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  • #16
    Re: Looking for a True Christian™ Husband

    Originally posted by LittleMissV View Post
    It is hard to find a husband at my age
    At 20, what is so hard? Is that too young? Too old? I know lots of people marrying at 20.


    • #17
      Re: Looking for a True Christian™ Husband

      Originally posted by LittleMissV View Post
      Hello all,

      My name is Victoria, I am 20 and in dire need of a True Christian™ Husband to honor and serve in order to fulfill my purpose in this Earthly life. My last husband, an honorable older man named Edward, sadly passed away when we had only been married for two months, and due to some agerelated ailments this marriage had not been consummated, hence I am still pure!

      My hobbies are cooking, baking and cleaning. I take a lot of pride in keeping my Father's house spic and span, please see my Clean Kitchen award for reference. I make a mean apple crumb pie but also love making cheese cake and strawberry cream pies. Furthermore, I spend A LOT on my knees, as the Lord intended me to. Spirituality is such a blessing, I really feel utterly satisfied after a good session. What would we do without Prayer?

      I am deeply saddened that I have not yet been able to pop out a few soldiers for Christ and am more than willing to make up for it in a very timely manner. I know my place and take excellent direction.

      If interested, my Father is up for a hunting trip with any suitable True Christian™ gentleman.
      Praise God, when I saw your mention of hunting my heart skipped a beat.

      Your a bit older then an ideal birthing age but thats workable, how are your birthing hips?

      Where are my manners? I should introduce myself, my name is Zachary, I am a 39 years young man and I was immediately drawn to your posting, everything you mention speaks to my soul, I like having a clean kitchen and you like cleaning kitchens, you spend a lot of time on your knees for god and I like hunting (I would love to show you my gun), someone pinch me!

      Tell me dear sister in Christ, where are you located?
      2 Kings 2:23-24 - From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys.


      • #18
        Re: Looking for a True Christian™ Husband

        You seem sweet. Are you still active on this site? Where are you from? And how the heck do I post a pic of myself lol


        • #19
          Re: Looking for a True Christian™ Husband

          Originally posted by Jeremy. View Post
          You seem sweet. Are you still active on this site? Where are you from? And how the heck do I post a pic of myself lol

          Hello Jerkme,

          Instead of attempting to groom forum members please go and make an introductory post telling us all about yourself.


          Isaiah 66:15

          For behold, the Lord wil come with fire, and with his charets like a whirlewinde, to render his anger with furie, and his rebuke with flames of fire.


          • #20
            Re: Looking for a True Christian™ Husband

            Have you tried dating apps?


            • #21
              Re: Looking for a True Christian™ Husband

              Originally posted by ChildofG0d View Post
              Have you tried dating apps?
              You're seven years late on this one, so put your dick away.


              • #22
                Re: Looking for a True Christian™ Husband

                I suggest Plenty of Fish! It's a good place for lonely Christians


                • #23
                  Re: Looking for a True Christian™ Husband

                  Originally posted by ChildofG0d View Post
                  Have you tried dating apps?

                  Ladies who love Jesus will not prostitute themselves on sinful and inappropriate dating "apps." As anyone here will attest, I have always conducted myself with the highest standards of purity and virtue as I seek the Lord's will for my life. I remain unmarried and successful in business, which is not incompatible with the lifestyle of a virgin whose only desire is to please our Savior. When the Lord wants a man to come for me, He will send such a man to my door without my having to advertise like some cheap Las Vegas whore.

                  Naomi Ruth Lamb is a wealthy, physically attractive single woman with exceptional talents in every aspect of her life. A noted author, entrepreneur, and servant of the Living God, she remains single until the right handsome True Christian(TM) is woven into the tapestry of life by Jesus Himself. PM for details.
                  1 Samuel 8:13 "And he will take your daughters to be confectionaries, and to be cookes, and to be bakers."
                  Naomi Ruth Lamb, Proprietress:
                  Naomi's Moist Pie - Unsaved Unwelcome!
                  Locations in 50 States and Canada
                  !Voted Best Pie in Freehold!
                  Once you've tasted Naomi's pie, you'll crave it again and again and again and again.
                  Baptist pastors always receive a 50% discount.


