Many of the sinning Catholics which find their way to sites of serious debate on the internet in their search for child pornography will persist to argue that the apostle Peter was the first Pope. This is not, in fact, the case. Rather it is a popular tradition of the Vatican's satanic dogma that has come to be thought genuine through years upon years of Papal propaganda.
It is argued that Peter, as the so called "Bishop of Rome", serves as the forerunner to the satanic office of the Pope, but this, in reality, could not really be further from the truth; appart from the fact that in order to be "Pope" one must possess the office of Pontifex Maximus, which Peter did not (in this time the Pontifex Maximus was none other than Caesar); in Peter's time, the Christian faith was composed of many small communities spread across an area large enough to keep them all virtually independent from one another with their own particular eccentricities and so on, and with no fixed universal Christian hierachy established, aside from the LORD our saviour Jesus, that is. People rarely travelled within immediate walking distance of their own homes, and those who did travel would either have done so alone or in small, slow moving groups, resulting in an almost non-existant transferal of information between the many Christian communities, and even up to the time of Constantine the Great in the 4th Century AD, ours was a small and scattered faith when placed alongside the established Pagan traditions of the Roman Empire.
This brings us to the question: Who was the first Pope? Well, in true Catholic tradition, the first Pope was a corrupt, sexual deviant murderer, Damasus the First.
Damasus I was born in Rome circa AD 305 and lived until areond AD 383. The son of a Spaniard, Antoninus, and a mother (called Laurentia) of unknown origin, though she was most likely a native Roman. The young Damasus grew up within the community of the Church of St Laurence, and it is known he worked from his earliest days in service to this church.
In his maturity Damasus worked his way up the church hierarchal ladder. Eventually gaining the favour of the emperor Gratian, who supported him through some severe controversies, controversies of Damasus' own making.
A cunning, brutal, hedonistic character, and a sexual predator of the worst kind, Damasus siezed his opportunity to lead the western church when Liberius, the Bishop of Rome, died in the year 366. Two factions were in competition to succeed his office; one led by Deacon Ursinus, and another supporting Damasus. Not wanting to leave his fate to a formal debate or a decision out of his hands (as it is almost certain that he would have lost due to his sullied reputation), Damasus urged his followers to wage war upon the faction of his adversary, conducting terrorist raids upon their strongholds. This violence lasted for 3 days and resulted in the deaths of approximately 140 to 150 church members loyal to the Deacon. To make matters worse, those killed were were slaughtered in a church where they had saught sanctuary, the Liberian Bassilica. Damasas' supporter actually broke into the church through its roof top and used debris from their entrance as impromptu weapons to attack and kill their enemies.
In the face of this brutal assault, Ursinus declined his claim to the office of Bishop of Rome, and the title was awarded by Gratian (the current Pontifex Maximus) to Damasus. Later in the year, Gratian also granted Damasus the office of Pontifex Maximus, the religious head of the Roman Empire, consolodating the power of Damasus over the Church and creating the office of Pope.
During the course of his career many flaws in Damasus' character came to be known to the general public. His sexual deviancy led to his earning the disturbing nickname "matronarum auriscalpius", The "ladies' ear tickler", and he was also accused of numerouss murder. He escaped this charge through his extensive connections to various Patrician families, and through his alliance with Gratian. Despite being acquitted of his charges, his bad reputation followed him for the rest of his life, earning him enourmous amounts of infamy.
Another interesting fact about the first Pope which still resonates within Catholisism to this day is that he did not only gain the leadership of the empire's religious affairs at his inauguration, but also the control of Rome's many brothels, a position he retained until his death. This began the Catholic tradition of 'Pope as pimp'; a tradition which is still bservable now. In the period of his Papacy, he also disowned his family, and publicly denounced them, for the false premise of abandoning mortal sins to become a chaste, virtuous model of Christ himself. This led, of course, to the infaous rule amongst Catholics that priest must maintain celibacy throughout life (although we now of course know that celibacy amongst Catholic priests is as common as true evidence in an evilutionist's argument).
Possibly the most lasting impact of Damasus' rule as Pope was the division it caused between the Eastern and Western churches. His fasciation with Pagan idols, ritual and the like led to much of the Pagan symbolism prevalent within Catholc worship today. As well as his own personal interest in these matters, he also encouraged the promotion of such Pagan traditions to boost popularity of the Western church amongst the Roman Pagans, thus netting him a greater congregation and allowing him to compete with more ease against his Eastern rival, the Bishop of Constantinople. He was obsessed with power, and would go to any lengths to attain and retain it. He also was responsible for the translation of the Bible from the old Latin, to the newer form, which is now known as the "Vulgate" text. This also encouraged this split between the East and West, as the eastern church based in Byzantium (Constantinople) still used the Greek translation of the Bible, a tradition which has resulted in the modern Greek Orthodox Church.
By the time of Damasus' death circa 383/384, the damage had been done, and the Catholic church had established its Satanic foothold in the civilised world.
