An essay co-authored by Mark E. White (1)
The "problem of evil" is basically a godless delution invented by cat lick scholastics and secular philosopers to distract gullible young minds from God's TRUTH. In their definition, a totally Good, Omnipotent and Omniscient GOD (our LORD) would not have allowed widespread atrocities and suffering to take place. We know this is an illusion and eartly sufferings will be reimbursed by an infinite amount of times once we reach God's HEAVEN and ETERNITY. Thus, the answer for this banal question only requires the consideration of ESCHATOLOGY - a task of impossible compexity for the unsaved mind, however.
There is a sub-category, however, that appears from time to time on our Godly Forum. Feeble unsaved minds (that allocate most of their time to investigating possible new methods of sinful FORNICATION to spite our LORD) take twisted pleasure in pointing out the alleged "bad things" in the Good Book, the Bible, the KJV. They take God's orders to destroy and punish sinners as signs of our LORD not being the GOOD GOD that we all know and revere. For instance, in Numbers 24:17-19 and Numbers 33:52 they find supposed proof of evil associated to our LORD (sorry for writing this awful and disturbing claim down).This is the category of the alleged "problem of evil" that we tackle today. We discovered that heathen false Christian God-mocking sodomites lack some basic concepts to understand the issue. In addition, they confuse their everyday speech and meaning of words with the meanings communicated to us True Christians™ in the Holy Book. These false Christian fornicators may not be aware of what they are doing: They may be "sincere" in the manner that they honestly believe they are communicating a "truth". But! We demonstrate here that this "truth" is the elaborate LIE of SATAN and that it is absorbed (probably per rectum) by FREE CHOICE! Thus, these false Christian idolaters are not INNOCENT but will BURN IN HELL.
The first thing to understand is that goodness comes only from accepting GOD in a conscious manner! Not from false "priets" glossolalitating and pouring water on babbling mindless infants as takes place in various cults (such as cat licks, calfnists, loot her anusists). What we know: first, you repent; then, you can be baptized (Mark 16.16, Acts 2:38; footnote 2).
Fetuses, embryos (3), infant and toddlers do not know how to repent, do not know faith; they cannot be baptized in any meaningful manner, they cannot be saved (Mark 16:16, John 3:18, Hebrews 3:19). Many have heard false Christians claim that small children are "innocent". They are not. They are sinners (Fig. 1). They all are sinners BY CHOICE. They chose to eat the fruit in Eden (Genesis 3:5).
Fig. 1. Fetuses are NOT innocent. They are devilish creatures that cannot gain SALVATION until mature enough to REPENT!
False Christians may continue to claim that the embryos/fetuses/infants/toddlers/children cannot be mature enough to make that choice. Of course they aren't! However, who claimed that it would have to be their PERSONAL CHOICE or a RATIONAL PREMEDITATED CHOICE. It is the personal choice of any person that affects these children even if they did not actually make a rational choice themselves. It is the parents and their parents etc. etc. who chose to be SINNERS, who chose to eat the fruit (Genesis 3:23). It the FOREFATHERS until the 4th generation and the 10th generation that chose the fruit (Exodus 20:5, Deuteronomy 23:2).
God did not make this choice (Genesis 3:11), God offered mankind another possibility, the Paradise, Eden (Genesis 2:8-14). God RECOMMENDED it. But mankind chose the fruit. The woman chose the fruit (Genesis 3:1-7; Fig. 2). BY HER OWN CHOICE. BY HER LUST AND GREED. Not forced, opposite to what GOD would have wished for us (Genesis 2:16-17).
Fig. 2. A contemporary painting shows the first woman contemplating the fruit. Please, notice the whorish gaze that reveals inner contemplation about the soon-to-be-realized act of fornication. And the snake - the tallywhacker shape that has always been the favorite of all women to possess and via whose entry gain the the gift of SATAN to seduce also the innocence of the MAN who resisted SATAN's seduction significantly longer than the woman.
