If you thought the Black Death of 1346-1353 was God's punishment for society drifting away from wholesome Christian family values then you are in good company - because that's the kind of thing God threatens and then does spectacularly over and over again in the Bible. You'd be a fool not to believe it.
Nevertheless, in scientifical circles, it used to be thought that pristine Western civilization was infected by race-mixing interactions with the Wops and Dagos and Camel Sniffers, who invited the wrath of God due to their dirty, backward, diseased cultures. New evidence says it was the filthy Chinks all along, with their unclean, Godless, dog-eating, opium smoking shit-holery. We should have guessed as much (see, e.g., the WooHoo hoax Fauci fraud).
As an esteemed Creation scientist and medical man I can confirm this is the kind of thing I see when I look at other countries' (excuse for a) culture.
Nevertheless, in scientifical circles, it used to be thought that pristine Western civilization was infected by race-mixing interactions with the Wops and Dagos and Camel Sniffers, who invited the wrath of God due to their dirty, backward, diseased cultures. New evidence says it was the filthy Chinks all along, with their unclean, Godless, dog-eating, opium smoking shit-holery. We should have guessed as much (see, e.g., the WooHoo hoax Fauci fraud).
As an esteemed Creation scientist and medical man I can confirm this is the kind of thing I see when I look at other countries' (excuse for a) culture.