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  • Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

    Ah, we've heard the accusation many times. So, I've decided to have a look on the web, so we can compare LBC to "cults".

    Here's a list from a SECULAR source, with my comments in red:

    Ask yourself if the following criteria apply to the group you are concerned about.
    1. A destructive cult tends to be totalitarian in its control of its members' behavior. Cults are likely to dictate in great detail not only what members believe, but also what members wear and eat, when and where members work, sleep, and bathe, and how members think, speak, and conduct familial, marital, or sexual relationships. Landover Baptist Church dictates no aspect of any member's behavior. Instead, we require that members follow the KJV1611 Bible, God's Holy Word. We do not change, "interpret", or otherwise alter God's Word. God and Jesus tell us, through God's Word, exactly what members are to do, wear, eat, what forms of sexual relations are appropriate and which are abominations in His eyes, etc. (Leviticus and Deuteronomy, Romans)
    2. A destructive cult tends to have an ethical double standard. Members are urged to be obedient to the cult, to carefully follow cult rules. They are also encouraged to be revealing and open in the group, confessing all to the leaders. On the other hand, outside the group they are encouraged to act unethically, manipulating outsiders or nonmembers, and either deceiving them or simply revealing very little about themselves or the group. In contrast to destructive cults, honorable groups teach members to abide by one set of ethics and act ethically and truthfully to all people in all situations. Unlike Muslims, who are told in the Koran that it's OK to break their word when dealing with nonbelievers, we expect our brothers and sisters to be as honest and ethical with each other and with nonbelievers as God has always shown Himself to be with humanity. EVERY BIT!
    3. A destructive cult has only two basic purposes: recruiting new members and fund-raising. Altruistic movements, established religions, and other honorable groups also recruit and raise funds. However, these actions are incidental to an honorable group's main purpose of improving the lives of its members and of humankind in general. Destructive cults may claim to make social contributions, but in actuality such claims are superficial and only serve as gestures or fronts for recruiting and fund-raising. A cult's real goal is to increase the prestige and often the wealth of the leader. We have very clear-cut charitable programs outlined on the website; further, while Pastor Deacon Fred is the current head of the Church on Earth, we only recognize Jesus as the true Leader. Jesus directed us to go forth and spread the Good News to all nations, and to win souls to follow Him, by any means necessary! (Matthew 10:27, Mark 5:19, for example)
    4. A destructive cult appears to be innovative and exclusive. The leader claims to be breaking with tradition, offering something novel, and instituting the ONLY viable system for change that will solve life's problems or the world's ills. But these claims are empty and only used to recruit members who are then surreptitiously subjected to mind control to inhibit their ability to examine the actual validity of the claims of the leader and the cult.We don't claim any of these things. We follow the 1611 King James Bible; certainly not an innovative idea, and we don't exclude anyone. We do not claim that Christianity is the only system for change that will work; we only state that, as the Bible clearly indicates, Christianity IS the ONLY viable system for those who wish to avoid eternal Hellfire. Jesus told us this Himself! (John 3:15-16, Matthew 5:29, Matthew 10:28, Matthew 23:3, Luke 13:3, Revelation 20:13-14)
    5. A destructive cult is authoritarian in its power structure. The leader is regarded as the supreme authority. He or she may delegate certain power to a few subordinates for the purpose of seeing that members adhere to the leader's wishes. There is no appeal outside his or her system to a greater system of justice. For example, if a schoolteacher feels unjustly treated by a principal, an appeal can be made to the superintendent. In a destructive cult, the leader claims to have the only and final ruling on all matters. Again, our true Leader is Jesus Christ. No member of the Church has supreme power, as God and Jesus have complete control. In no way would we or our Earthly leaders question God's Holy Word, which has complete authority in all matters.
    6. A destructive cult's leader is a self-appointed messianic person claiming to have a special mission in life. For example, leaders of flying saucer cults claim that beings from outer space have commissioned them to lead people away from Earth, so that only the leaders can save them from impending doom. Pastor Deacon Fred makes no claims of Divinity, as this would be blasphemy. Rather, Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. He said so Himself, in the Bible! Look it up, if you wish. I'll wait. (John 4:25-26, among others)
    7. A destructive cult's leader centers the veneration of members upon himself or herself. Priests, rabbis, ministers, democratic leaders, and other leaders of genuinely altruistic movements focus the veneration of adherents on God or a set of ethical principles. Cult leaders, in contrast, keep the focus of love, devotion, and allegiance on themselves. We direct members to love God and Jesus, not Pastor Deacon Fred. (Not that we object to people loving Pastor Deacon Fred, but God and Jesus must always come first!) God, in fact, states in the Ten Commandments, "Thou shalt have no gods before me"! Clearly, all the glory must go to God and to Jesus, his Son, the Messiah (see #6).
    8. A destructive cult's leader tends to be determined, domineering, and charismatic. Such a leader effectively persuades followers to abandon or alter their families, friends, and careers to follow the cult. The leader then takes control over followers' possessions, money, time, and lives. We at LBC do not persuade anyone to abandon their families, friends, or careers. Jesus directly states that only those who give their belongings to the poor (or, more logically, a church which can invest those assets into existing and proven social services programs), give up their families and all else, and follow Him are worthy of Heaven (Matthew 16:24, Mark 10:21, Luke 9:23, Luke 14:26).
    As can be plainly seen by a review of this eight-point "warning list" for destructive cults, Landover Baptist Church fits NO definition of a cult whatsoever! So all you outsiders can relax, stop suing us for "taking your children away", or stop complaining that your aged parents gave Landover "your" inheritance. (Did YOU earn it? No, I didn't think so. GOD did.)