False Christians feel that this cannot be "good". True Christians™ know that it's not about the superficial " nice feelings" at all. It is about FAITH. It about believing that it is God's WILL, believing that God's will is RIGHTEOUS (Revelation 16:5). Believing that our righteous God is GOOD (Zephaniah 3:17). We are required to obey (Deuteronomy 11:27) and fear (Ecclesiastes 8:12) and believe (John 3:18) - not to "feel good", then we can receive God's gift (Romans 11:35-36).
Some of our audience are upset because this righteousness of God does not "feel good" in their opinion. The threads in this Forum demonstrate beyond any reasonable doubt that babies, children, feeble-minded drooling idiots, demented elders and those with birth-defects are that BY CHOICE and cannot gain SALVATION. Ask yourself: BY WHOSE CHOICE? By the choice of the fathers and forefathers until the 4th generation. Until the 10th generation. Until Creation. The choice of the first WOMAN. Her free choice. Not the choice of God. The choice of mankind. For greed, lust and FORNICATION.
What about the "syndromes" and "genetics" and "chromosomes" of Godless "science"? Maybe they are secular entities that actually are affected, but they are TOTALLY IRRELEVANT. "Chromosomes" (Fig. 3)are DAMAGED BY THE FREE CHOICE to eat the fruit. That IS THE sin THAT affects the fetuses, embryos, infants and toddlers. That is the choice that sends them to HELL. Thus, abortion is not only murder, it is an expressway to ETERNAL AGONY. The people with syndromes are denied salvation by CHOICE that they dwell on. They could choose otherwise but they remain in the SIN of the forefathers, the sin of the first woman.
Fig. 3. Here we see a daguerrotype of the "chromosomes". Note that the larger one, "X" is supposed to be female and the smaller "Y" allegedly represents MEN. That can't be! (see also footnote #4).
You can choose the fruit of false Christians, cultists and atheists. It looks fresh (Fig. 4), moist, succulent, sweet, tender, satisfying. It's your choice. Go on, take it! Take the fruit. TAKE IT! YOU WANT IT, DON'T YOU?!
Fig. 4. SATAN's apples look SOOOO tempting. "Come hither" they SHOUT at you. Don't take them! Please!
Or refuse it. I know (5). I chose the fruit many times. I was young. I thought I needed the money. But JESUS suffered and died temporarily and was resurrected to give me A CHOICE.
Fig. 5. In the short run GOD our LORD only offers you sackcloth, ashes and fasting (Daniel 9:3). In the long run, He gives you ETERNAL ENJOYMENT and BLISS!!!!!!!!!! (Luke 2:10)
If you refuse the fruit, you will follow the righteous order of GOD, you will receive SALVATION, God's GRACE! You will be a True Christian™ FOR EVER (John 10:28-29). You can never, NEVER again fall from grace, be a sinner, be anything but PERFECT. The rest of your life you'll spend in happy expectation of the RAPTURE. Thereafter you will be in ETERNAL BLISS in HEAVEN. God's master plan will finally be crystal clear to you. You will understand that the "feel-bad" suffering of the unborn, the toddlers, the aborted ones and those of other religions is righteous and good. It is part of God's plan, it is necessary and laudable. You will see the agony of the unsaved in eternal FLAMES but you will understand that it is righteous and rejoice of their anguish with JESUS. You don't have to care if your loved ones or "friends" are there in the bottomless pit, because you are in bliss praising God for his righteousness and you will behold that the suffering of the UNSAVED only augments the perfection and goodness of our LORD.
Revelation 22:20. Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Yours in Christ,
Elmer G. White
1. Mark wrote this essay as one of the final papers of his homeschooling. He's 18 now and almost ready for marital duties, spreading God's word himself and baptism. He's repented. I proofread his text and corrected some minor theological errors with my sturdy ROD. Mark also read the text aloud at a local Mall and the ridicule we received was the ultimate proof that his text was inspired by JESUS (Luke 21:12. Matthew 23:34).
2. I hope to have Mark baptized by the end of summer 2014. I can barely hold back my tears as I write these words. He is a strong sturdy lad with well-developed biceps and lots of unspilled semen to fill the spiritual void and the earthly womb of a prospective wannabe harlot that will gain salvation by becoming his wife (1 Timothy 2:15).
