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  • Diesel Stanford
    Re: True Christian Hate

    True Christians hate corrupt modern bible versions.

    Thanks to brother William Matthew "Bill" Cuthbert AKA Grace Gospel Evangelism from the ungodly UK.

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  • Jim C. Lombardo
    Re: True Christian Hate

    Raging? Like a ranging boner? Son, we are not flaming homos here at Landover! Better look somewhere else.

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  • LW1997
    Re: True Christian Hate

    Originally posted by Cranky Old Man View Post
    If you are ashamed of Jesus Christ, you will burn in Hell. Try reading the actual Bible instead of what your Hell bound parents thought you. You clearly never bothered to read the Bible.

    Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6
    Nice threat, but I cannot go to hell. I am just saying that the term 'Christian' is a bit dangerous to use. Lots of the LGBT heathens like to call themselves Christians.

    The Catholics and Mormons also call themselfes Christians, but are not.
    Hitler also is often refered as a Christian, which of course is a lie.

    Overall, the term 'Christian' should be replaced with 'Christ follower'. My Dutch YouTube brother Hans S (AKA Hans Steijnhagen) also says he doesn't use the term 'Christian'.

    I am not saved by joining a church, but by trusting in Christ. Being ashamed of Christ and being ashamed of other Christians are two things.
    The Bible is clear that there were no Christians before Jesus died on the cross. Jesus was a Jew too. Otherwise he would not have been allowed to teach in the temple (Luke 21:37). Paul was arrested because he invited Gentiles into the temple Acts 21:27-30.

    Why are you raging at me for not using Bible verses when I use them over and over?

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  • Cranky Old Man
    Re: True Christian Hate

    Originally posted by LW1997 View Post
    Overall, I don't like using the term "Christian". I would rather consider myself as "born again believer", "inhabitant of heaven" and "child of God".
    If you are ashamed of Jesus Christ, you will burn in Hell. Try reading the actual Bible instead of what your Hell bound parents thought you. You clearly never bothered to read the Bible.

    Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6

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  • LW1997
    Re: True Christian Hate

    You are mixing up discipleship and salvation. Was David not saved when he commited adultery and murder? I am not saying sinning was OK, but I urge you to watch those sermons.

    Plus, a lot of verses in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke also refer to salvation in the millenium (I would consider myself as a micro-dispensationalist):

    Overall, I don't like using the term "Christian". I would rather consider myself as "born again believer", "inhabitant of heaven" and "child of God".

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  • Anne Sayne
    Re: True Christian Hate

    Thank you for this valuable information! It's truly something to live by. It made my "love life" much simpler! I REALLY love God, I love George, and I HATE Obama! So simple, even a woman can comprehend it!

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  • handmaiden
    Re: True Christian Hate

    Originally posted by Mary Etheldreda View Post
    Some years ago Gabriel Reproba published a complete study on the subject: New Study Proves Bible Is Not "All About Love" To the best of my knowledge, this study has never been challenged or edited. It stands firm in the annals of history as being a complete work of study on the subject. After all, it's not like the Bible is going to change.
    Very true. What changes is the way that people use it. Nowadays, it is fashionable to use it as a prop for supporting liberal social programs and policies supporting tolerance. Not only does this leave at least 87% of the Bible on the cutting room floor, so to speak, but it directly opposes this specific directive written in the actual Bible.

    Revelation 22:18-19 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
    And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

    So, the Bible is clearly take it or leave it. It is NOT "take some and leave some."

    Therefore, if you can't take the hate, stay out of the church.

    Self-congratulatorily Yours,


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  • handmaiden
    Re: True Christian Hate

    Originally posted by Basilissa View Post
    Tsk, tsk. You forgot to include the word "abhor" in your search, dear. Our Lord abhors more often than hates.

    Also, you need go beyond a basic word search (which, incidentally, for "hate" is 179 times, not 87), and check who is doing the loving and hating: people or God.
    You are so clever, Sister! Think about how brilliant your future husband will be in order command you as God wills. Surely, the Lord granted you such gifts so that you could truly appreciate your husband and laugh knowingly at his jokes.

    Approvingly Yours,


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  • Basilissa
    Re: True Christian Hate

    Originally posted by Brentin View Post
    That would be rough to attempt to figure out in full detail.

    But if you stick with the exact word "love" it would be 310 times.

    And for the exact word "hate" would be 87 times.
    Tsk, tsk. You forgot to include the word "abhor" in your search, dear. Our Lord abhors more often than hates.

    Also, you need go beyond a basic word search (which, incidentally, for "hate" is 179 times, not 87), and check who is doing the loving and hating: people or God.

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  • Brentin
    Re: True Christian Hate

    Originally posted by handmaiden View Post
    Has anyone actually done a word count on the number of times "hate" and "love" appear in the Bible? It might be a start to opening the pink, bleary eyes of all the fluffy-bunny believers who are still drowsy from their cozy naps in a sunbeam after consuming warm milk and cookies.

    Boy, are they going to startled by the searing fires of hell. They can't even tolerate the plain truth about the Bible.

    Self-assuredly Yours,

    That would be rough to attempt to figure out in full detail.

    But if you stick with the exact word "love" it would be 310 times.

    And for the exact word "hate" would be 87 times.

    Proverbs 6:16-19

    16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him:

    17 A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

    18 An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief,

    19 A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren.

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  • Mary Etheldreda
    Re: True Christian Hate

    Originally posted by handmaiden View Post
    Has anyone actually done a word count on the number of times "hate" and "love" appear in the Bible? It might be a start to opening the pink, bleary eyes of all the fluffy-bunny believers who are still drowsy from their cozy naps in a sunbeam after consuming warm milk and cookies.
    Some years ago Gabriel Reproba published a complete study on the subject: New Study Proves Bible Is Not "All About Love" To the best of my knowledge, this study has never been challenged or edited. It stands firm in the annals of history as being a complete work of study on the subject. After all, it's not like the Bible is going to change.

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  • handmaiden
    Re: True Christian Hate

    Has anyone actually done a word count on the number of times "hate" and "love" appear in the Bible? It might be a start to opening the pink, bleary eyes of all the fluffy-bunny believers who are still drowsy from their cozy naps in a sunbeam after consuming warm milk and cookies.

    Boy, are they going to startled by the searing fires of hell. They can't even tolerate the plain truth about the Bible.

    Self-assuredly Yours,


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  • Didymus Much
    Re: True Christian Hate

    Originally posted by GordonJ View Post
    If I am correct. this topic is about What God hates about people.
    and Our perfect Lord has perfect discursion...

    [dih-skur-shuh n]
    Spell SyllablesSee more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
    noun 1. an instance of discursive writing, speech, etc.; a wandering or logically unconnected statement.
    from http://www.dictionary.com/browse/discursion
    ...I have made my point.

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  • Alvin Moss
    Re: True Christian Hate

    Originally posted by GordonJ View Post
    If I am correct. this topic is about What God hates about people.
    and Our perfect Lord has perfect discursion.
    I have made my point.

    Mebbe not. Could you expand?

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  • GordonJ
    Re: True Christian Hate

    If I am correct. this topic is about What God hates about people.
    and Our perfect Lord has perfect discursion.
    I have made my point.

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