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  • Catholics Have a New Mascot, "Luce"

    As we would expect from wine guzzling bingo playing Catholics, they have now come up with a new gimmick so they don't have to face sin. It is a mascot named "Luce." The brains, if there are any, behind this trick say modern time requires modern marketing ideas. Using a cute fictional character to teach their false religion will distract people from the coming condemnation and hell for their sins.

    We can thank God Almighty we at Landover Baptist can simply condemn sin and sinners without such nonsense.

    “Luce,” Mascot of Dumbed-Down Catholicism | George Weigel | First Things

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    Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.

  • #2
    Oh, dear, Brother Mayor! What a disturbing image! It is clearly made in the style inspired by the heathen (if only we had dropped a few more bombs on them) Japanese referred to as "anime". It is bad enough that anime is a hop, skip and jump from the false religion known as "animism", but the style of art was purloined from the work of a White artist named Margaret Keane.

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    Animism: The belief in the existence of individual spirits that inhanit natural objects or phenomena. Also: The hypothesis holding that an immaterial force animayes the universe.
    His left hand should be under my head, and his right hand should embrace me.

    Guns For God and the Economy


    • #3
      Sometimes even a broken clock can be right. I have no interest in post-structuralism or the proclamations of its gurus, yet could Julia Kristeva have a valid contribution? Here she is discussing Hannah Arendt [European crackpot] with a pertinent take on what's going on in Rome:
      Julia Kristeva - Hannah Arendt: Life Is A Narrative
      Chapter 3: Narrating the twentieth century

      [Kristeva has been discussing her subject's psychological vivisection of smooth and hard characters in the classical novel.]

      (from page 39) the family and society come apart and sink into the inanities of those 'they' of whom the most insignificant are none other than ... self-appointed 'intellectuals.' Once more, Arendtian analysis appropriates narrative to shape its technique in such a way as to give privileged status to a revelation of social mechanisms; and, here, a revelation of the psychosocial comedy.
      Think that's a mouthful? Vatican documents leave it in the dust! Applied to the "Luce" construction, what could be more comedic than this transparent attempt at psychosocial manipulation by self-appointed "intellectuals?" They even had to redefine intellectual, just so they could qualify! It was a smooth operation: disagree and we'll burn you alive, about sums it up. It worked for a few centuries; strangely though there was no shortage of people saying, "Do your worst, you pathetic worms! We're not swallowing your nonsense," who did (as promised) get burned alive: those would be the hard characters. Rome elevates inane to a whole new level.

      Getting back to LUCE. The English spelling is LUCY. And just as anime channels animism, so Luce brings familiarity to Lucy, a three million year old Australopithecine they can use to deny God even more. As it is, for popes and the like, Genesis went out the window years ago.

