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  • Is it OK for Christians to listen to FM radio?

    As you know, I visit and deliver fresh-baked food to people who may not be able to get out for various reasons and often have the radio on. Normally if a topic come on I'm not interested in, I simply turn it off. Today though, I pressed the wrong button (accidently) and got the most, well, the subject matter was atrocious: I think it was supposed to be a song; changed again and got what sounded like a 7th Day Adventist sermon!

    Checking what happened, it seems I'd switched to FM instead of OFF.

    Is it OK for Christians to listen to FM radio?

  • #2
    Re: Is it OK for Christians to listen to FM radio?

    Originally posted by MitzaLizalor View Post
    Checking what happened, it seems I'd switched to FM instead of OFF.

    Is it OK for Christians to listen to FM radio?
    Mitza--I hope you are aware the buttons on your radio can be pre programed. Taking the time to do that should keep you away from sinful radio content. So called Christian stations are among the most problematic.
    Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


    • #3
      Re: Is it OK for Christians to listen to FM radio?

      In answer to your question: No, of course not (1 Corinthians 10:31). AM, on the other hand, tends to have religious programming and Newsmax which are both Godly and acceptable for Christian ears but beware NPR.
      I was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore,
      Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more;
      But the Master of the Sea heard my despairing cry,
      From the waters lifted me, now safe am I!


      • #4
        Re: Is it OK for Christians to listen to FM radio?

        It might be helpful is write down this list of 40 banned songs. Some of these were banned because of an anti-Christian message. You need not worry about those with "racial overtones." Those are approved by Landover Baptist but liberals want to decide what's best for us.

        Turn That Down! 40 Banned and Censored Songs - National Coalition Against Censorship (ncac.org)
        Isaiah 24:1-3 Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty (2)...as the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. (3) The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the LORD hath spoken his word.


        • #5
          Re: Is it OK for Christians to listen to FM radio?

          The button I pressed was on the steering wheel. I didn't even know it was there. Normally I listen to a station where they read out newspapers, such as : “Next we have page 8 from the 'Albuquerque Journal'” and they read that, then: “Gisbert will now read page 2 of ‘The Japan News’ (because they've built a nuclear reactor in a tidal wave zone and the predictable has happened)” which was interesting because the Japanese names combined with whatever chemistry takes place when an atomic generator explodes evidently are not well-suited to braille. So I enjoyed that, followed by “..page 16 of today's ‘Boston Herald’” by which time you've arrived wherever you were going and have material fresh in your mind should the conversation wane.
          Originally posted by Dennis Lukes View Post
          ..but beware NPR.
          I have occasionally heard excerpts from this. Are they all "on" something? It's like they look up all the most ridiculous words then string them together into even more ridiculous sentences (which do actually mean something but they never seem to compare that with their last sentence) very similar to what happens on or near Manhattan Beach but with different outcomes. Being generous, I'll assume there were different intentions but in either case intentions of any sort are a moot point – suggested by their willingness to complain later about what occurs next.

          Originally posted by Johny Joe Hold View Post
          It might be helpful is write down this list of 40 banned songs.
          Thank you.Amazing. That's not what I call music. Did watch most of them though, Nº 2 in particular struck me because someone seemed to have diamond teeth. Would that be correct? Diamonds are very hard so perhaps they help him to bite things. I was able to identify a heretic in another one so didn't watch that.

          Generally though there seems to be a trend for whining voices, the reedier the better, singing about topics I've never even heard of and expressing ideas that wouldn't occur to anyone outside a mental hospital. I'm taking the car in to have the buttons removed from the steering wheel because it's bad enough hearing that stuff as muzak in shops I don't it blaring out unexpectedly when driving.


          • #6
            Re: Is it OK for Christians to listen to FM radio?

            It's the white noise between the channels that we must beware of...so many times I've heard satan's silver tongue beckoning to me from the static, brutally and repeatedly penetrating the soggy depths of my ear hole....not good..get thee behind me, devil!


            • #7
              Re: Is it OK for Christians to listen to FM radio?

              Thank you very much for your comment.
              Originally posted by Witch Hammer View Post
              It's the white noise between the channels that we must beware of...so many times I've heard satan's silver tongue beckoning to me from the static, brutally and repeatedly penetrating the soggy depths of my ear hole....not good..get thee behind me, devil!

              WHITE LOZENGE (lakeside) Kyoto
              YELLOW SQUARE (bayside) Osaka

              There is something called Osaka Noise and also Kyoto Noise. Rebellious teenagers started going somewhere else, which could be anywhere really but usually nearby.

              In this case the Osakan rebellious teens jumped on a 300MPH train and zipped off to Kyoto, flipping the bird to parental values thereby. And obviously the same thing happened in Kyoto: now in each city mostly the noise "music" is performed by denizens of the other: Tokyo is not shown on my map but "Japanoise" is the genre to look for for examples, none of which I will be posting. Clearly humans obsessed with noise or static are demon possessed and Christians are certain to be targeted. Targeted by whom? Satan. Satan writes the lyrics for poetry masquerading as songs on the FM radio and as a result we see the best minds of our generation destroyed by madness.

              Apparently removing the buttons involves a completely new steering wheel. I'm thinking of reregistering a 1929 model to use pending delivery of steering wheel form wherever they're made. It needs a little work but is quite stylish in powder blue/navy two-tone and there's loads of room in the back seat (but no luggage carrying capacity other than a rack you could probably strap a trunk to) anyway it doesn't have a radio and if it did—one could probably be obtained—there was no FM in the '20s.

              Satan loses again.