In conclusion, when you encounter any Catholic rabidly preaching the authority of Peter as the first Pope and the precedence of the Catholic Church over other forms of Christianity, you will know to tell them the history of the violent sexual predator who was the first Pope.
It is argued that Peter, as the so called "Bishop of Rome", serves as the forerunner to the satanic office of the Pope, but this, in reality, could not really be further from the truth; appart from the fact that in order to be "Pope" one must possess the office of Pontifex Maximus, which Peter did not (in this time the Pontifex Maximus was none other than Caesar); in Peter's time, the Christian faith was composed of many small communities spread across an area large enough to keep them all virtually independent from one another with their own particular eccentricities and so on, and with no fixed universal Christian hierachy established, aside from the LORD our saviour Jesus, that is. People rarely travelled within immediate walking distance of their own homes, and those who did travel would either have done so alone or in small, slow moving groups, resulting in an almost non-existant transferal of information between the many Christian communities, and even up to the time of Constantine the Great in the 4th Century AD, ours was a small and scattered faith when placed alongside the established Pagan traditions of the Roman Empire.
This brings us to the question: Who was the first Pope? Well, in true Catholic tradition, the first Pope was a corrupt, sexual deviant murderer, Damasus the First.
Damasus I was born in Rome circa AD 305 and lived until areond AD 383. The son of a Spaniard, Antoninus, and a mother (called Laurentia) of unknown origin, though she was most likely a native Roman. The young Damasus grew up within the community of the Church of St Laurence, and it is known he worked from his earliest days in service to this church.
In his maturity Damasus worked his way up the church hierarchal ladder. Eventually gaining the favour of the emperor Gratian, who supported him through some severe controversies, controversies of Damasus' own making.
A cunning, brutal, hedonistic character, and a sexual predator of the worst kind, Damasus siezed his opportunity to lead the western church when Liberius, the Bishop of Rome, died in the year 366. Two factions were in competition to succeed his office; one led by Deacon Ursinus, and another supporting Damasus. Not wanting to leave his fate to a formal debate or a decision out of his hands (as it is almost certain that he would have lost due to his sullied reputation), Damasus urged his followers to wage war upon the faction of his adversary, conducting terrorist raids upon their strongholds. This violence lasted for 3 days and resulted in the deaths of approximately 140 to 150 church members loyal to the Deacon. To make matters worse, those killed were were slaughtered in a church where they had saught sanctuary, the Liberian Bassilica. Damasas' supporter actually broke into the church through its roof top and used debris from their entrance as impromptu weapons to attack and kill their enemies.
In the face of this brutal assault, Ursinus declined his claim to the office of Bishop of Rome, and the title was awarded by Gratian (the current Pontifex Maximus) to Damasus. Later in the year, Gratian also granted Damasus the office of Pontifex Maximus, the religious head of the Roman Empire, consolodating the power of Damasus over the Church and creating the office of Pope.
During the course of his career many flaws in Damasus' character came to be known to the general public. His sexual deviancy led to his earning the disturbing nickname "matronarum auriscalpius", The "ladies' ear tickler", and he was also accused of numerouss murder. He escaped this charge through his extensive connections to various Patrician families, and through his alliance with Gratian. Despite being acquitted of his charges, his bad reputation followed him for the rest of his life, earning him enourmous amounts of infamy.
Another interesting fact about the first Pope which still resonates within Catholisism to this day is that he did not only gain the leadership of the empire's religious affairs at his inauguration, but also the control of Rome's many brothels, a position he retained until his death. This began the Catholic tradition of 'Pope as pimp'; a tradition which is still bservable now. In the period of his Papacy, he also disowned his family, and publicly denounced them, for the false premise of abandoning mortal sins to become a chaste, virtuous model of Christ himself. This led, of course, to the infaous rule amongst Catholics that priest must maintain celibacy throughout life (although we now of course know that celibacy amongst Catholic priests is as common as true evidence in an evilutionist's argument).
Possibly the most lasting impact of Damasus' rule as Pope was the division it caused between the Eastern and Western churches. His fasciation with Pagan idols, ritual and the like led to much of the Pagan symbolism prevalent within Catholc worship today. As well as his own personal interest in these matters, he also encouraged the promotion of such Pagan traditions to boost popularity of the Western church amongst the Roman Pagans, thus netting him a greater congregation and allowing him to compete with more ease against his Eastern rival, the Bishop of Constantinople. He was obsessed with power, and would go to any lengths to attain and retain it. He also was responsible for the translation of the Bible from the old Latin, to the newer form, which is now known as the "Vulgate" text. This also encouraged this split between the East and West, as the eastern church based in Byzantium (Constantinople) still used the Greek translation of the Bible, a tradition which has resulted in the modern Greek Orthodox Church.
By the time of Damasus' death circa 383/384, the damage had been done, and the Catholic church had established its Satanic foothold in the civilised world.
In conclusion, when you encounter any Catholic rabidly preaching the authority of Peter as the first Pope and the precedence of the Catholic Church over other forms of Christianity, you will know to tell them the history of the violent sexual predator who was the first Pope.