    Landover Baptist Church is NOT a cult. QED.
    Last edited by OnYourKnees; 03-30-2007, 11:18 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

    It isnt a DESTRUCTIVE cult, it can be a cult though
    I will never surrender to false beliefs!


    • #3
      Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

      Originally posted by Lard Lucy View Post
      It isnt a DESTRUCTIVE cult, it can be a cult though
      Kindly back up your statement with a characteristic of a cult that you see demonstrated at Landover, along with a reference to the cult characteristics list where you find that trait.

      While we are open to respectful discussion on nearly any issue, your one-line, unsupported insults and random attacks against Landover Baptist Church will not be tolerated.

      Consider yourself warned.
      Last edited by OnYourKnees; 04-23-2007, 10:13 PM.


      • #4
        Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

        I agree that Landover is NOT a cult.
        If it was, I'm sure I would have somehow been beaten in submission, tortured, or just scared into becoming a Christian.
        The fact that I "live in peace" with them proves they can't be a cult. And for those that don't know, I live withing the beautiful pearly gates of Landover and work for one of their very own.

        You pray...I dance naked in the forest


        • #5
          Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

          So it's a sect?


          • #6
            Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

            Originally posted by OpiatedEnnui View Post
            So it's a sect?
            It's a church.

            Actually, THE church, unless you've run across another which follows all of God's Word.


            • #7
              Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

              Originally posted by OnYourKnees View Post
              It's a church.

              Actually, THE church, unless you've run across another which follows all of God's Word.
              Good point ... the one down the street said they follow the word of God, hmm but the one across town said the same. But I did find one that follows the word of Jim; guessing that's Gods name or something ...


              • #8
                Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

                Originally posted by OpiatedEnnui View Post
                Good point ... the one down the street said they follow the word of God, hmm but the one across town said the same. But I did find one that follows the word of Jim; guessing that's Gods name or something ...
                You know, Jesus will not be mocked, fool. Every smart-mouth comment you post in this Godly forum is being recorded by the DOF and by Jesus himself. You won't think you're so clever once Jesus tosses you into the pits of hell, where you will surely spend eternity having your tongue peeled and your anal cavity reamed with steel brushes.
                Who Will Jesus Damn?

