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  • #31
    Re: Your Advertising is Glitchy.

    Originally posted by Nobar King View Post
    Anyone ever tell you your avatar makes you look a little like Harry Potter? *gasp* It can't be!

    BTW: I found a picture you all might like. You can put it up in your yards before November 4th. Make sure we all know who we need to vote for.


    • #32
      Re: Your Advertising is Glitchy.

      Originally posted by LuxAeternum View Post
      I just think I'm one of the only smart "Wickers"
      How incredibly droll. Unfortunately son, I don't think the devil is a fan of comedy.


      • #33
        Re: Your Advertising is Glitchy.

        I hope those heathen idols you wear are fire proof. Your mouth is geting your eternal soul into a bit of trouble with God. Your silly necklaces won't protect you after God throws you into the Lake of Fire.

        Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth!

        And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
        James 3:5-6

        Winging our Way Across the World for The Lord!

        God Bless John Boehner and God Bless the Grand Old Party!

        Barack Hussein Obama is not My President!!!


        • #34
          Re: Your Advertising is Glitchy.

          I anxiously await the day when/if your supposed Judgement Day comes to pass. When "God" comes down to claim his "servants" (I hope you all get paid well. I would find it funny to see you all in loincloths and chains, like they did in the old days) looks to the world, takes one glance at your congregation and can't help but laugh at you as he walks away.


          • #35
            Re: Your Advertising is Glitchy.

            Originally posted by LuxAeternum View Post
            I anxiously await the day when/if your supposed Judgement Day comes to pass. When "God" comes down to claim his "servants" (I hope you all get paid well. I would find it funny to see you all in loincloths and chains, like they did in the old days) looks to the world, takes one glance at your congregation and can't help but laugh at you as he walks away.

            My confusion is continually before me, and the shame of my face hath covered me,
            Psalm 44:15

            Winging our Way Across the World for The Lord!

            God Bless John Boehner and God Bless the Grand Old Party!

            Barack Hussein Obama is not My President!!!


            • #36
              Re: Your Advertising is Glitchy.

              Originally posted by LuxAeternum View Post
              And one more thing, whenever I come here I wear my pentacle and my celtic knot to remind me where my true beliefs reside. You have your security blanket, I have mine.
              You believe in a rope?

              Also, I don't appreciate that Harry Potter insult. Are you prejudiced against people who wear glasses?
              May you be a blessing to every life you touch.


              • #37
                Re: Your Advertising is Glitchy.

                Originally posted by LuxAeternum View Post
                :laughing hysterically: Another pathetic loser of Stickam. Like lambs to the slaughter. I'm impressed through. At least you have sufficient knowledge of how to use a search engine. That qualifies you to be... well, a resident at a nursing home. Anyway. If you must be Sir Detective or whatnot, allow me to assist you.

                Thats me too. God I thought you all would be smarter then this. Have a great day.
                Our Godly moderators know who you are, little boy. But unlike the folks at Rapture Ready, who've probably banned you already, our moderators know that deep down you want to learn about Jesus. That's why He brought you here, and why our moderators allow you to continue posting.

                Our hope is that you will see the light, and start following the One True God, instead of this ridiculous imaginary 54-year-old superstition you follow called Wicca (much of which was stolen from Aleister Crowley).
                Originally posted by LuxAeternum View Post
                One proxy initiated. Two further proxies to reinforce further tunneling attempts. Do I think your all crazy? Yes. Do I think your all dumb enough not to have a hacker or two on your member list? No. I'd be stupid If I didn't realize that.
                And what do you hope to accomplish? You're going to yammer us to death, with the exact same nonsense we've heard dozens of times from your Hellbound pals?

                Wake me up when you have something interesting to say, OK?
                Bible boring? Nonsense!
                Try Bible in a Year with Brother V, or join Shirlee and the kids as they discuss Real Bible Stories!
                You can't be a Christian if you don't know God's Word!


                • #38
                  Re: Your Advertising is Glitchy.

                  Originally posted by Ezekiel Bathfire View Post
                  I find it more interesting... the adverts a visitor sees are based upon the web pages he has visited and the interests he is shown to have
                  Not really, I have one that says "learn biblical hebrew" and I've never searched that


                  • #39
                    Re: Your Advertising is Glitchy.

                    Originally posted by christain-goth View Post
                    Not really, I have one that says "learn biblical hebrew" and I've never searched that
                    What part of "the adverts a visitor sees are based upon the web pages he has visited" didn't you understand. You have 107 posts on this forum so far. You probably got that add because you spend so much time here.

                    The foolishness of man perverteth his way: and his heart fretteth against the LORD. Proverbs 19:3


                    • #40
                      Re: Your Advertising is Glitchy.

