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  • #46
    Re: Japanese Cartoons - Futanari Threaten Children!

    Originally posted by eliot mayfield View Post
    Oh it's worse than we thought. The young people in Japan are already engaged in futanari for real! Real Japanese young ladies, usually in school girl or nurses uniforms doing disgusting things to each other. I was checking the history on each students computer in the dorms and ran across a video of this vileness!
    The student has been expelled and kicked out.
    Better do a bed check too, Brother Eliot! Look what Brother BJ and his boys in security found on Skeeter's bed!

    Who Will Jesus Damn?

    Here is a partial list from just a few scripture verses:

    Hypocrites (Matthew 24:51), The Unforgiving (Mark 11:26), Homosexuals (Romans 1:26, 27), Fornicators (Romans 1:29), The Wicked (Romans 1:29), The Covetous (Romans 1:29), The Malicious (Romans 1:29), The Envious (Romans 1:29), Murderers (Romans 1:29), The Deceitful (Romans 1:29), Backbiters (Romans 1:30), Haters of God (Romans 1:30), The Despiteful (Romans 1:30), The Proud (Romans 1:30), Boasters (Romans 1:30), Inventors of evil (Romans 1:30), Disobedient to parents (Romans 1:30), Covenant breakers (Romans 1:31), The Unmerciful (Romans 1:31), The Implacable (Romans 1:31), The Unrighteous (1Corinthians 6:9), Idolaters (1Corinthians 6:9), Adulterers (1Corinthians 6:9), The Effeminate (1Corinthians 6:9), Thieves (1Corinthians 6:10), Drunkards (1Corinthians 6:10), Reviler (1Corinthians 6:10), Extortioners (1Corinthians 6:10), The Fearful (Revelation 21:8), The Unbelieving (Revelation 21:8), The Abominable (Revelation 21:8), Whoremongers (Revelation 21:8), Sorcerers (Revelation 21:8), All Liars (Revelation 21:8)

    Need Pastoral Advice? Contact me privately at PastorEzekiel@landoverbaptist.net TODAY!!


    • #47
      Re: Japanese Cartoons - Futanari Threaten Children!

      They lost WW2, but their insidious minds haven't given up. They're going to take over the world by porn!
      5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
      5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled
      10:21 And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.
      10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.



      • #48
        Re: Japanese Cartoons - Futanari Threaten Children!

        The Jap perversions never end! I'm not even sure what to call this, and if it's got a Jap name, I don't know what it is!

        It's kind of the opposite of the abomination that is futanari, but somehow it seems even worse!

        Again, I've censored the vile image so as to make it somewhat less offensive. If you must see the uncensored version, I can email it to you. But be warned, it is not for the faint of heart!

        Click image for larger version

Name:	shota_CENSORED01.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	123.5 KB
ID:	1907122

        Winging our Way Across the World for The Lord!

        God Bless John Boehner and God Bless the Grand Old Party!

        Barack Hussein Obama is not My President!!!


        • #49
          Re: Japanese Cartoons - Futanari Threaten Children!

          Originally posted by Capt. A. Portway View Post
          The Jap perversions never end! I'm not even sure what to call this, and if it's got a Jap name, I don't know what it is!

          I'll tell you what it's called: CHILD PORNOGRAPHY!

          I don't like to brag, but I am a bit of an officianado (that's Lain for "expert") on Ornamental history. The Japs picked up the sin of child porn from the Dutch Papists who tried (unsuccessfully) to convert the samurai's and gaysha girls over to Mary worship 500 years ago. Papist child porn was all they managed to teach.

          That's why I spend so much time on missionary trips over there. It's about time that the slants get some Christ into them.
          Who Will Jesus Damn?

