Run afoul of liberals, and they'll try their hardest to erase you from history. Don't let the following brave individuals continue languishing out of the public eye. Keep them in your thoughts, prayers, and Internet posts or the liberals win. Who knows, if just might happen to YOU!

Unknown Hinson
Trigger: Criticizing BLM and Dolly Parton
Banned from: His cartoon show, his signature line of guitars
Psychobilly country singer Unknown Hinson was right up there with such greats as Johnny Rebel, Roper Crossburn, and David Allen Coe. When alleged country music legend Dolly Parton said "Of course black lives matter," Hinson didn't stand for it. He took to his Facebook account and called her a bimbo, a slut, and a race traitor. Shortly afterwards, his career crashed and burned.

Roseanne Barr
Trigger: Supporting Donald Trump
Banned from: Her own show
Unlike most celebrities, Roseanne had the cojones to openly support Donald Trump. Her days were numbered. SJWs pored over her social media posts until they found one she had posted under the influence of Ambien which could be interpreted in a racist way if you look at the world through race-baiting lenses. They had found their weapon. Roseanne was fired from her very own TV show named after her in which she played the lead character. ABC killed her off and changed the show's name. Her career is over.

Bill Cosby
Trigger: Criticizing the black community
Banned from: Television, civil society
Bill Cosby was formerly known as "America's Dad." While I wouldn't go that cuckishly far, he was certainly "America's Black Friend." He took advantage of his star power and wealth to criticize ghetto culture for its moral failings. As a result, he winds up in prison on some phony trumped-up charges, his iconic TV show vanishes from the airwaves, and he himself is excised from American cultural history and black history.