3. Embryos and fetuses often cause the deaths of their mothers by gorging themselves with mothers' nutrients with excessive gluttony, thus becoming monstrously large making delivery hazardous. Furthermore, the placenta can become detached due to the violent movements of the fetus and cause the woman to bleed to death (Sadler TW 2011: Langman's Medical Embryology, 12th Edition, Wolters Kluwer Publishing)! I ask you, Brethren, is this the action of an INNOCENT SAVED person. No! It is NOT! It is performed by a malicious satanic embryonic creature that deserves to go to HELL. Unless it repents when adult.
4. In fact, it is no coincidence that the "chromosome X" is larger than "Y" although women are inferior (Ephesians 5:23). It seems that women have STOLEN parts or the chromosome Y and made it SHRINK to GAIN SATANIC POWER over MEN. While the timeline proposed by secular god-mocking scientists cannot be trusted, the fact remains that MEN are becoming EXTINCT because of the womanish X-chromosome be so DEVIOUS (Palca 2004;!
5. Here, obviously, the perpendicular pronoun refers to Mark. His devious sin was, of course, constant masturbation. He self-abused himself practically DAILY from the age of 12 years 10 months to the age of 16 years 3 months (I know, I watched him!) until my ROD beat him into subservience. He has not fallen since! I hope his younger brother Matt also repents in due time. However, I am most worried, as he HAS BECOME ACCUSTOMED to receiving the sturdy rod and while he writhes in agony, he often spills his seed simultaneously... I'm pretty sure he's a sodomite and I might give up on him in the VERY near future. As a small ray of light, he's now found an older mentor from his former grammar school (he's homeschooled now), a nice chap who, although unmarried, has given Matt some private tutoring in Bible study regarding the period of Kings (Saul, David and Jonathan etc.). Some hope remains for him.
The "problem of evil" is basically a godless delution invented by cat lick scholastics and secular philosopers to distract gullible young minds from God's TRUTH. In their definition, a totally Good, Omnipotent and Omniscient GOD (our LORD) would not have allowed widespread atrocities and suffering to take place. We know this is an illusion and eartly sufferings will be reimbursed by an infinite amount of times once we reach God's HEAVEN and ETERNITY. Thus, the answer for this banal question only requires the consideration of ESCHATOLOGY - a task of impossible compexity for the unsaved mind, however.
There is a sub-category, however, that appears from time to time on our Godly Forum. Feeble unsaved minds (that allocate most of their time to investigating possible new methods of sinful FORNICATION to spite our LORD) take twisted pleasure in pointing out the alleged "bad things" in the Good Book, the Bible, the KJV. They take God's orders to destroy and punish sinners as signs of our LORD not being the GOOD GOD that we all know and revere. For instance, in Numbers 24:17-19 and Numbers 33:52 they find supposed proof of evil associated to our LORD (sorry for writing this awful and disturbing claim down).This is the category of the alleged "problem of evil" that we tackle today. We discovered that heathen false Christian God-mocking sodomites lack some basic concepts to understand the issue. In addition, they confuse their everyday speech and meaning of words with the meanings communicated to us True Christians™ in the Holy Book. These false Christian fornicators may not be aware of what they are doing: They may be "sincere" in the manner that they honestly believe they are communicating a "truth". But! We demonstrate here that this "truth" is the elaborate LIE of SATAN and that it is absorbed (probably per rectum) by FREE CHOICE! Thus, these false Christian idolaters are not INNOCENT but will BURN IN HELL.
The first thing to understand is that goodness comes only from accepting GOD in a conscious manner! Not from false "priets" glossolalitating and pouring water on babbling mindless infants as takes place in various cults (such as cat licks, calfnists, loot her anusists). What we know: first, you repent; then, you can be baptized (Mark 16.16, Acts 2:38; footnote 2).