                Here is a partial list from just a few scripture verses:

                Hypocrites (Matthew 24:51), The Unforgiving (Mark 11:26), Homosexuals (Romans 1:26, 27), Fornicators (Romans 1:29), The Wicked (Romans 1:29), The Covetous (Romans 1:29), The Malicious (Romans 1:29), The Envious (Romans 1:29), Murderers (Romans 1:29), The Deceitful (Romans 1:29), Backbiters (Romans 1:30), Haters of God (Romans 1:30), The Despiteful (Romans 1:30), The Proud (Romans 1:30), Boasters (Romans 1:30), Inventors of evil (Romans 1:30), Disobedient to parents (Romans 1:30), Covenant breakers (Romans 1:31), The Unmerciful (Romans 1:31), The Implacable (Romans 1:31), The Unrighteous (1Corinthians 6:9), Idolaters (1Corinthians 6:9), Adulterers (1Corinthians 6:9), The Effeminate (1Corinthians 6:9), Thieves (1Corinthians 6:10), Drunkards (1Corinthians 6:10), Reviler (1Corinthians 6:10), Extortioners (1Corinthians 6:10), The Fearful (Revelation 21:8), The Unbelieving (Revelation 21:8), The Abominable (Revelation 21:8), Whoremongers (Revelation 21:8), Sorcerers (Revelation 21:8), All Liars (Revelation 21:8)

                Need Pastoral Advice? Contact me privately at TODAY!!


                • #9
                  Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

                  Originally posted by OpiatedEnnui View Post
                  Good point ... the one down the street said they follow the word of God, hmm but the one across town said the same. But I did find one that follows the word of Jim; guessing that's Gods name or something ...
                  My, I sense a smart ass.
                  You pray...I dance naked in the forest


                  • #10
                    Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

                    Originally posted by MoonFlower View Post
                    My, I sense a smart ass.
                    Smart? I doubt I'd refer to anyone who can't tell the difference between "the Word of God" and "ALL of the Word of God" as "smart".

                    Some of these churches are welcoming bastards, and goths, and wiccans, and homersexuals, and people who have divorced and remarried, and people wearing mixed-fabric clothing, and any number of other abominations within their walls! They do not follow ALL of the Word of God!


                    • #11
                      Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

                      Originally posted by OnYourKnees View Post
                      Some of these churches are welcoming bastards, and goths, and wiccans, and homersexuals, and people who have divorced and remarried, and people wearing mixed-fabric clothing, and any number of other abominations within their walls! They do not follow ALL of the Word of God!
                      Yes I know. I live here, I know how Landover works, OYK. Apparently this OpiumEnnui needs to learn a little more about Landover.

                      You pray...I dance naked in the forest


                      • #12
                        Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

                        SO ... you're a rich sect with <suggestions of Freudian perversions removed>
                        Last edited by OnYourKnees; 04-27-2007, 03:58 AM.


                        • #13
                          Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

                          Originally posted by OpiatedEnnui View Post
                          SO ... you're a rich sect with <suggestions of Freudian perversions removed>
                          Rich, yes. But only because our members, upon following every Word of God in the Bible, find themselves enjoying Earthly rewards as God promises.

                          These Earthly rewards do not compare to what we will receive in Heaven.

                          Kindly refrain from suggesting that we are obsessed with deviant sexual practices in the future. Sometimes, my friend, a cigar is just a cigar.


                          • #14
                            Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

                            Originally posted by OnYourKnees View Post
                            Kindly refrain from suggesting that we are obsessed with deviant sexual practices in the future. Sometimes, my friend, a cigar is just a cigar.
                            It's not what the cigar is that is the issue, it's where you put it.


                            • #15
                              Re: Is Landover Baptist Church a CULT?

                              Originally posted by OpiatedEnnui View Post
                              It's not what the cigar is that is the issue, it's where you put it.
                              And that is exactly why Bill Clinton is not welcome in Freehold!

                              Now, kindly stop obsessing over tobacco-fueled orgies of carnal delights, and focus your energies on opening wide that you may be filled with the white-hot love of Jesus!

