This thread is a place to collect our policy proposals.
I want to go beyond the regular zero-sum partisan battles, instead focusing on fresh policy ideas.
Please add them in the replies, and tag their treads with "policy wonkery".
What I've got so far:
1. A plan to bring God back into the economy.
2. A plan that even liberals agree will double the world's wealth production almost overnight, and bring diversity to certain monochrome backwaters of the world.
3. A plan to save public transit, and make it possible to criss-cross the continent with high-speed rail.
Notice how unlike liberals, who merely re-package their old garbage with new names, we like to innovate. And we have a great track record of being ahead of our time.
I want to go beyond the regular zero-sum partisan battles, instead focusing on fresh policy ideas.
Please add them in the replies, and tag their treads with "policy wonkery".
What I've got so far:
1. A plan to bring God back into the economy.
2. A plan that even liberals agree will double the world's wealth production almost overnight, and bring diversity to certain monochrome backwaters of the world.
3. A plan to save public transit, and make it possible to criss-cross the continent with high-speed rail.
Notice how unlike liberals, who merely re-package their old garbage with new names, we like to innovate. And we have a great track record of being ahead of our time.