          Here is a partial list from just a few scripture verses:

          Hypocrites (Matthew 24:51), The Unforgiving (Mark 11:26), Homosexuals (Romans 1:26, 27), Fornicators (Romans 1:29), The Wicked (Romans 1:29), The Covetous (Romans 1:29), The Malicious (Romans 1:29), The Envious (Romans 1:29), Murderers (Romans 1:29), The Deceitful (Romans 1:29), Backbiters (Romans 1:30), Haters of God (Romans 1:30), The Despiteful (Romans 1:30), The Proud (Romans 1:30), Boasters (Romans 1:30), Inventors of evil (Romans 1:30), Disobedient to parents (Romans 1:30), Covenant breakers (Romans 1:31), The Unmerciful (Romans 1:31), The Implacable (Romans 1:31), The Unrighteous (1Corinthians 6:9), Idolaters (1Corinthians 6:9), Adulterers (1Corinthians 6:9), The Effeminate (1Corinthians 6:9), Thieves (1Corinthians 6:10), Drunkards (1Corinthians 6:10), Reviler (1Corinthians 6:10), Extortioners (1Corinthians 6:10), The Fearful (Revelation 21:8), The Unbelieving (Revelation 21:8), The Abominable (Revelation 21:8), Whoremongers (Revelation 21:8), Sorcerers (Revelation 21:8), All Liars (Revelation 21:8)

          Need Pastoral Advice? Contact me privately at PastorEzekiel@landoverbaptist.net TODAY!!


          • #50
            Re: Japanese Cartoons - Futanari Threaten Children!

            I think it's supposed to be a young boy with full fledged lady parts! The uncensored version leaves little to the imagination, I can tell you that!

            What is wrong with those crazy Nips? Have they no shame?!?! Using hermaphroditic child porn to corrupt innocent future True Christian™ children is the absolute limit!

            Satan HAS to be involved in this! There is no way that even your most depraved slope would think of this on their own! Are all Fishheads in league with the Devil Pastor Zeke?

            Winging our Way Across the World for The Lord!

            God Bless John Boehner and God Bless the Grand Old Party!

            Barack Hussein Obama is not My President!!!


            • #51
              Re: Japanese Cartoons - Futanari Threaten Children!

              Originally posted by Capt. A. Portway View Post
              I think it's supposed to be a young boy with full fledged lady parts! The uncensored version leaves little to the imagination, I can tell you that!

              What is wrong with those crazy Nips? Have they no shame?!?! Using hermaphroditic child porn to corrupt innocent future True Christian™ children is the absolute limit!
              The truth is, it's difficult to tell the difference between the male and female slopes, even with their clothes off. Even the nips themselves can't tell the difference, which is why they can't enforce laws against queer marriage. Who would know?

              Originally posted by Capt. A. Portway View Post
              Satan HAS to be involved in this! There is no way that even your most depraved slope would think of this on their own! Are all Fishheads in league with the Devil Pastor Zeke?
              The answer is, yes.
              Who Will Jesus Damn?

              Here is a partial list from just a few scripture verses:

              Hypocrites (Matthew 24:51), The Unforgiving (Mark 11:26), Homosexuals (Romans 1:26, 27), Fornicators (Romans 1:29), The Wicked (Romans 1:29), The Covetous (Romans 1:29), The Malicious (Romans 1:29), The Envious (Romans 1:29), Murderers (Romans 1:29), The Deceitful (Romans 1:29), Backbiters (Romans 1:30), Haters of God (Romans 1:30), The Despiteful (Romans 1:30), The Proud (Romans 1:30), Boasters (Romans 1:30), Inventors of evil (Romans 1:30), Disobedient to parents (Romans 1:30), Covenant breakers (Romans 1:31), The Unmerciful (Romans 1:31), The Implacable (Romans 1:31), The Unrighteous (1Corinthians 6:9), Idolaters (1Corinthians 6:9), Adulterers (1Corinthians 6:9), The Effeminate (1Corinthians 6:9), Thieves (1Corinthians 6:10), Drunkards (1Corinthians 6:10), Reviler (1Corinthians 6:10), Extortioners (1Corinthians 6:10), The Fearful (Revelation 21:8), The Unbelieving (Revelation 21:8), The Abominable (Revelation 21:8), Whoremongers (Revelation 21:8), Sorcerers (Revelation 21:8), All Liars (Revelation 21:8)

              Need Pastoral Advice? Contact me privately at PastorEzekiel@landoverbaptist.net TODAY!!