                      Originally posted by Capt. A. Portway View Post
                      Wow, such the clever boy! I think you may be the first person ever on the internets to pretend to be someone you are not!

                      You think we don't check IPs here boy? We've known Luv Asstinsertnum was the same as Red Sukiaki since you were banned last time. If you think you're being sly, you're wrong. And if you think getting us to post scripture and testify in the Word of God is winning, you're just as wrong there!

                      The more trolls like you we get to read the Word, the better! So keep coming back as whoever you want, we'll still be here armed with the Bible and we'll be ready to rebuke you until the day the Devil is having his way with you in hell!

                      For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king.
                      1st Samuel 15:23
                      What I find funny is that you seem not to be able to read. I'm using multiple proxies. Keyword: Multiple. You don't have any idea who I am through my IP because It's not mine! For all I know it's rerouted through China.
                      Well, thanks for the pseudonym Ren. (Can we expect Stimpy?)

                      A quick check shows he is a damned Wicker and a lieberal.
                      Quote:Before you read any of this read my stats (That box with the info below my picture). I'm 20 years old and Wiccan. Some may callme a Xtain (or Xtian, depending on who your speaking to) which is basically the same thing as being Wiccan. I'm extremely liberal and open minded. I firmly believe the government is a group of old men trying to figure out how they can pack their pockets and not get caught. All the while murdering innocent civilians overseas and labeling them terrorist. The people shooting and killing our armed servicemen and women over sees very well may be terrorist, but I highly doubt they we're the ones that started this war. I believe that the United States government is responsible for the tragedies of September 11th, 2001. If you want to know why, see [commie link removed]. Lastly, while I do consider myself male, I am highly disappointed in the male population. Mostly because the same guys who come into a girls stickam room and try to get her to take her clothes off, are the same guys that make it difficult for guys like me who have some dignity and common sense to carry a relationship without the girls first thought at meeting me being "Is he a perv?" The answer by the way is no. If you have any other questions, just ask.

                      This is his Photo: it has been forwarded to DoF.
                      Hmm... you call that link communist but you censored it? Hmm... kind of hypocritical don't you think?
                      Our Godly moderators know who you are, little boy. But unlike the folks at Rapture Ready, who've probably banned you already, our moderators know that deep down you want to learn about Jesus. That's why He brought you here, and why our moderators allow you to continue posting.

                      Our hope is that you will see the light, and start following the One True God, instead of this ridiculous imaginary 54-year-old superstition you follow called Wicca (much of which was stolen from Aleister Crowley).
                      Actually it was started by Gerald Gardner. I follow Gardenian Wicca. Anyway it's moot point. Maybe I do want to learn about Christianity again. But I'd rather burn in hell then condemn the one next to me to hell because he/she doesn't believe what I believe.
                      Last edited by Ezekiel Bathfire; 10-30-2008, 10:43 PM.


                      • #41
                        Re: Your Advertising is Glitchy.

                        Originally posted by LuxAeternum View Post
                        Actually it was started by Gerald Gardner. I follow Gardenian Wicca. Anyway it's moot point. Maybe I do want to learn about Christianity again. But I'd rather burn in hell then condemn the one next to me to hell because he/she doesn't believe what I believe.
                        Thank you for at least acknowledging that Wicca was started by Gardner, in 1954. You'd be surprised how many Wiccans we get who insist it's thousands of years old. So, I'll give you credit there.

                        However, he stole many of his rites and ideas from Aleister Crowley and the OTO. Do your homework, buddy.

                        Now, why would you want to follow a made-up superstition created in the 20th century, like Wicca or Obamaism (well, that's 21st century), instead of Godly Christianity?
                        Bible boring? Nonsense!
                        Try Bible in a Year with Brother V, or join Shirlee and the kids as they discuss Real Bible Stories!
                        You can't be a Christian if you don't know God's Word!


                        • #42
                          Re: Your Advertising is Glitchy.

                          Originally posted by LuxAeternum View Post
                          :laughing hysterically: Another pathetic loser of Stickam. Like lambs to the slaughter. I'm impressed through. At least you have sufficient knowledge of how to use a search engine. That qualifies you to be... well, a resident at a nursing home. Anyway. If you must be Sir Detective or whatnot, allow me to assist you.

                          Thats me too. God I thought you all would be smarter then this. Have a great day.
                          After all that the best you could come up with was "what's wrong with your google advertising?"
                          May you be a blessing to every life you touch.


                          • #43
                            Re: Your Advertising is Glitchy.

                            Originally posted by Nobar King View Post
                            You believe in a rope?

                            Also, I don't appreciate that Harry Potter insult. Are you prejudiced against people who wear glasses?
                            Would you believe that horses wear glasses, too? The way this guy is dressed he must be on some sort of World of Warcraft quest!
                            Attached Files
                            Come climb my mountains.

