President Trump has called for the suspension of the U.S. Constitution, and we at Landover heartily agree. The Constitution has served us reasonably well, but, as we all know, it is a flawed document. For example, the founding fathers failed to deal with slavery at the outset by protecting the property rights of slaveholders. Of course, the major flaw was not incorporating the laws set forth for mankind by God in the Holy Bible, King James Version.
Having said this, we do not want to throw the proverbial baby out with the dirty bathwater (as an aside, we don't think there should ever be dirty bathwater--simply hosing your baby off in the backyard gets the baby cleaner with less effort and helps to toughen the infant up, so everybody wins). There are a few provisions that we should keep:
Article II sets forth the powers of the executive branch. We should keep these and also fold in the judicial powers from Article III and the legislative powers from Article II. Of course, we need to remove the electoral provisions now that the Democrat party has started stealing elections, as will be proved by an examination of Hunter Biden's laptop. The President should be selected through consensus of rural town halls all across America. And it's time to let term limits go.
The Second Amendment, which protects our right to bear arms, including assault weapons, tanks, and tactical nuclear missiles, was written by the Author of Freedom, Jesus Christ Himself. It is the bedrock provision that protects all of our rights, so there's no need for the rest of the bill of rights.
The rest of the Constitution is a bunch of technical rules that can easily be handled by executive order. It's a bit like all of the rules for priests in Leviticus--it means a lot to the Jews, but it just doesn't apply to a Christian nation.
So an ideal new Constitution would have only three articles:
Article One would give all power to the President and insure that only a President who will respect the rights of white men will be protected can be elected.
Article Two would incorporate Biblical law into the Constitution.
Article Three would protect gun rights.
Then we can finally live in a country where our rights are protected against the woke Communists like Joe Biden, where our precious suburbs are kept safe from rioting Antifa terrorists and from caravans of Mexican rapists and gangsters, and where our heterosexual marriages are secure from the depredations of perverted homosexual couples.
Having said this, we do not want to throw the proverbial baby out with the dirty bathwater (as an aside, we don't think there should ever be dirty bathwater--simply hosing your baby off in the backyard gets the baby cleaner with less effort and helps to toughen the infant up, so everybody wins). There are a few provisions that we should keep:
Article II sets forth the powers of the executive branch. We should keep these and also fold in the judicial powers from Article III and the legislative powers from Article II. Of course, we need to remove the electoral provisions now that the Democrat party has started stealing elections, as will be proved by an examination of Hunter Biden's laptop. The President should be selected through consensus of rural town halls all across America. And it's time to let term limits go.
The Second Amendment, which protects our right to bear arms, including assault weapons, tanks, and tactical nuclear missiles, was written by the Author of Freedom, Jesus Christ Himself. It is the bedrock provision that protects all of our rights, so there's no need for the rest of the bill of rights.

The rest of the Constitution is a bunch of technical rules that can easily be handled by executive order. It's a bit like all of the rules for priests in Leviticus--it means a lot to the Jews, but it just doesn't apply to a Christian nation.
So an ideal new Constitution would have only three articles:
Article One would give all power to the President and insure that only a President who will respect the rights of white men will be protected can be elected.
Article Two would incorporate Biblical law into the Constitution.
Article Three would protect gun rights.
Then we can finally live in a country where our rights are protected against the woke Communists like Joe Biden, where our precious suburbs are kept safe from rioting Antifa terrorists and from caravans of Mexican rapists and gangsters, and where our heterosexual marriages are secure from the depredations of perverted homosexual couples.