              • #52
                Re: Japanese Cartoons - Futanari Threaten Children!

                No wonder there has been such a drastic increase in queers! I mean what young Christian soldier would rejoice to find that God gave girls penises too? It's almost better to be a sodomite than it is to be a...whatever title there is for somebidy who actually enjoys such an abomination of God's wonderful creation. Next thing you now, the filthy Hinder/Bootest Asians will have some anime/manga slantized version of a non-1611 KJV Bible that portrays Baby Jesus as a homosexual, wimpy liberal with a vagina, Virgin Mary as a masculine, lesbian dyke with a penis, and Joseph as a lesbian whore that actually had to fornicate with Mary to conceive (don't even ask me how the birthing process is supposed to work; it's all reviling sin). Oh, and that'd just be Luke, Christian bretheren! (Can you even imagine a Japanimationated version of the Whore Of Babylon?! Utterly revolting!!!)

                These lustful mongrels must be shut down, lest they be responsible for sending any more unfortunates to hell!

                Down with all Jap forms of animation before they ensure the homosexualization, atheization, and communization of us Christian soldiers!

                Proverbs 23:14- "Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell."

                All Unsaved Trash: Read this before posting.


                • #53
                  Re: Japanese Cartoons - Futanari Threaten Children!

                  I just got my new computer hooked up. The old one is gone, I'm not going to say where. I did this to be on the safe side, so I don't get confused with REAL perverts like Christopher Handley.

                  He is the disgusting pervert that bought Jap comic books that had pictures of little kids having sex with animals. The most surprising part of this story is that he is from Iowa. That's right, this sicko practically lives in our own backyard!

                  In an obscenity first, a U.S. comic book collector has pleaded guilty to importing and possessing Japanese manga books depicting illustrations of child sex abuse and bestiality. Christopher Handley, described by his lawyer as a “prolific collector” of manga, pleaded guilty last week to mailing obscene matter, and to “possession of obscene visual representations of […]

                  a U.S. comic book collector has pleaded guilty to importing and possessing Japanese manga books depicting illustrations of child sex abuse and bestiality.

                  Christopher Handley, described by his lawyer as a “prolific collector” of manga, pleaded guilty last week to mailing obscene matter, and to “possession of obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children.”
                  See, this is what I have been talking about for this entire thread! Those Japs are all PERVERTS!!! Thank the Lord that some right-thinking Iowa prosecutors saw fit to give this disgusting degenerate what he deserved!

                  Winging our Way Across the World for The Lord!

                  God Bless John Boehner and God Bless the Grand Old Party!

                  Barack Hussein Obama is not My President!!!


                  • #54
                    Re: Japanese Cartoons - Futanari Threaten Children!

                    I cannot believe you showed this to people. You consider yourself a true christian when you put these images for people to see? Also, way to go Capt. Porthoway, you pervert. I bet you'd like to research some more wouldn't you? All of you are what piss me off when. I believe I'll refer to the "stud Pastor Ezekial" who said Hypocrites will be damned by Jesus. You all are hipocrytes!!! Cursing the citizens of other countries as a whole? You are a sad excuse for a christian. There are bad, unholy people in every country, but not all are that way. I think believing that way also makes you all "The Despiteful" and "Unmerciful," so good luck getting into Heaven. You make me sick. "Fishheads," "Little Slants?" Seriously? You all are racists here on this website, and that is one of the worst of all sins. You people are what's wrong with this country.


                    • #55
                      Re: Japanese Cartoons - Futanari Threaten Children!

                      You are so angry you made me cry. Thanks.
                      May you be a blessing to every life you touch.


                      • #56
                        Re: Japanese Cartoons - Futanari Threaten Children!

                        Originally posted by Not atheist View Post
                        I cannot believe you showed this to people. You consider yourself a truechristian when you put these images for people to see? Also, way to go Capt. Porthoway, you pervert. I bet you'd like to research some more wouldn't you? All of you are what piss me off when. I believe I'll refer to the "stud Pastor Ezekial" who said Hypocrites will be damned by Jesus. You all are hipocrytes!!! Cursing the citizens of other countries as a whole? You are a sad excuse for a christian. There are bad, unholy people in every country, but not all are that way. I think believing that way also makes you all "The Despiteful" and "Unmerciful," so good luck getting into Heaven. You make me sick. "Fishheads," "Little Slants?" Seriously? You all are racists here on this website, and that is one of the worst of all sins. You people are what's wrong with this country.
                        Well, aren't you a little ray of sunshine!