                  • #24
                    Re: Looking for a True Christian™ Husband

                    Originally posted by ChildofG0d View Post
                    Have you tried dating apps?
                    Bless your heart! My father arranged my marriage with my former husband, and he will arrange my next (I'm a widow, you see, not one of those horrid divorced harlots who ran off with another man). You see, as a woman, I'm less intelligent then men (1 Peter 3:7) and are more tempted to err on judgement calls (1 Timothy 2:14), thus I'd never try to decide on such a decision. Besides, why put a profile online like some common whore? I've got more Christian dignity than that.
                    "Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands." Proverbs 14:1


                    • #25
                      Re: Looking for a True Christian™ Husband

                      Originally posted by Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson View Post
                      Bless your heart! My father arranged my marriage with my former husband, and he will arrange my next (I'm a widow, you see, not one of those horrid divorced harlots who ran off with another man). You see, as a woman, I'm less intelligent then men (1 Peter 3:7) and are more tempted to err on judgement calls (1 Timothy 2:14), thus I'd never try to decide on such a decision. Besides, why put a profile online like some common whore? I've got more Christian dignity than that.
                      Amen to that, Sister! Whenever I see ads for that "Christian Mingle" site, I always sorrow for the lack of faith of those who sign up. What's wrong with prayer? If Jesus wants you to have a spouse, He'll send you one.

                      I bet those weak (or possibly false altogether) Christians buy insurance and go to the doctor. Oh, yee of little faith!
                      His left hand should be under my head, and his right hand should embrace me.

                      Guns For God and the Economy


                      • #26
                        Re: Looking for a True Christian™ Husband

                        While I had an account with Christian Mingle(TM), I took it down after receiving replies from 30 and 50 year old Methodists and Presbyterians whose comments gnawed at my conscience. They were full of things like:

                        "My, what a handsome and intelligent young man you are. Let's piffle."

                        "I adore Jesus, but to be with an educated, intelligent, well built gnathologist is far more important to me than eternal life."

                        "I am a widow who is saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Ghost. I would love to be filled in other ways by a saintly stud like you."

                        As you can imagine, I was aghast. Granted, I am desirable, since it is obvious that I am a young, sturdy, well-built fellow with a noticeable bulge in my crisply starched and pressed trousers. My intelligence is widely known in this forum, not only as a certified equine gnathologist, but since I have passed a veterinary quiz and continue to successfully study creation science through the distance learning accelerated PhD program through Landover Baptist University. Not many can claim these qualities.

                        I tried again with Christian Tingle(R) and have met some intriguing ladies(?) but none of them seemed to appeal to my normal, manly needs. So I have remained celibate (of course) and chaste, spending much of my time with other Godly men, whose spiritual wisdom fills me completely and brings much satisfaction of the spirit.

                        I say these things so that as women, you do not wrongly condemn sites that are trying to bring Christians together to marry and raise soldiers for Christ. I will grant, however, that such sites can harbor questionable persons and should be undertaken with the greatest of spiritual discernment should one choose to utilize them.

                        Blessings, dear sisters. You are the pearls of this forum.

                        Proverbs 21:31 KJV 1611:
                        “The horse is prepared against the day of battell: but safetie is of the Lord.”

                        Lord, may I serve my equine brothers and sisters just as I do my fellow man.
                        Amen and Amen


                        • #27
                          Re: Looking for a True Christian™ Husband

                          Originally posted by BrotherLarry View Post
                          . . . I am desirable, since it is obvious that I am a young, sturdy, well-built fellow with a noticeable bulge in my crisply starched and pressed trousers. My intelligence is widely known in this forum, not only as a certified equine gnathologist, but since I have passed a veterinary quiz and continue to successfully study creation science through the distance learning accelerated PhD program through Landover Baptist University. Not many can claim these qualities.
                          A fine, modest ,True Christian(tm) fellow you are, BrotherLarry.

                          I say these things so that as women, you do not wrongly condemn sites that are trying to bring Christians together to marry and raise soldiers for Christ. I will grant, however, that such sites can harbor questionable persons and should be undertaken with the greatest of spiritual discernment should one choose to utilize them.
                          Far be it for me to challenge you, BrotherLarry, but I still find the mentality of such persons disquieting. Using a code-based technology to find one's head or helpmate brings a whiff of secularism to my ears.

                          I am reminded of an article that discussed Christian couples who had sought in vitro fertility assistance in bringing biologically-related babies into their marriage. Thousands of dollars were spent in these efforts. I remembered thinking, "Why did they not simply pray?" And "If God answered 'No', why did they resist His Will?"

                          Granted, the Lord had clearly blessed them with an abundant bank account so they could afford to make use of the technology. Still, Abraham did not resort to a fertility clinic. He had faith. And it was only his wife's foolish lack of discernment (not unlike Eve's) that pressed upon him the action of begetting an "heir" upon her maid servant. But such was not God's Plan. God wanted Abraham to have a son by his legal wife and God made it so.

                          Another aspect of the article troubled me as well. These couples often obtained multiple viable embryos from this process. Yet they chose only to have one implanted in the wife's vessel. The others remained frozen, causing a moral quandary regarding the state of their children's souls (as well it should.)

                          The response of these Christian couples was to seek out other believing couples who could not supply their own gametes and offer their frozen offspring for "adoption".

                          Again, I found myself with questions.