Fetuses, embryos (3), infant and toddlers do not know how to repent, do not know faith; they cannot be baptized in any meaningful manner, they cannot be saved (Mark 16:16, John 3:18, Hebrews 3:19). Many have heard false Christians claim that small children are "innocent". They are not. They are sinners (Fig. 1). They all are sinners BY CHOICE. They chose to eat the fruit in Eden (Genesis 3:5).
Fig. 1. Fetuses are NOT innocent. They are devilish creatures that cannot gain SALVATION until mature enough to REPENT!
False Christians may continue to claim that the embryos/fetuses/infants/toddlers/children cannot be mature enough to make that choice. Of course they aren't! However, who claimed that it would have to be their PERSONAL CHOICE or a RATIONAL PREMEDITATED CHOICE. It is the personal choice of any person that affects these children even if they did not actually make a rational choice themselves. It is the parents and their parents etc. etc. who chose to be SINNERS, who chose to eat the fruit (Genesis 3:23). It the FOREFATHERS until the 4th generation and the 10th generation that chose the fruit (Exodus 20:5, Deuteronomy 23:2).
They were sinners by CHOICE.
God did not make this choice (Genesis 3:11), God offered mankind another possibility, the Paradise, Eden (Genesis 2:8-14). God RECOMMENDED it. But mankind chose the fruit. The woman chose the fruit (Genesis 3:1-7; Fig. 2). BY HER OWN CHOICE. BY HER LUST AND GREED. Not forced, opposite to what GOD would have wished for us (Genesis 2:16-17).
Fig. 2. A contemporary painting shows the first woman contemplating the fruit. Please, notice the whorish gaze that reveals inner contemplation about the soon-to-be-realized act of fornication. And the snake - the tallywhacker shape that has always been the favorite of all women to possess and via whose entry gain the the gift of SATAN to seduce also the innocence of the MAN who resisted SATAN's seduction significantly longer than the woman.
False Christians feel that this cannot be "good". True Christians™ know that it's not about the superficial " nice feelings" at all. It is about FAITH. It about believing that it is God's WILL, believing that God's will is RIGHTEOUS (Revelation 16:5). Believing that our righteous God is GOOD (Zephaniah 3:17). We are required to obey (Deuteronomy 11:27) and fear (Ecclesiastes 8:12) and believe (John 3:18) - not to "feel good", then we can receive God's gift (Romans 11:35-36).
Some of our audience are upset because this righteousness of God does not "feel good" in their opinion. The threads in this Forum demonstrate beyond any reasonable doubt that babies, children, feeble-minded drooling idiots, demented elders and those with birth-defects are that BY CHOICE and cannot gain SALVATION. Ask yourself: BY WHOSE CHOICE? By the choice of the fathers and forefathers until the 4th generation. Until the 10th generation. Until Creation. The choice of the first WOMAN. Her free choice. Not the choice of God. The choice of mankind. For greed, lust and FORNICATION.
What about the "syndromes" and "genetics" and "chromosomes" of Godless "science"? Maybe they are secular entities that actually are affected, but they are TOTALLY IRRELEVANT. "Chromosomes" (Fig. 3)are DAMAGED BY THE FREE CHOICE to eat the fruit. That IS THE sin THAT affects the fetuses, embryos, infants and toddlers. That is the choice that sends them to HELL. Thus, abortion is not only murder, it is an expressway to ETERNAL AGONY. The people with syndromes are denied salvation by CHOICE that they dwell on. They could choose otherwise but they remain in the SIN of the forefathers, the sin of the first woman.
Fig. 3. Here we see a daguerrotype of the "chromosomes". Note that the larger one, "X" is supposed to be female and the smaller "Y" allegedly represents MEN. That can't be! (see also footnote #4).
You can choose the fruit of false Christians, cultists and atheists. It looks fresh (Fig. 4), moist, succulent, sweet, tender, satisfying. It's your choice. Go on, take it! Take the fruit. TAKE IT! YOU WANT IT, DON'T YOU?!
Isn't Satan's voice so seducing and sweet?
Fig. 4. SATAN's apples look SOOOO tempting. "Come hither" they SHOUT at you. Don't take them! Please!