                        Your first post in our Godly forum is a border-line illiterate rant filled with hate and intolerance. Generally, when someone is a guest somewhere, it is customary for them to introduce themselves in a proper way. We have an Introduction Forum for this exact purpose. I suggest you use it friend.

                        Winging our Way Across the World for The Lord!

                        God Bless John Boehner and God Bless the Grand Old Party!

                        Barack Hussein Obama is not My President!!!


                        • #57
                          Re: Japanese Cartoons - Futanari Threaten Children!

                          Originally posted by Not atheist View Post
                          I cannot believe you showed this to people. You consider yourself a true christian when you put these images for people to see? Also, way to go Capt. Porthoway, you pervert. I bet you'd like to research some more wouldn't you?
                          He warned you to not scroll down if you were underage, female or sensitive to that type of thing.

                          How did you find this place? Why did you go straight for this thread?

                          Originally posted by Not atheist View Post
                          All of you are what piss me off when. I believe I'll refer to the "stud Pastor Ezekial" who said Hypocrites will be damned by Jesus. You all are hipocrytes!!!
                          Says the guy who was searching for Futanari.

                          Originally posted by Not atheist View Post
                          Cursing the citizens of other countries as a whole? You are a sad excuse for a christian. There are bad, unholy people in every country, but not all are that way. I think believing that way also makes you all "The Despiteful" and "Unmerciful," so good luck getting into Heaven. You make me sick. "Fishheads," "Little Slants?" Seriously? You all are racists here on this website, and that is one of the worst of all sins. You people are what's wrong with this country.
                          Are you Japanese or just a zit faced okatu weaboo?
                          Christians are superior because we possess an understanding that unbelievers lack. It is through the Power of Jesus only the converted mind is able to understand what is going on in the world; what the Communists are really up to; what Satan's intentions are. Most unbelievers do not even believe in Satan and cannot understand his tactics.



                          • #58
                            Re: Japanese Cartoons - Futanari Threaten Children!

                            Portway's post was extremely effective. Shocking yes, vile, absolutely. Did he make a strong point, you betchya! Now, any time anyone mentions "futanari" you will want to vomit, as you should.

                            Thanks, Portway, well done!
                            Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
                            Amos 3:6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?
                            Numbers 21:6 And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.
                            Matthew 10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
                            Matthew 10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
                            Matthew 10:36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.


                            • #59
                              Re: Japanese Cartoons - Futanari Threaten Children!

                              You're welcome Brother James! I did all of that horrible research and all of that careful censoring because I care. I put myself through that vile ordeal for our children, for they are our future.

                              It's just makes me a bit sad when Unsaved Trash wander in here to spew their hate at me. They have no idea how much work it was, spending HOURS and HOURS combing the internets to find examples of the filth that those sneaky slants are trying to corrupt our children with!

                              Winging our Way Across the World for The Lord!

                              God Bless John Boehner and God Bless the Grand Old Party!

                              Barack Hussein Obama is not My President!!!


                              • #60
                                Re: Japanese Cartoons - Futanari Threaten Children!

                                Ok here we go. I was introduced to this website by a fellow Christian (whose mother is a Baptist pastor). It was extremely offensive to him and his mother, whom actually based a sermon on the racism displayed in this website. True Christians would not say such harsh remarks about other fellow HUMAN BEINGS. "Wetbacks" "slopes" "slants" and "fishheads" are entirely inappropriate. I am engaged to a Japanese-American woman. Her family is very friendly, very biblical, and very proper. This is why it upsets me to see you posting such harsh terms. You should specify your comments to the people responsible, not the country in general. I find these images just as messed up as you all do, but have the decency to keep racist terms out of "Godly" forums please.