                          First, assuming that they sincerely believed that Jesus supported them in the use of secular technology to conceive a child, why did they not give thanks for His multiple blessings and raise their own children to give glory to God? Countless other Christians have conceived and raised as many children as God saw fit to give them. They had the money for the fertility treatments, but not to raise their own, biologically related offspring?

                          My second concern is the matter of the other couples' faith. Could the parents be absolutely certain that their children were going to be raised in a truly Godly household? People have been known to fall away from the Lord.

                          And infertile couples will often go to extreme lengths to have a child. The genetic parents were willing to abandon prayer and have the husband commit an oblique form of Onanism (granted, trying to conceive a child, not prevent one) to get what they wanted. Isn't it possible some people might intentionally misrepresent themselves to get what they wanted? Look at the trick Laban played on Jacob.

                          Forgive me, BrotherLarry, for being verbose and straying off topic. But there is so much hypocrisy among those who style themselves as Bible Believers, it is a never ending effort to clarify the Truth(tm) as expressly delivered in God's Holy Word.

                          Blessings, dear sisters. You are the pearls of this forum.


                          Together we make a string of pearls to praise the Lord and serve our Brothers in Christ.
                          His left hand should be under my head, and his right hand should embrace me.

                          Guns For God and the Economy


                          • #28
                            Re: Looking for a True Christian™ Husband

                            Dear Sister Handmaiden,

                            I have often felt that God wrote this expressly for females:

                            "Be STILL, and know that I am GOD..." Psalm 46:10

                            You are completely correct that prayer is the answer to life's many predicaments and problems:

                            "Hear my prayer, O LORD, listen to my cry for help." –Psalm 39:12
                            "Lord, teach us to pray." –Luke 11:1
                            "After Jesus said this, He looked toward heaven and prayed." –John 17:1
                            "They all joined together constantly in prayer." –Acts 1:14
                            "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests." –Ephesians 6:18
                            "Pray without ceasing." -1 Thessalonians 5:17

                            I would like to point out, however, that God has more pressing issues (protecting our President and Pastor Ezekiel, helping me with my PhD program, and making sure Little House on the Prairie continues in syndication for years) than worrying over whether someone has a date for the church social. This is not to say He doesn't care. He does! (1 Peter 5:7)

                            I do not think God frowns upon us because we utilize technology, after all, we are using it in this forum even now. I do think He frowns upon those who would prostitute themselves and advertise their need for a mate without giving Him the glory and honor should such a mate be discovered in this way. I for one would never stoop so low as to beg for a help meet; I have complete faith that GOD will bless me with a strong, muscular mate with military experience - perhaps someone whose prior spouse was taken by violent means - and, er - um - that SHE will be a pure and wholesome vessel for the Spirit of the Lord. Um, well, I need to go since Tommy is thirsty.

                            Have an incredible Lord's Day!
                            Proverbs 21:31 KJV 1611:
                            “The horse is prepared against the day of battell: but safetie is of the Lord.”

                            Lord, may I serve my equine brothers and sisters just as I do my fellow man.
                            Amen and Amen


                            • #29
                              Re: Looking for a True Christian™ Husband

                              BrotherLarry, of course we use technology on this forum to serve and glorify God! We're not like those faithless Amish, after all! They have so little regard for their own tenets that they won't even come here to defend them.

                              My concern is when we depend on technology instead of faith to solve our problems and discern God's Will in our lives.

                              Praying to Jesus for a spouse and driving a car to church makes sense. We don't expect the Lord to lift us up in a puff of air and deliver us to the church doorstep, after all. (Not that He couldn't, of course.)

                              Once at church, if we meet the right one, it's clearly God's will. But "shopping" for a spouse on a dating site? Does God need a website to work His Will? Yes, we need this website to work His Will, but He doesn't.

                              With Real Faith(c) one could write a letter, drop it out a second story window, and know that the Lord could get it to your future spouse, if He Wills. Somehow or other, Christian dating sites feel like a different thing to me. For one thing, the parents aren't overseeing the matter, which is always a concern.

                              God brought Rachel before Jacob and she was pleasing to him. But Jacob went through Laban and worked to cover her bride price. Then Laban pulled the old switcheroo on him with cow-eyed Leah. How much more scope for deceit exists on a dating website which may not be specifically be blessed by the Lord?

                              I trust this website and have total faith that God is at work among us. Just the fact that Jesus led me here tells me that. If God wants me to find a True Christian(tm) husband here, so be it. If God wants me to be single and dried up like a raisin instead, I will submit to His Will and give thanks for my shriveled up state.

                              God needs neither an algorithm nor a petri dish to further His Purpose.
                              His left hand should be under my head, and his right hand should embrace me.

                              Guns For God and the Economy


                              • #30
                                Re: Looking for a True Christian™ Husband

                                Whatever happened to the good old days where you would court someone at a sock hop and offer to engage them before "dating"? Honestly though, good freehold women would never whore themselves out on a dating app.