Or refuse it. I know (5). I chose the fruit many times. I was young. I thought I needed the money. But JESUS suffered and died temporarily and was resurrected to give me A CHOICE.
You can also choose to refuse the fruit (Fig. 5). Follow the Bible. All of it.
Fig. 5. In the short run GOD our LORD only offers you sackcloth, ashes and fasting (Daniel 9:3). In the long run, He gives you ETERNAL ENJOYMENT and BLISS!!!!!!!!!! (Luke 2:10)
If you refuse the fruit, you will follow the righteous order of GOD, you will receive SALVATION, God's GRACE! You will be a True Christian™ FOR EVER (John 10:28-29). You can never, NEVER again fall from grace, be a sinner, be anything but PERFECT. The rest of your life you'll spend in happy expectation of the RAPTURE. Thereafter you will be in ETERNAL BLISS in HEAVEN. God's master plan will finally be crystal clear to you. You will understand that the "feel-bad" suffering of the unborn, the toddlers, the aborted ones and those of other religions is righteous and good. It is part of God's plan, it is necessary and laudable. You will see the agony of the unsaved in eternal FLAMES but you will understand that it is righteous and rejoice of their anguish with JESUS. You don't have to care if your loved ones or "friends" are there in the bottomless pit, because you are in bliss praising God for his righteousness and you will behold that the suffering of the UNSAVED only augments the perfection and goodness of our LORD.
It's going to be SUCH FUN!
Revelation 22:20. Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
Yours in Christ,
Elmer G. White
1. Mark wrote this essay as one of the final papers of his homeschooling. He's 18 now and almost ready for marital duties, spreading God's word himself and baptism. He's repented. I proofread his text and corrected some minor theological errors with my sturdy ROD. Mark also read the text aloud at a local Mall and the ridicule we received was the ultimate proof that his text was inspired by JESUS (Luke 21:12. Matthew 23:34).
2. I hope to have Mark baptized by the end of summer 2014. I can barely hold back my tears as I write these words. He is a strong sturdy lad with well-developed biceps and lots of unspilled semen to fill the spiritual void and the earthly womb of a prospective wannabe harlot that will gain salvation by becoming his wife (1 Timothy 2:15).
3. Embryos and fetuses often cause the deaths of their mothers by gorging themselves with mothers' nutrients with excessive gluttony, thus becoming monstrously large making delivery hazardous. Furthermore, the placenta can become detached due to the violent movements of the fetus and cause the woman to bleed to death (Sadler TW 2011: Langman's Medical Embryology, 12th Edition, Wolters Kluwer Publishing)! I ask you, Brethren, is this the action of an INNOCENT SAVED person. No! It is NOT! It is performed by a malicious satanic embryonic creature that deserves to go to HELL. Unless it repents when adult.
4. In fact, it is no coincidence that the "chromosome X" is larger than "Y" although women are inferior (Ephesians 5:23). It seems that women have STOLEN parts or the chromosome Y and made it SHRINK to GAIN SATANIC POWER over MEN. While the timeline proposed by secular god-mocking scientists cannot be trusted, the fact remains that MEN are becoming EXTINCT because of the womanish X-chromosome be so DEVIOUS (Palca 2004;!
5. Here, obviously, the perpendicular pronoun refers to Mark. His devious sin was, of course, constant masturbation. He self-abused himself practically DAILY from the age of 12 years 10 months to the age of 16 years 3 months (I know, I watched him!) until my ROD beat him into subservience. He has not fallen since! I hope his younger brother Matt also repents in due time. However, I am most worried, as he HAS BECOME ACCUSTOMED to receiving the sturdy rod and while he writhes in agony, he often spills his seed simultaneously... I'm pretty sure he's a sodomite and I might give up on him in the VERY near future. As a small ray of light, he's now found an older mentor from his former grammar school (he's homeschooled now), a nice chap who, although unmarried, has given Matt some private tutoring in Bible study regarding the period of Kings (Saul, David and Jonathan etc.). Some hope remains for him.