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  • Ezekiel Bathfire
    Re: Pagan fish gods in the Vatican

    Originally posted by Father Maurice Lester View Post
    Well duh.

    Jesus was a carpenter.

    Carpenters use miter saws.

    The Popes have always found a way to honour the works of Jesus. All of his work and not just the fancy stuff.

    Bless you, my 2x4's in a metric world,
    Father Mo.
    Nothing to do with carpentry - and I'm not convinced the pope believes in Jesus.

    Back before the war, when I was young, my pastor told me the origin of the mitre:

    One day the pope, who had scammed the poor and ignorant out of a lot of money (even by his standards) went off to buy a hat. Because the pope is Satan’s servant, the hat had to be “extravagant” (M't:23:5)

    Because he wanted a hat that was made of gold and jewels, he went to the best hat-maker in Rome, Izzy Goldstein. (The Vatican has no hat-makers because they were all killed by nuns in the 10th century.)

    Anyway, none of the hats on display seemed right, so the hat-maker, Izzy Goldstein, suggest he design a hat. That night, Izzy’s wife made him fish and, as neither Izzy or his wife liked the pope who kept ordering pogroms, that gave Izzy the idea and he made the pope the most stupid and expensive hat the world had ever known.

    In a week, the pope came back and was delighted; it was like no hat anyone had ever seen before. The hat was truly extravagant, and so was the price but the pope didn’t care about that, it only meant that a few more widows would starve and thus not be a burden on his business.

    When he got back to the Vatican, he was wearing the hat. None of the Cardinals could believe that the pope had spent money on a hat like that.

    “Hey! What d’y’ think of the headgear? Smart or what?” asked the pope, who was puffed out with pride.
    The cardinals looked at each other and then one said:
    “Did you really pay money for that hat?”

    There was a silent moment like when your wife drops dead in front of you, and the pope, who got the drift, said:


    The cardinal replied, “Hat, mitre! Mitre, hat! We don’t care if you call it a mitre or a hat, The worst thing we can do to you is make you wear it!”

    And they did.

    And that is why it is called a mitre because the pope might’a spent a lot of money on it.

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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: Pagan fish gods in the Vatican

    Originally posted by Father Maurice Lester View Post
    Well duh.

    Jesus was a carpenter.

    Carpenters use miter saws.

    The Popes have always found a way to honour the works of Jesus. All of his work and not just the fancy stuff.

    Bless you, my 2x4's in a metric world,
    Father Mo

    Are you suggesting that the "cardinal" is admiring his pope's chair-leg?

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  • Father Maurice Lester
    Re: Pagan fish gods in the Vatican

    Well duh.

    Jesus was a carpenter.

    Carpenters use miter saws.

    The Popes have always found a way to honour the works of Jesus. All of his work and not just the fancy stuff.

    Bless you, my 2x4's in a metric world,
    Father Mo


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  • MitzaLizalor
    Re: Pagan fish gods in the Vatican

    Originally posted by Pastor Rune Enoe View Post
    Brethren and Sistren

    Before the Great Purge I made a post about the head-dress worn by popes and bishops. The so-called mitre:


    It's easy to see - unless you're a Catholic of course - that the pope is wearing a fish-head at the top of his own. Obviously he thinks that two brains are better than one.
    I was horrified to see more head [ARROWED](white) a bit lower down especially when I noticed that only one papal foot was visible. Which suggests a location for the other foot somewhere behind the head and therefore for his other knee! He's draped in what looks like scarlet curtains so perhaps a cardinal? I had no idea..
    Attached Files

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  • Jeb Stuart Thurmond
    Re: Pagan fish gods in the Vatican

    Originally posted by Trent Harvey, Jr. View Post
    ITALIAN catholics, at that. Did you pass this on to SoccerItalia? If you don't, I will.
    I did. He just ignored it, and kept on with his "sure Italians have never won a war, ever, but we like to pretend to be eminem and judge manliness by how much salmon-flavored hair we can get stuck in our braces...."

    Last edited by Jeb Stuart Thurmond; 09-05-2007, 09:38 AM.

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  • Pastor Isaac Peters
    Re: Pagan fish gods in the Vatican

    Originally posted by Jeb Thurmond View Post
    They should just pretend that those cute little kitties are actually pedophile priests and quietly ship them off to another diocese.

    Originally posted by Jeb Thurmond View Post
    He has been attacked for being "a Gucci-wearing, Lincoln-driving, Perrier-drinking, Grey Poupon-spreading millionaire Washington special interest lobbyist."
    The America-last crowd never tires of trying to incite class warfare, does it?

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  • Mrs. Mary Whitford
    Re: Pagan fish gods in the Vatican

    For Petal...
    Attached Files

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  • Virginia Day Templeton
    Re: Pagan fish gods in the Vatican

    Originally posted by Jeb Thurmond View Post
    It's like a twist on the old saying. "Every time you pray to Mary, a papist kills a kitten!"

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  • Trent Harvey, Jr.
    Re: Pagan fish gods in the Vatican

    Originally posted by Jeb Thurmond View Post
    ITALIAN catholics, at that. Did you pass this on to SoccerItalia? If you don't, I will.

    By the way, who's Fred Tompson?

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  • Jeb Stuart Thurmond
    Re: Pagan fish gods in the Vatican


    By Carmiola Ionescu, Sunday Telegraph

    Last Updated: 1:42am BST 26/08/2007

    Superstition blamed for killing thousands of black cats in Italy

    A leading animal rights group has estimated that 60,000 black cats are killed every year by Italians who believe that they bring bad luck.

    The Italian Association for the Protection of Animals and the Environment claims that some are also killed as part of black magic rituals.

    While black cats are seen as being lucky in the UK, many people in Italy believe that if a black cat crosses their path it indicates the devil is present. The association calculated its figure from observations of the stray cat population and from monitoring of animal ownership registers. The group said it had evidence that thousands of black cats vanished or were found dead each year.

    Across large parts of Europe, black cats have been associated with witchcraft since the Middle Ages and were said to be the favourite companions for witches.

    Lorenzo Croce, the association's president, blamed the Church for spreading myths about the animals.

    "The Catholic Church has perpetuated this idea for centuries and it is now deeply implanted in people's minds," he said.

    "For centuries black cats were massacred at the order of priests."

    See more enemies of the Catholic Church
    Last edited by Jeb Stuart Thurmond; 08-30-2007, 03:32 PM.

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  • Mrs. Rogers
    Re: Pagan fish gods in the Vatican

    Originally posted by Fish View Post
    No, I pray to God.
    Who do you think you are fooling - your very username pays homage to the old trout your pope plonks upon his head!

    Contrary to what you've been told, the catlick Lord Cod never sacrificed his stinking roe for your sins, young Fish. You would do well to remember that.

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  • Fish
    Re: Pagan fish gods in the Vatican

    Originally posted by Brother Temperance View Post
    So you pray to a "god-fish" then?
    No, I pray to God.

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  • Brother Temperance
    Re: Pagan fish gods in the Vatican

    Originally posted by Fish View Post
    They dont.
    So you pray to a "god-fish" then?

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  • Fish
    Re: Pagan fish gods in the Vatican

    Originally posted by Student of Landover View Post
    I never knew that the Catholic Church prayed to a "Fish God."
    They dont.

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  • Student of Landover
    Re: Pagan fish gods in the Vatican

    Of course I think that. I think whatever Landover tells me to think, because they are the messengers of God!

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