am I right? Because regardles of liberal attempts to silence and dumb down the discussion, conservatives are still writing about rape, as brilliantly as ever:

            ...I find Lena Dunham to be a disgustingly entitled pig monster...wish that she would accidentally overdose on painkillers and wake up to find herself stewing in a cannibal’s pot somewhere in Swaziland where there is no iPhone coverage...

            ...the sort of white girls who hate being white yet loooooove being girls—twist their labia in knots over the sorts of trifling “microaggressions” and “shaming” behaviors...For modern feminists, claiming to have been raped, whether it actually happened or not, is the equivalent of achieving the rank of Eagle Scout....
            The liberal fascists are now using the vague rumors of rape to shut down the entire Fraternity system, all across America. They've had this goal for decades, because Fraternities are great producers of Conservatives.
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            • #7
              Re: What does "rape culture" mean?

              I'm learning a lot here. I always assumed "rape culture" referred to Latin American countries.
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              • #8
                Re: What does "rape culture" mean?

                I wrote this bit as it's own article, but since it's all about the use and abuse of the word "rape" I'll put it here:


                Here's a question to separate the liberals from the Americans: should we use the same word for "rape" and "not-rape"? I mean, there's already too many words in the english language, and do we really need such a high level of precision?

                Imagine your daughter comes home and says this. "A funny thing happened to me last night, though my memory is kind of unclear on the exact details. You see, either I was innocently minding my own business when a man jumped out of the bushes, beat me within an inch of my life, and stole my virginity from me. Um, I think. Maybe what actually happened is I chose to go to a party where a bunch of drugged up fratboys were screwing unconscious women, and then I chose to take drugs until I passed out. Like I said, I'm still a bit confused on the details. But they're pretty much the same thing, right?"

                Of course, anyone with a brain believes that we need two words because they are different things. Just like the difference between "rape victim" and "slut". But don't try to tell the feminist nut-chopper squads who run around saying "11 out of 10 women get raped every day - that's how evil men are!". Here is the liberal VOX.com admitting that liberals use the same word for "rape victim" and "slut".
                Researchers in other surveys, including the CDC's, don't necessarily use the term "rape" or "sexual assault" at all. Instead, they ask much more specific questions about what happened, such as "when you were drunk, high, drugged, or passed out and unable to consent, how many people ever had vaginal sex with you?"
                "How many" - since they were unconscious, the only way for them to count would be either to have turnstiles on their vaginas*, or we are to simply assume that it's standard operating procedure that when a woman passes out at a college party, every male screws her, without exception. I'm willing to believe that.

                [*Seriously, that would be a better invention that what feminists have already come up with].

                Gee, do ya think, just maybe, that we need a different word for "I was innocently going about my business when a vicious monster permanently destroyed my virtue" and "I voluntarily choose to hang out with people who are known to screw unconscious women, and then I voluntarily choose to drug myself into unconsciousness."

                So when feminists say "1 out of 5 college women has been raped", they are actually saying "I out of 5 college women voluntarily choose to hang out with people who are known to screw unconscious women, and then voluntarily choose to drug themselves into unconsciousness."

                Close enough, right?

                And of course, when your local feminist proudly stands up and boasts "I was raped [wait for applause]" what she's actually saying is "I voluntarily choose to hang out with people who are known to screw unconscious women, and then I voluntarily choose to drug myself into unconsciousness."

                Let me tell you, South Africa, every liberal's definition of utopia, has the world's highest rate of rape, and over there "Rape" doesn't mean the chicks are passing out drunk. Not that liberals care about that, after all, they already use the same word for "black man raping white woman" and "reparations".
                Last edited by Jeb Stuart Thurmond; 07-11-2015, 12:32 PM.
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